Negative thoughts that do not benefit you at work

in #writing6 years ago
The work area is one of the most important in the life of most people; not only as a means of providing money, but as a source of personal fulfillment.

In my work as a coach, I have seen attitudes that affect both the job performance and the emotional and physical health of the person; and at all levels, managers, supervisors, collaborators ...

Attitudes are based on thoughts and beliefs; I invite you to review them with the greatest sincerity possible, with the idea of increasing your well-being.


Beliefs and thoughts that do not help you:

I can not trust anyone, neither in the bosses nor in the colleagues or collaborators.

All entrepreneurs are exploiters and bad people.

For what they pay me, they can not ask me to do my job.

I am not willing to give but the least possible; if not, abuse me.

I can not be fired, so I do what I want.

I do not have to be nice, polite, or good manners at work.

If my colleagues do not comply, why do I have to comply?

I do my thing, the final product or what others need, I do not care.

If a boss treats me badly, I have to keep quiet or take revenge on others.

Transform negative thoughts and that will help you release unfavorable emotions. The thoughts and attitudes depend on you.

You can tell yourself: today I give the best of me, for me and for me. I will not let others or the environment knock me down; I focus on my work and I do it well. I do not waste my time or my energy on bad comments or rumors. I keep positive. If I'm still in this job, it's because I still have something to learn for the evolution of my soul. I value myself, that's why I'm looking to do things well. I feel good about myself when I leave a good energy in everything I do. I do it for me.

Ask yourself: what is my share of responsibility for what is happening in my work environment? Am I communicating in the best way, with respect and assertiveness? Am I sure what they expect from me as part of a work team? What do I want to be doing / living / enjoying in a couple of years or in five years? Am I preparing today for that? Am I planting today for what I want in the future?

Remember that as children of God, we are not simply victims of others or the situation of the country; we are co-creators of our reality. The main engines of creation are thought, emotion and the word. As a Venezuelan, I ask you from the heart to take care of what you think and say daily about the country; and that you look for the way to contribute, first raising your own energy and your own spirit. Remember that we are energy and you contribute to the collective energy.

El TRAIL de SalvadorDali te ha apoyado con 0.07

It is reality, it is part of our way of acting, optimistic and always willing, that we show when looking for work abroad always willing. The attitude is always the best image that gives the result of our work, particularly my work I have always loved and despite the circumstances I do it with my heart and in love with my profession.

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