Purple Lotus of the orient. - Saturday Morning Fiction

in #writing8 years ago

Third chapter of the story.
Audio at the bottom.

First chapter

Second Chapter

Chapter {3}
{The Motherland Will Take You}
The wild landscape of rural China flashes left to right through a small opening inside a metallic shipping container. The darkness of the night covers absolutely everything, only the moonlight shines high above the sky.
The moving train is cruising at a steady speed of 66 kilometers per hour. Lian is sitting in a dark corner of the metallic container, she’s all covered in bright red blood. Her small hands firmly hold her face, she’s sobbing like a child.
Reminiscent childhood memories.
It’s “Déjà vu” all over again, she hasn’t cried like this since she left her piss-poor village so many years ago. Something unexplainable and terrible has just happened. Her perfectly small and stable universe is now destroyed once again. It’s all been shattered in to small little pieces of nothing. Lian is now homeless and she doesn’t understand why.
All she knows is that, she’s alive.
A magical and hypnotizing song is being played in the background, it’s the screeching sounds of the metallic rusty wheels. It’s a chaotic symphony of old metal and sparkles. The train is cruising at high speed through the endless green mountains. The destination is north, it’s heading towards Mongolia.
Shrouded by the mantle of the night, Lian managed to sneak in to a shipping container on a cargo train. Her one and only hope, the Trans Manchurian railroad. Her escape out of hell.
She’s purposely fleeing the country, she knows that there is no place in China where she can hide. The long slippery tentacles of Mr. Han’s associates have endless reach. Her only possible salvation is to leave this evil and wretched place.
Forever, never to come back. Never to remember.
Just as she left her piss-poor village many years ago, now she’s leaving this country the same way. Lian continues sobbing in the corner where she sits. The moonlight shines bright on her face, tears keep pouring down her cheeks.
Salty remembrance of possible happiness.
In the distance next to the rail tracks, some mysterious shadows lurk in the wilderness. It’s just people hiding right below the grass, waiting for the right moment to dangerously jump onto the speeding train.
It’s a mad dash to freedom, or perhaps to certain death.
Surprisingly to Lian, she is not the only illegal passenger on this ride. It’s actually quite common for vagrants and fugitives to hop on moving trains. Dirty and scary looking people, but friendly indeed. Fate might have some majestic plans for Lian, it’s all yet to be seen.
In the darkness inside the metallic container, a dim light from a lighter is slowly approaching helpless Lian. It’s a young looking vagabond, all he wants is to ask her a question.
“Why are you crying?” He says with a low and quiet voice.
She’s covering her face with her delicate hands, she can’t stop her uncontrollable sobbing. Regret and sadness is tearing her up from the inside. She’s committed a terrible crime, yet she cannot talk about it. From this point on, the details are a secret never to be told, never to be spoken again.
She will start a new fruitful life somewhere in Mongolia, perhaps Lian is truly a lucky girl. She might find a kind husband that will make her happy and full of joy. Anything is better than this shitty endless torment. She’s only known evil and sorrow since the day she was born in this wretched and unjust country.
“Who are you?’ Lian says with her angelical and innocent voice. Her charming green eyes look attentively at the man.
The moonlight shines on the strangers face, he’s a young and handsome blonde man. Lian is shaken and surprised by the discovery. What’s this crazy foreigner doing here? The vagrants will eat him alive! Perhaps the man is the dangerous one.
He attentively looks at her and responds in fluent Mandarin. “I’m just a traveler, don’t be afraid.” He slowly kneels down and puts his hands on her shoulders.
“Why are you crying? Maybe you need some help?” He says.
Lian is still shocked and stupefied at how handsome the young man is, perhaps it’s her lucky day after all. She stops her sobbing and then she tries to clean her face a little bit. She’s carrying nothing with her, no bag, no money, not even a coat. She was forced to escape Mr. Han’s residence in a rush.
Her clothes are all dirty and covered in blood, she wonders if the man can notice her shabby appearance in the darkness.
“I have some food, and water in my backpack. Let’s eat some” The man says as he sits next to Lian on the cold floor of the metallic crate.
“My name is Yaroslav, nice to meet you”. He says as he handsomely smiles.
Lian feels something extraordinary, she feels a strange warm feeling inside her stomach. She’s never felt this before, it’s like a fuzzy warm feeling of green tea going down her throat in to her belly. She just cannot explain what this is. This warm green tea runs down her belly and straight in-between her legs.
The lustful tea is dripping down her panties.
Lian is now all wet and aroused for no reason. Her pale cheeks are blushing, her face is now fiery red. She’s feeling all shy in front of this stranger. Perhaps it is destiny that has brought them together in the strangest of circumstances.
Lian’s a free woman, ready to fearlessly embrace this new path in to the unknown. In to a new beginning, not by choice but by mistake.
She smiles at him, he smiles back.
