
in #writing7 years ago

It was ma first day in ma new school, stood outside the classroom door nervously
glancing up and down the school way.
I glanced down at my
pull up socks, pleated blue skirt, pink sweater and
white sneakers that i was wearing. Terribly
different. My hair was in a tight plait just like I was
expected from my old school back in abuja
These students wore jeans and strapless tops or
thin strap tops on Wednesdays for sports, Mom would probably die of heart
seizure if she saw me in any of that. Not that she
was overly conservative. It was just that for me to
expose more skin is for pigs to fly. Mom.... why did
she have to get a new job? I mean she came to lekki
to become an oap. She was a lawyer
back in abuja while I was attending an all girl's
boarding school in abuja
We always had to wear decent clothes
(the nuns were sooo strict)and uniforms. We hardly
went out..only for church programs but that was the way I
liked it. That was the way I lived...after Dad passed.
Kenny, my younger brother starts pre-school this
year but before that he was always dropped off at
the day care center. But mom wanted more time
with her children, so she brought us all back to lekki
together and sends me to this..this...(if u can call it
a school)Another crazy boarding school
You see I'm a conservative person, I
believe in God, in true love and that 'wait till you're
ready' phrase. Oh and I can't swear. Yep, you heard
right, I can't swear. A few years in a strict prison
like school really nails those sort of things into you.
Unfortunately, the outside world was a different
story. I was learning that quickly. So anyway, back
to the story. I tensed when I heard the teacher from
inside the classroom say my name.
"She's from Delta state . Come on in, tessy" I heard the teacher
say. I stepped into the classroom hesitantly and
looked at the curious faces staring back at me.
There were stifling laughs and very rude comments
but I ignored them.
"Why don't you sit beside kemi over there, hmm,"
the teacher pointed to an empty seat beside a pretty girl who was looking suspicious. I made
my way uncomfortably but let out a scream as I
tripped over someone's foot.
"Oops, did I do that?" Kemi said tauntingly and the
class burst out into laughter. This scene was too
cliche....except it worked against me.

"Hey luka, hold up!" I heard dave's voice call
out I glanced at my watch. School was over and
football practice began at four. I closed my locker
and turned to meet him. dave was my best friend
ever since...we met I guess. In daycare center.
Yeah, we were childhood friends.
"Man, Mr badmus gave us loads of homework," He
complained. Mr badmus is our history teacher.
"Doesn't he know we got football?
"" Dave fell
silent suddenly as a girl walked by. She had a
plaited hair and bright blue green eyes. She was
wearing long socks, a blue pleated skirt and a pink
sweater. "Whoah, what's up with that?" Dave said
laughing when she was out of hearing range.
"That's tessy," Kemi came out of nowhere and leaned
against my locker. "The new girl in class." She
smiled and flipped her hair flirtatiously.
"In your class?" I asked.
"Unfortunately," she answered.
"I didn't see her at lunch," I commented. Kemi
"She was in the library I guess," she said. "Why do
you seem so interested luka?"
"Uh nothing," I said. I wasn't interested but I was
curious.. I must have been silent for a
while though, because Kemi was already walking
away. Taking her time, she waited until I met her
eye. With a wink, she left.
"Aww man, she's so into you!" Dave said.
"Not my type," I muttered as we headed to the gym.
"They're always not your type," Dave complained. I
shook my head at him laughing.
"I mean, yeah she's cute.."
"Cute!" Dave exclaimed. "Hot would be the correct
"Yeah but they're all the same Dave," I told him.
"They want the most popular guy, that's what they
want. That's all I am. I want a girl who wants
me as luka...uh!" I grunted as I bumped into the
new girl. She fell back onto the floor with her books
scattered everywhere.
"Ohhhh!" she let out a frustrated sigh. Surprised at
running into her again, I tried to recover myself.
"I'm sorry," I said crouching down to help her. Dave
helped collect her books too. "It's tessy right?" She
nodded looking a bit surprised. "I'm sorry, I should
have seen where I was going."
"Oh no don't apologize," she waved her hand as we
helped her up. "I was in a hurry, I should have seen
where I was going." I handed her her books.
"By the way, where are you hurrying too?" Dave
" The march past team" the girl answered.
"Alright," I said
I'm on the football team, we're heading there
now to train."
"To train?" she asked. "Why not on the football
"It's raining," I explained. "We can't train in the field
when it's raining, school safety rules. Weird, I
"You can make your way there now, luka and I
will hang back for a while.." Dave was saying.
"What?"I asked. "We can go with her.."
"No we got somethings to do, tessy, you go ahead,"
Dave told her.
"Oh, okay." Tessy smiled. "I'll see you around later,"
she walked off waving.
"What the hell was that?" I asked.
"Luka, we can't be seen with her," Dave said.
"Cummon, the whole football team are in the other field
right now. We can't let them see us with a gicky..."
"That's why you did that?" I asked. "That was
rude... and SHALLOW"
"And that's what being popular is all about. You
have to avoid her as much as you can. She'll bring
nothing but trouble. Yeah, she seemed nice..but
dude look at how she dresses." I was stumped at
what Dave was saying. My own best friend.
"You know what, whatever let's just go," I told him.
What I didn't know was that I was in for a huge
surprise later.


Wow, So interesting...
Thanks for sharing!

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