The entity | El ente || @rafabr

in #writing6 years ago

The entity | El ente

When he came in, everything seemed normal: unpolluted hospital room with an aseptic smell.
A white blind covered the window distributing the light to each corner. The impeccable bed. The bedside flowers with smooth petals and erect stems .

He decided to sit in the chair while waiting.
Almost instantly a fresh breath caressed the back of his neck.
He turned instinctively but everything was motionless.
The window closed, the door too.
He did not give importance and regained his position .

Immediately, an even more icy air ruffled the skin on his back. He felt something go through it; a slight pressure drawing a vertical line, intuiting his vertebrae. Without time to react, he heard a slight but anguished whisper. When he turned again he was surprised by the violence with which the blinds hit the window. Simultaneously irritative sound damaged his eardrums: something dragged the bed lacerating the floor, as if weighed tons. In another glance he discovered that the flowers had withered .

Shaken by a reflex, she ran to the door but could not open it. A huge crack ripped the adjoining wall showing the throat of a dark tunnel. From it flowed a nauseating smell of stale damp mixed with another sour smell of entrails.

He noticed something on his back again. This time the pressure of two hands, that with an energetic movement, pushed her, causing her to fall into the jaws of the abyss .

Second after everything was as it was at the beginning: unpolluted hospital room with an aseptic smell ...


Cuando entró todo parecía normal: habitación de hospital impoluta con olor aséptico.
Un estor blanco cubría la ventana distribuyendo la luz a cada rincón. La cama impecable. Las flores de la mesita luciendo tersos pétalos y erectos tallos.

Decidió sentarse en la butaca mientras esperaba.
Casi al instante un fresco soplo acarició su nuca.
Se giró instintivamente pero todo estaba inmóvil.
La ventana cerrada, la puerta también.
No le dio importancia y recuperó la postura.

De inmediato, un aire aún más gélido erizó la piel de su espalda. Notó cómo algo la recorría; una ligera presión dibujando una línea vertical, intuyendo sus vértebras. Sin tiempo para reaccionar escuchó un susurro leve pero angustioso. Cuando volvió a girarse le sorprendió la violencia con que el estor golpeaba la ventana. Simultáneamente ehiricente sonido dañó sus tímpanos: algo arrastraba la cama lacerando el suelo, como si pesara toneladas. En otro golpe de vista descubrió que las flores se habían marchitado.

Sacudida por un acto reflejo corrió hacia la puerta pero no pudo abrirla. Una enorme grieta desgarró la pared contigua mostrando la garganta de un oscuro túnel. De él manaba un nauseabundo olor a rancia humedad mezclando con otro agrio hedor a entrañas.

Volvió a notar algo en su espalda. Esta vez la presión de dos manos, que con un enérgico movimiento, la empujaron, haciéndola caer en las fauces del abismo.

Segundos después todo estaba como al principio: habitación de hospital impoluta con olor aséptico...




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Have a great day!


This post is supported by $0.14 @tipU upvote funded by @stever82 :)
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Thank you so much @tipu

Nice story, @rafabr! Well done!

PS: I've found your post because @stever82 featured you in his entry for the Pay It Forward Contest

Thank you so much @trincowski

Very nicely done @rafabr. I really enjoyed this.

You were featured for week 34 of @pifc's Pay It Forward Curation Contest by @stever82. Keep up the great work.

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