Yaroslav is now pouring some water in a cup, and then he gives it to her. She slowly sips it, and it seems that it’s making her feel better. Next a plastic-box full of food along with a fork and a knife. Lian the homeless picnic princess.
“Please eat, you’ll definitely like it.” He says while munching down some dumplings. “I’ve always liked the food in your country, especially sweet-sour pork ribs, my favorite!”
Lian is quietly enjoying her food, she’s eating everything very delicately like a proper lady. How unfortunate that in reality she was just a servant, she really doesn’t need to mention this to him. It’s now a shameful secret.
She wants to be a princess, just for him.
“Thank you, I feel so much better after eating.” Lian says as she tries to awkwardly smile, salty tears still run on her cheeks. Salty painful memories.
The dark and cold nights in the mountains, occasionally reach freezing temperatures, today’s one of those nights. Lian has stopped sobbing, but now in turn she has started shivering. Fortunately for her, Yaroslav is a seasoned traveler and he’s well packed for any kind of weather. Indeed he’s the master vagrant, this is just another adventure in his exiting life.
“Look I have a thick blanket in my bag, you can cover yourself in it.“ Yaroslav says while sitting closer to Lian.
“If we sit like this, we’ll be warmer.” He says as he tries to put himself in a comfortable position on the hard metallic floor. Innocent blonde.
Lian is wet like a whore, she can’t control her body any longer. She is blushing and she doesn’t know why, or does she? It could be the warm blanket on her shoulder, or perhaps the fragrant smell of the stranger. He smells a little bit like wild grass, maybe he’s a flower merchant.
Lian’s heart is beating strong and loud, her whole body is out of balance. A couple hours ago she was dashing and running like a madman out of Mr. Han’s house. Now she’s in bed with a stranger.
Most likely it’s just remnants of adrenaline, still pumping through her veins. The wild and uncontrollable excitement, after killing a man with your bare hands. It’s an indescribable experience, maybe that’s just it. This is the reason, why Lian is so shaken and strangely exited.
Or is it? Perhaps not. She’s just a horny farm girl.
Yaroslav is now holding Lian in his big and strong arms, they are both warmly embracing each other like lovers. She feels protected and treasured for the first time in her life. It’s strange that she’s not afraid at all. Something has changed deep inside of her, and she doesn’t understand what.
Then, what does she really know?
A perplexing question.
It doesn’t really matter. They both sleep for now, they embrace beautiful freedom in each other’s arms. The train unexpectedly shakes sometimes as it moves along the tracks, interrupting their sleep from time to time.
It’s six in the morning, the train has crossed the border and it’s now moving through Mongolia. Lian and Yaroslav are fast asleep, warmly cuddling in the darkness. She’s dreaming about her village and the rice fields where she grew up. A pleasant smile is on her face, perhaps nostalgia or even worse.
Relentless melancholy.
Maybe she’s just imagining Yaroslav naked, she’s princess horny now. Her thoughts are a secret and she’s a mystery herself.
A muffled noise starts to become louder and louder, it’s Yaroslav’s alarm clock. It signals the time for the jump before the train arrives at the station. All the illegal passengers have to swiftly get off the moving train. Or else, rough and angry policemen with iron sticks will cordially welcome them at the station. A free portion of brutal violence is what awaits them.
“Wake up, we have to get off!” He says as he slowly and gently shakes Lian a little bit.
She slowly opens her enchanting green eyes. They shine bright like two emeralds.
Yaroslav is gently holding her hand.
“Grab me firmly and don’t let go” He says.
The train is moving at a steady speed of 66 kilometers per hour, landing on the rough and irregular terrain will not be soft at all. They’ll both get some bruises and a couple scratches if lucky, unluckily they’ll break something. This is the life of two travelling vagrants.
This is Lian, and who she has become.
It’s time, to meet destiny.
They both stand at the edge of the metallic container. The train is moving, and the only way for them is forward. Off the edge and in to a rough landing. The grass and weeds might cushion their fall. A sharp rock will rupture their skin and break their bones. It’s all in the hands of god now.
Lian is an atheist, she’s never believed in anything, but she might just become a believer.
Right about now.
One, Two, Three.
They jump high in to the air. Everything is moving in slow motion. This is a brilliant moment of peace and nothingness. Lian feels as if she was magically suspended in air, eternally still. As if this moment was being shot with a high-speed camera at 250 frames per second. Blissful eternity within a second in time.
Lian smiles, she’s free in this instant.
This is her unique moment.
Her one and only moment of perfection.
The only one she’ll ever have.
Lian violently lands with her left foot, her unfortunate ankle cracks open. Blood burst out like a fountain, the weeds and grass turn watery-red. She then rolls a couple meters on the ground and abruptly hits her head on a rock. Her vision is weak and blurry, suddenly it’s all blackness. Her body is numb and sore, she doesn’t feel anything.
The vagrant princess now lies helpless and unconscious on the ground. Her delicate young body was never meant for this misfortune.
The rough floor has been rough on her.
She’s now eternally still.
All by her own hand.

