The feared wizard

in #writing6 years ago

He was known as a wizard.

This man.

Who moved on from a College in Benin city, Nigeria on a full grant.

A grant granted to him by a local specialist.

It so happened that this local specialist was dreaded by just for his forces.

Furthermore, whatever he requested as forfeit was speedily given to him.

Dairy animals, goats, sheep, venison, chicken, palm oil, palm wine, yams, corn, rice, beans, salt, sugar, drain, eggs, white dress material and the rundown continued forever.

The local specialist would butcher, cook and take the readied dinners for the divine beings and place them at a specific 4 - way road intersection in the city as asked by the divine beings.

They called the forfeit - Izobo.

Also, the general population of Benin knew it was from this specific local specialist since it had his trademark white fabric with cowrie shells sewn into it put on the ground underneath it.

No other local specialist challenged put theirs at that intersection.

Furthermore, nobody else could coordinate the bundling of this scandalous local specialist.

Unnerving indications set at the dead of the night that individuals dreaded as they observed it amid the day.

It was feared to the point that even the crazy people that watched the city didn't approach it.

So it sat there all during that time so the divine beings could profoundly eat it, and the local specialist would supplant it with another new forfeit paid for by some other disturbed soul.

One night.

The local specialist landed to change the forfeit to discover it eaten.

The stoneware pots were wiped clean.

He was grieved and irate.

For he knew the divine beings had not eaten the nourishment.

So he started to stalk the penances.

He would sit a remote place off in one of the empty slows down in the close-by market and watch the forfeit.

Nothing occurred for a considerable length of time.

What's more, the night he didn't come to watch, the following morning when he came to supplant the forfeit, he found the pot wiped clean.

He was angered.

The following night he came back to stalking.

Also, nothing happened to the forfeit.

When he missed his gatekeeper obligations he would discover the pots wiped clean when he came to supplant them.

So he changed his position.

It was a stealth move.

A considerable measure of fakes.

Be that as it may, nothing occurred.

At that point one day he dressed clearly like ordinary individuals rather than his startling profound local formal attire.

Absolutely unnoticeable.

What's more, he went to the market before amid the day.

He took up position in the abandoned store while the market hummed around him.

What's more, when the market had faded away and turned out to be left.

He opened the entryway and viewed the intersection.

Murkiness embraced the intersection in shadows.

When it was past three toward the beginning of the day and rest pulled at him in a vain battle.

He saw a shadow drop down from an adjacent tree.

It crawled to the intersection.

Sat down before the sustenance filled pots as a man when sit to eat the feast served him by his significant other.

What's more, continue to pummel each piece and lump of sustenance.

Drink up each fluid.

What's more, lick clean the pots.

He left the store and strolled as quietly as he could over the street towards the shadow.

It didn't see him approach as the nourishment held prisoner its consideration.

Once there he jumped on the shadow and seized an it.


It solidified underneath his hands.

The local specialist looked down at it.

What's more, according to a kid thought back up at him.

He surveyed the kid for a minute, at that point whispered to him in a Benin dialect .

"So you are the one that has been coming here to eat the nourishment of the divine beings?"

The kid reacted with a voice that trembled with fear.

The local specialist proceeded.

"For what reason would you do such?"

The kid kept gazing toward him.


What's more, the local specialist snarled at him.

"Answer me!"

The kid reacted in a similar dialect .

In a voice delicate and minor.

"I was ravenous, sir."

"You were ravenous? Don't you have a home to eat, that you will ascend a tree and sit tight for the drift to clear for you to take the sustenance of the divine beings?"

"I don't have a home, sir."

"You don't have a home?"

"Truly, sir. My dad drove me out on the grounds that my stepmother said I am a wizard."

"Is it accurate to say that you are a wizard?"

"I don't have the foggiest idea, sir."

"By what means can you not know whether you are not a wizard?"

"Since I don't do every one of the things she said I do, however I can accomplish something unique that makes me not know whether I am a wizard or not."

"What is that?"

"I can eat the nourishment of the divine beings, sir."

The local specialist remained there looking down at him.


At that point he whispered again in an even spooky tone.

"Indeed, even wizards fear the nourishment I set down here for the divine beings."

