Translating My Sorrow into Mathematics
Operations with fractions are two, like this in this century,
The space between the heart line and the dashed dots, which will actually be twenty-six.
I was sucked in like horizontal twists,
Mostly on my bed and when I have my hands and knees tied.
Unfortunately, even the way women cry is different,
We can call it a genetic delicacy.
I wish I could have had the moment of saying the same word as you at the same time.
Isn't that a strange request!
For a commoner like me.
My mountain violet, my wild clover, my highland flower,
I wanted you to be fooled by the innocence of the adjective phrases or expressions above.
Because a poem is beautiful only with the color of emotion it makes you feel.
Let's make a swing with you one day,
Here, among the pine trees in front of a wooden house, (I continue), let the time be a nostalgic shot on the shutter.
Also, I love you so much that you must walk swaying towards me.
I'm pouring letters on your path as if caught in the current,
Unsupervised and far from internal discipline,
It's duct taped and messy, like it's been donated.
Winter is half past now
I got your two letters
I'm so happy if you only knew
Line by line in my memory
You say we'll talk when summer comes
like the sun every morning
you are born to me
I hope this heart of mine
If only your eyes came to mine
Spring has come, the trees are green
Summer has come, the birds are back, the cranes
The village is full, empty, incoming and outgoing
Autumn has come, the leaves have fallen
Everybody came
You couldn't come this year, dear.
Life has no taste without you
Village summer vacation
two meters long for you
I wrote a letter and sent it by hand
To make you miss what happened
I hope you read it without getting bored
In the meantime, I rang your phone and turned it off.
Your mom always leaves
Now I write short
my longing feelings for you
It turns into poetry and pours into lines
My eyes are on the roads you travel
It's like you're coming out
Always on the opposite slope
Your picture in my hand
you in my heart
I am with you in my night prayers