Fourth Decade Of Our Lives Is A Great Opportunity To Look Back And Remember All Those Experiences That Have Happened To Us Around The World.

in #writing7 years ago

I Want To Travel And See The World, But I Can't Find The Right Time

Most Israelis who finish their military service, planning their big trip around the world - America, the Far East, which are the preferred places for most of us.

The trip is usually six months to one year, although there are people who continue their trip and decide to continue their lives in a beautiful place they came to him and not find a good enough reason to return to Israel.

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My trip after the army was to the Far East - a six months trip. It was a long time ago - 20 years ago (I can not believe how time flies so fast), I feel like it was just a month ago.
In Israel, we do not continue to college right away, we must join the army.

At the age of 18, men and women joined the army, the men, serve in the army three years and women eighteen months. You probably know, this is our "beautiful" age, we want to swallow the whole world to visit any country in the world - just enjoy as much as possible.

But what we want is not always possible in this case, I think this is the main reason that Israelis are hurry to see the world and travel straight after the army, we want to do everything we could not do before.

Those of you who travel the world sure asked himself the following question:
"How many Israelis live in Israel?" We are everywhere in the world.
As of 2018, there are approximately 8.7 million residents in Israel.

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Usually, after the big trip, we continue to university, begin the real life - I mean, to start your "life" at age of 22, it's really not that simple - Only now, we begin the high school. studies take at least another few years. Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. Before you notice, you reach age 40. You try to understand where have all the years gone so fast.

You begin to reminisce about the trips, of course, they are good memories that raise a smile on your face, longing for those places, people, smells ... Memories, Memories, Memories...

I've marked a goal to fly up to the age of 40 and did everything possible to achieve the dream vacation, where there is pure bliss, disengagement and reconnect with yourself and other tempting clichés.

I've already passed the age of 41 and I'm still waiting for an opportunity to make my second big trip, I can not see when it will happen but you know, it is always good to dream, dreams do not come with an expiration date.

What you really want to do now can't?

What are your dreams in life?





If you enjoyed this post please check out my blog and read previous posts.

Until next time, thank you for visiting @nirgf

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אני עשיתי טיול "קצר" אחרי צבא, 3 חודשים באירופה. (אתה שואל איפה אין ישראלים צעירים? באירופה!) כמוך חלמתי להמשיך בטיולים, אבל אז לימודים, עבודה ומרוץ החיים נמשך. אבל בגיל 33 מצאתי את עצמי בלי עבודה, עם בן זוג זורם וקצת כסף, אז נסענו לטיול "אחרי צבא" בדרום אמריקה.
יודע מה? טיול בגיל 30+ הוא הרבה יותר משמעותי מטיול בגיל 21. ההבדל הגדול הוא במה שאתה לוקח איתך מהטיול, נקודת המבט הבוגרת, התובנות לחיים.
מקווה לעשות עוד טיול גדול, כנראה שזה יהיה לקראת או אחרי גיל 50.

אני בטוח שזה שונה לגמרי, כמו שכתבת - אנחנו רואים דברים אחרת בגלאים שונים.
אני מקווה שלפני גיל 50 תצליחי לטייל :)

טיול כזה צריך לכוון אליו, אחרת זה לא קורה. חוץ מזה בגיל מבוגר צריך להתחשב בעוד אנשים, יש בני זוג, ילדים, הורים מבוגרים, את כולם צריך לשכנע שכמה חודשים מחוץ לבית זה רעיון טוב.

We all dream big and we should dream proud.

I heard a comedian once said that travel is one thing you can't possibly waste your money on. And I've since been saving up to go to Japan.

I'm from Malaysia and turning 25 this year. All the best to you @nirgf!

I hope you'll come for a walk in Japan, I did not travel to Japan,
I heard she's a bit expensive, but it is amazing.

You can take the money you make on steemit :)

That's the plan!

I wish everyone would realize their dreams...

When we are in a dream - it is clear

I liked your post very much

@mlleolivia Thank you, I'm glad that you visited my post

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