"At that point perhaps I am more ground-breaking than wizards, sir."

"You little rodent. The divine beings can devastate you at any minute for taking their nourishment."

"Why have they not wrecked me, sir?"

"Since they are having compassion for you."

"Or on the other hand possibly they don't have the ability to wreck me, sir."

"Would you quiets down your mouth. Don't you know I's identity?"

The kid gestured.

"Furthermore, you are not perplexed of me?"

"I am a smidgen, sir."

"A smidgen?"

"Truly, sir. I was a great deal previously, similar to each other individual in Benin, however the craving was excessively and I was worn out on living. I had no place to remain and individuals in my general vicinity consider me a wizard when they see me. They toss stones at me as they pursue me away. I was burnt out on running and evading and needed to bite the dust. So I chose to eat the Izobo(sacrifice implied for the divine beings) you keep here and kick the bucket. In any case, when I ate it and held up to kick the bucket, nothing occurred. Also, I saw you glancing around for who ate the Izobo. You didn't know and on the grounds that you didn't know when I figured you would know in a split second since everybody said you were so great, I chose that perhaps I was extremely a wizard and you were not as intense as you guarantee you may be."

"I am not as ground-breaking as I guarantee I am?"

He asked in dismay.

"On the off chance that you are, sir, you ought to have known it was me. I watched you stowing away to get me like a conventional man."

"However, haven't I gotten you now?"

"Truly, sir, but since you deceived me, not on the grounds that you have any profound power."

The local specialist let go of the kid's shirt.

The kid held up.

No hint of dread.

He proceeded.

"I tailed you to your place of worship. I watched you offer the things individuals conveyed to you for forfeit. I saw that you have ladies come to see you in the night when everybody conceives that you don't contact ladies."

"You were tailing me?"

The kid gestured.

The local specialist gazed at him.

An armistice.


"In the first place, sir, since I was anxious about the possibility that that you would accomplish something to me, besides in light of the fact that I wound up inquisitive, and ultimately on the grounds that I realized that one day you will get me and I will require something to deal with you."

"Deal with me?"

"Indeed, sir. On the off chance that individuals realize that I eat your penances and nothing transpires, what will they think about your forces?"

The local specialist fell quiet.

His eyelids diminished until simply the white of his eyes were noticeable.

His face ended up like a figure of deformity as the evening glow hit him.

"Imagine a scenario in which I murder you ideal here.

"For what reason will you murder me, sir, on the off chance that you can utilize me."

"Utilize you?"

"Indeed, sir."


"I can be your disciple and help you deal with your home and your sanctuary, sir. Individuals will hear that you have a wizard preparing under you and it will make you considerably more dreaded."

The local specialist took a gander at him for some time.

The kid kept up eye to eye connection.

At long last, the local specialist talked.

"How old would you say you are?"

"Eleven years of age, sir."

"Eleven years of age and you are as of now a hoodlum?"

"Not a law breaker, sir. As a matter of fact, I am whatever is more great than a wizard. You require my forces, sir."

The local specialist grinned out of the blue that morning.

"Would you like to go to class?"

"Truly, sir. That is the thing that I need to do. I need to go to Edo College."

"Fine. Did you do standard six?"

"Truly, sir. I passed. My dad doesn't have cash and I was learning carpentry under him before he showed me out."

"You will get back home with me, I will motivate you to compose the exams for Edo College, in the event that you pass then I will pay for you to go there. Amid occasions you can enable me to out in the holy place and realize what I know. Is that alright?"

The kid was radiating.

"Indeed, sir."

Time tick-tocked.

The kid passed the exams.

Completed at Edo school .

While there, he was the main understudy to compose - Other - under religion.

He went ahead to the University of Ibadan, Nigeria

Graduated with a degree in Civil Engineering.

Got hitched to a delightful lady

Had four children.

What's more, resigned as a perpetual secretary of one of the Federal services in Nigeria.

His children knew the local specialist as their granddad.

What's more, until my granddad, who disclosed to me this story passed on, at whatever point this man went to our home, he would dependably call him, with his eyes twinkling with the flames of wickedness.

"The wizard!"

Also, the man would react.


At that point they would giggle.

Also, embrace.

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