in #writing7 years ago (edited)

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Asalam Alaiykum Waramotullahi Wabarakatu. In the name of Allah the beneficent the merciful, with Him do we seek for assistance, all praise belongs to Allah,we

praise Him,seek His assistance and forgiveness. we also seek Allah's refuge from evils of our guides and from the misdemeanor of our deeds. whoever Allah guides

aright, there is none to lead him astray and whoever He leads astray, there is non to lead him aright. i bear witness that there is no god except Allah and i also bear

witness that Muhammad S.A.W, is His servant and messenger, Allah's abundance peace and blessings be on him, his family and companions, amin.

Brothers and Sisters, another day has passed by and like Rumi once said 'Every moment a part of you is perishing...and every moment you are relinquishing a part

of your life' because as the day keeps changing it garment, Death, the most certain of all truth and a great sigh of the Day of Judgement, when all will be invain but

our good deeds wont, awaits us in ambush as we are moving closer to our graves. Allah says [Rahman 56:26] 'All thats on earth will perish', He also says[Anbiya

21;35] 'Every soul shall have a taste of death', all of this is certain but what isnt certain is our death-day, now and the questions to ask ourselves are;how are you

making every seconds count in the preparation of your final breathe? Do you remember your lord? What to you do in the remembrance of Allah?

Many of us are living in this temporal world with so much confidence, beliving we have unlimited breathe, doing all that He forbids, then consoling ourselves that

we will change in due time, 'at least lemme enjoy life small na' but what assurance do you have to last the next minute? Everyday we comfort the possibilty of death

[l.e. illness, disasters, unforseen circumstance] yet because of our carefree attitude,we turn blind eyes and deaf eyes to the signs and divine secret of the last breath,

wasting our time on vanity forgetting [or choose to forget] that a day is coming when the sound of the trumphet willl be heard and the the angel of death will wrap

all layers of the soul, hmm how peaceful will it be for you to pronounce the testimony of faith[Shahadah], what will be the feeling? Joy to reunite with the Divine,

Allah Almight? or the other way round? a day is coming when all will stand in the presence of the Most High and He will ask 'when i was with you, who were you


The preparation for the final breathe begins from the day we were born, no creation was without a cause, and the cause of human creation is to attain happiness in

the hereafter by worshipping Allah as He should be worshipped while we are on earth,Allah created the universe and all in it, decorating it with many attractions,

but never allow these wordly attractions to get in the way of your faith, discipline your soul, but theres no other way to do this than to follow the words of Allah[THe

glories Quran] with ultimate submission, commitment and obidence to Him and HIs Messenger[S.A.W}. Seek His forgiveness,mercy and grace always, evidence are

in the Holy book, of saints in the morning but sinners at the last hour, may that not be our portion, it isnt too late to heed to the call of Allah, live a pious life, die now

before death comes, so that when you wake up to reality, it will be that youve resurrected to unite in His Divine presence as He has warned us[Al-Imram 3;102] 'O

ye who believe! fear Allah as He should be feared and die not except in a state of Islam'

'May Allah bless us with a death which takes place in a state of belief, with the pronouncing of kalim-i tawhid and may our last breath be the beginning of our

eternal reunion with the Beloved', Ameen. All praises to Allah, on mistakes on my side, please forgive me, from a servant of Allah, seeking her Lord's forgiveness,

Raimat bint Sakirudeen, i said Asalam Alaiykum waramotulahi Wabarakatu...


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