Sick of Always Being Angry

in #writing7 years ago

** I'm sick of always being angry**, angry at myself most often, angry at the government, angry at people. I made a few really big mistakes in my life that follow me around like a cloud, dampening life into dullness, and making me wish for a time machine. I never get up on time or go to sleep on time, or accomplish half of the things I want to do in a day. When I make dumb mistakes I get filled with a rage directed at myself that is completely unhealthy and even though I know it doesn't do me any good I still let it happen. Over this last week after my latest blunder in life I decided to start making an effort to change this, by trying to stop hating myself when I screw up and instead redirecting all that energy into figuring out what can I do right now to make it better. Whenever I have managed to shift focus from what I should of done to what can I do next, it seems to help me a lot. But it definitely takes a serious conscious effort for me to do this instead of wasting time being angry and regretful. I'm hoping that the more I manage to do this redirection successfully it will become second nature and some of the anger in my life will dissipate. I also am trying to remind myself of all the things I am so grateful for in my life, because it could be so much worse. There are times it's okay to be angry, but being angry at yourself constantly is pointless. My ex-wife says I'm going to be dead in a few years from all the stress I put myself under for no reason at all. Everything usually works itself out in the end and although things might seem bleak from time to time I need to remember that when your at rock bottom there is no where to go but up. Thanks for reading my rambling and have a wonderful day.


I hear you! I feel you! I've been there!

Learn to breathe deeply and find joy in the little moments of presence.

Thinking about the future connects us to the past... sometimes we have to just take moments and discoveries...

But rambling does help, too ;)


Thank you for the words of encouragement, I'm glad somebody read my ramblings.

Anytime my friend. Have a stress free weekend. )

Be disciplined today and set some type of goal(s) for yourself and make sure you get that done. Your goal doesn't have to be huge or difficult. It could be as simple as getting up on time or preparing to go to sleep on time. Accomplish smaller goals and develop them into good habits and move on from there. You are the manager of your own affairs. Only you can create your own successes or failures. Focus on the successes and I am positive you will have huge rewards, on both a daily basis and across a lifetime. Best to you my friend. This is a new year and a new start for you.

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