Chapter {4}
{The Blissful Resolution}
There is darkness and then there is light. A very familiar sound in the background repeatedly makes an annoying noise. It goes…
Beep, Beep, Beep.
It’s not a watch, it’s just an old vital signs monitor. Lian’s heartbeat is being monitored by this device. She lies unconscious in bed, she’s presumably in a hospital. Or perhaps somewhere else, maybe prison.
Beep, Beep, Beep.
A nurse comes in to the room, she’s checking that everything is safe and sound, and that Lian is still alive.
“Poor girl, she’s in a comma.” The nurse says. “It’s very unlikely that she’ll ever recover.”
The nurse checks her vitals and then leaves the room.
Lian’s heartbeat is at a steady 55 beats per minute. She restfully sleeps like a princess. She breathes in and out in unison, very exactly like a Swiss clock. She’s now become a mindless shell that eternally sleeps.
The wooden purple door in the room slowly opens. Two men in black suits cautiously come in. They are wearing black shades, they look exactly like two characters out of a spy film. They both look too suspicious for their own good.
“Close those filthy curtains” A man says. “Then go outside and guard the door.”
Lian peacefully lies frozen on her beautiful bed, her motionless body is completely still in time. Her face is entirely without an expression, without emotions, she’s dead. The center of her face lies in one spot. Her incredibly bright red lips, they are lustfully yearning for a kiss. A merciful death wish.
One last kiss, just one.
The suspicious and solitary man is inside the room, he’s comfortably sitting next to the bed. He wants something, he’s reaching inside his coat.
He pulls out a black gun with a silencer.
“Did you think, we wouldn’t find you?” He says with an evil grin. “Madam Han sends her cordial greetings.
The man carefully spins the silencer in to position, making sure that it’s correctly placed. A gunshot inside this small little room, will not go unnoticed.
He then places the gun exactly on her forehead, the cold metal touches her soft skin. This is, the moment before the moment. Before he commits cold-blooded murder.
“Such a pity, you are pretty village girl.”
The man points the gun at her chest, he playfully brushes it against her breasts. Her nipples are surprisingly getting hard.
She’s now the horny dead princess.
“Perhaps just one little peek before I send you to heaven?” He says while deviously smiling and laughing.
“How do I take off this damn hospital robe anyways?” He mumbles as he places the gun on the bed next to her feet.
His hand slowly moves on top of her chest as he firmly grabs her tender breasts. He’s surprised at how firm they are, he hasn’t touched anything like this in a long time. A succulent delicacy for this hungry beast, he’s almost drooling over them.
“Temptingly delicious youth.” He mumbles.
Suddenly and unexpectedly the man is feeling dizzy, his hands are shacking. He can’t keep his face straight, his vision is becoming blurry. Something is dripping, he feels a needlelike pain in his lower back.
It’s his favorite black pen, it’s sticking out of his back. How did this happen? The pen was in his pocket two minutes ago. He’s been stabbed right in the kidneys, a continuous flow of blood is coming out. His white shirt has got all stained, a patterned red flower is now permanently imprinted on his shirt.
“You! What did you do?” The man says as he suddenly collapses on the floor unconscious.
The devious man lies motionless on the floor with his eyes and mouth open. His black pupils are fully dilated, he slowly breaths his last moments until it finally stops all together. A clumsy dead assassin on the cold floor.
Lian is sitting on the bed, her left hand is soaked in thick blood. Her enchanting green eyes are wide open, she’s staring blank in to the ceiling. She raises her hand, right in front of her face. Drops of blood drip on the white sheets. Her hand is strangely still, for some reason.
She’s not scared anymore.
The farmer girl from the piss-poor village has now become something else. She’s free at last, free from bondage. Free by choice.
“I’m Lian the Purple Lotus” She says. “I shall be eternal.”
Perhaps the comma has permanently damaged her brain, or maybe it was the fall from the train. It could even be that she’s in shock. All she knows is that she doesn’t know anything.
Blissful and priceless wisdom.
The view outside the window is quite peaceful. The pure blue sky spreads as far as the horizon, not even one cloud can be seen. The lush green mountains full of vegetation playfully sit under the majestic blue sky. This place must be somewhere in the province, there’s hardly anything but trees.
Lian grabs the gun on the bed, she firmly holds it with her right hand. She gets close to the window and looks down, this is the second floor. Escape is possible, she’s not very keen on jumping again but perhaps she can climb down.
The window is open, Lian is ready.
Her black hair magically dances as the cold fresh breeze comes in through the window. The bright blue sky vividly reflects on Lian’s mesmerizing green eyes. She’s ready to be free, to start a new life.
She’s ready to forget the past, forever.
She’s the purple lotus and she’s free.

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Everyone wants to be free


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