Brain Farts Can Effect Your Writing
Yes they can! I don't call it writers block, I call it brain farts... little lapses in the mind that when you have what you think is a great idea... turns to gas and is gone in a puff. I see many people often complaining about what they call writers block. Well you have to be a writer to have writers block, I'm no writer. I'm more of a teller of stories, which isn't exactly being a writer. I do write, but I'm still not a writer... if you are finding that hard to understand, I don't blame you.
Getting back to what some call writers block, do you know I have seen people write a whole post on not having anything to write about? They ramble on for a few hundred words, telling us they have absolutely nothing to write about, they apparently just write The End, when they get tired, and have just written a complete post!
I don't know about any of you, but my best ideas come at the time of night you just have crawled into bed, get all snuggled up and warm and cozy, and your brain says, "nope, not tired enough yet, I have things to think about"! So there you lay, and your brain is working on overtime. You have to get up early the next morning, yet your brain wants to write a complete novel.
So there I am in bed, ideas just rushing through my head, and I finally drift off to sleep. I wake up the next morning all happy because I know my brain was working much longer than I, and yet... NOTHING! I can't remember a single,solitary thing my brain came up with. BRAIN FART! AGAIN!
I once told a friend about this, they suggested I take a notebook and pen to bed with me, and when my brain starts percolating, start jotting things down.
Well I tried that, apparently my brain didn't like the idea of me stealing its ideas and so shut down temporarily. Not one single word did I write. Not only that, it seems my brain had decided to punish me, and gave me a headache for my troubles. I bet you didn'tt think, that thinking can give you a headache... I'm living proof of it, that's my story and I'm sticking to it!
When it comes to solving the mystery of writers block, there seems to be an array of experts on the subject, but then there seems to be "experts" on any subject nowadays. Everything from meditation, rest, take a vacation, to mumbo jumbo. Me, I don't pay it no mind, I just wait it out, because I know eventually my brain is going to give in and give me just enough snippets of information to write a little something.
In the meantime, I find my solice in music. I put on some favorites and drift away wherever the music takes me, today, it's taking me to the roof, come join me if you like! The view is A-m-a-z-i-n-g!
Drop in again, you're always welcome!
Just like my brain seems to hate taking all at a time so I give it time. Most contents I wrote didn't come all at once.
I've always written my posts as I think of them, I've never written one and kept rewriting and rewriting, I like the "spur of the moment" when I write.