In the Lonely Hour Ch 4 - Ablum inspired story

in #writing8 years ago

Disclaimer: This story was inspired by Sam Smith's album In the Lonely Hour. The title of each chapter comes from the song it was inspired by. It was originally written as fanfiction, but I switched up the names and such of the characters. I don't own any rights to Sam Smith or his album. The story contains adultery and LGBT themes. Later chapters will contain NSFW material. I'll mark the chapters appropriately. Let me know what you think!

Chapter One - Not the Only One
Chapter Two - Make it to Me
Chapter Three - Latch

La, La, La

When she woke up, she immediately became aware of the body beneath her. Without really thinking, her hand began to explore, moving gently across a soft breast. The intimacy of their position began to sink in. She was now half draped over the blonde and it felt comfortable enough to worry her. Julia moaned softly and stirred beneath her.

Her body seemed to be working against her mind. In her head, she knew she should leave, possibly even get out before Julia woke. Instead she slid further onto the soft body, moving up slightly, and brought their lips together gentle kiss. The blonde beauty responded almost instantly. Julia sighed and kissed Daena back, one hand moving to the brunette’s waist.

What started as soft and gentle, quickly became heated. Daena missed this. She missed the feeling of passion that Julia seemed to provide so easily. She didn't want to stop; her body didn’t want to stop. Until...

“Oh no.” Daena was up and out of the room before Julia even knew what happened.

“Daena!” she called after the fleeing woman, afraid that she had done something to upset her. She wanted the other woman, but she didn’t want to push her into a situation that she couldn’t handle. She was pulled out of her thoughts by a familiar sound. Morning sickness. Half relieved and half concerned, Julia rushed to the bathroom to check on her.

“I’m sorry. This started a few days ago. I completely forgot.” Daena sat on the bathroom floor, leaning against the counter next to the toilet.

“Don’t be. It’s normal in most pregnancies.” She grabbed a few items from under the sink and set them on the counter. She took a damp wash cloth and knelt down in front of Daena. She wiped her faced and watched as Daena closed her eyes and relaxed.

“Are you hungry?” Julia asked.

“I won’t be able to keep anything down.” Daena shook her head. “I should head home.” Julia nodded in understanding.

“There’s a spare tooth brush on the counter, if you want it.” Julia stood up and was about to leave the bathroom. She felt a soft hand take hold of hers and looked back down to her guest.

“Thank you...” Daena spoke softly. Julia knew she was being thanked for more than just a tooth brush.

“Anytime.” She replied with a soft smile and a gentle squeeze to Daena’s hand.

She didn’t expect to see his car when she pulled into the driveway. Great, the one night she decides to go out and sleep in someone else arms, he decides to stay home. After pulling into the garage, she went into the house and headed to the kitchen for a bottle of water. The house was strangely quiet. She went to their bedroom. He wasn’t home after all.

She decided to take a quick shower and to get on with her day. She found the shower to be soothing and she could feel her nausea subsiding. She wrapped herself in a towel and went to her closet to pick out her clothes for then day. She had begun her normal routine of lotion, make-up and hair and was sliding on a pair of heels when she heard a car door outside. She moved the curtain slightly to get a look at who it was. Alexander stepped out of the driver’s side of a car she didn’t recognize. Then she saw the slim, attractive brunette exit the passenger side.

She stopped breathing as she watched the scene unfold. He stood at the driver’s door and waited for mystery woman to make her way around the vehicle. Daena released an unsteady breath. The other woman stopped in front of Alexander to give him a lingering kiss. He kissed her back, she got in the car and she drove away. Daena was in somewhat of a shock. She knew he was seeing someone else, but to see it with her own eyes was slightly more than she could handle. She tried her hardest to keep herself together. She wasn’t weak and emotional, like she was feeling right now. Maybe it was the hormones. Maybe she was just reaching her breaking point.

She was sitting at the breakfast table with a glass of water when he came in. He walked into the kitchen and seemed to be oblivious to her presence. After placing his brief case on the floor, he must have grabbed it from his car, he moved over and looked through the refrigerator. When she finally spoke it nearly scared the crap out of him.

“Where were you?” She asked.

“Shit, Daena.” he took a moment to calm his breathing. “You were out, so I went over to Victor’s. He was pretty hungover, so Deborah brought me home.” He explained as poured himself a glass of lemonade.

“Mmm... You should have invited her in for coffee. I haven’t chatted with her in ages. I’ve been meaning to call and see how the boys are doing.” she replied casually. “Was that a new car she was driving?” she questioned further. Alexander faltered for a moment but recovered quickly.

“You know, I didn’t think to ask. I assumed it was a rental.” he replied. She sat there and watched him for a moment. He stood at the counter and nonchalantly flipped through a magazine.

“How is the Jensen case coming along? Any closer to a settlement?” she changed the subject.

“No. Funny thing is, I don’t think they actually want a divorce. I think it has more to do with the surprise marriage and father not finding a farmer good enough for his little girl.” he shook his head.

“Been there... Tim may only be a Sheppard, but he is a good man.” She actually felt bad for the couple. They weren’t too off from Alexander and herself. A young girl raised with money and status falling for the local farmer’s boy. Timothy appeared to be more of an honorable man, though.

“He is... We have been trying to give them as much time as we can to figure something out, but her father is constantly on our backs about it.” he continued.

“Well, at least you and Phillip were able to relax last night.” she watched him carefully.

“Mmmm... It was much needed. Did you have a good time with Elizabeth?” He asked as he continued to flip the pages.

“Alexander...” he looked up when he heard the tone of her voice and use of his full name. He saw the look of annoyance on her face.

“What?” he asked.

“I thought you were with Victor last night.” she stared at him, daring him to keep lying to her.

“I was.”

“Are you sure? Because the last time I checked, Victor nor Phillip are attractive brunette women... And neither are their wives.” she decided to put it out there. Alexander stiffened slightly and looked up at her. For a second she thought she saw panic in his eyes.

“Look, Daena. It’s not what you think. Camille just started working for the firm this week. We set up a meeting over breakfast to go over her job.” he continued to lie, and Daena’s temper was rising with each new line he spits. “I didn’t want to say anything about her because of the way you have been acting lately.” he finished.

“The way I have been acting?” She raised her voice and stood up to move closer to the counter. “How exactly have I been acting, Alexander?” She was definitely reaching a breaking point.

“You’ve been letting your imagination run wild with ideas of me cheating on you...” he was cut off.

“Oh, so you mean I imagined that kiss in front of our house not 30 minutes ago?!” she was yelling. Alexander froze.

“Daena, I didn’t know she was going to...” cut off again...

“STOP!” she yelled and hand up her hand to effectively silence him. “Do not say another word. You have been telling me lie after lie for months. You have been lying to me from the second you walked through that door and I swear if I hear another fucking lie from you, I will divorce your ass and take you for everything you have!” She furiously grabbed her keys and purse and headed for the garage door.

“Daena!” he called after her.

“Don’t fucking speak to me!” she slammed the door and left.

I’m covering my ears like a kid
When your words mean nothing, I go la la la
I'm turning up the volume when you speak
Cause if my heart can’t stop it, I’ll find a way to block it
- Sam Smith

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