The importance of tracking the progress

in #writing5 years ago


unsplash photo by Veri Ivanova

Every one of us look to get better at the things we do. We go on a search, look for information, materials, YouTube videos, articles, and blog posts that teaches us to get better.
Most of these happen by being faster. This is so because in the world we find ourselves today, the key is to get more done in as little time as possible. This means getting more product out for yours customers, , being able to offer services faster.

I have discovered that one major way to improve the process is having a way to track your progress. I cannot over emphasize the importance of this singular practice.

It is so because if you don't track your progress, you wouldn't know if you are making improvements or if you are relapsing. I'm not talking business alone. I'm talking about every endeavour of life. If you do not track, you don't know your current level of production or productivity.

When you have a business, or even just a little shop, you must have a way of tracking your progress. This is the reason why we have the log book, the sales day book etc. It is because we want to see how our business is doing, gauging with the efforts we have applied, and then look for ways to improve. And the key to thriving and succeeding in every business is being able to do more than the competition. That is why tracking has to come in.

So, even if you are involved in a one-man business, you must track your progress. As a writer, I have found that tracking my daily word count helps me to make significant progress. This happens through bits exercises called writing sprints. These are small blocks of writing exercises that combines to make up the bulk of the project. What I discovered is that with tracking, you know when you are having the best performance and when you're slacking. With tracking you know the best time for working - the best time for writing in my case-, and look to focus on your strengths (I write better in the early hours of the morning. Thanks for asking.)

Without tracking, this cannot be done effectively. That is why you want to begin from now to check and track progress. As a writer, there are many ways to do this. You can choose to do it by hand ( where you have a notebook you record the progress) or you can use an Excel spreadsheet or even Scrivener to record your daily achievements.

With this in place, I bet you will see tremendous progress over time. It may not show at the beginning but it will definitely happen if you give it time and consistency.

Thanks for reading

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