in #writing7 years ago

Sometimes I will get a barrage of signs from people themselves. It is overwhelming trying to figure out if they have left them on purpose or not. If it isn't an accident, then I guess they have a message for me personally. If not then it's a sign from above. Sometimes there are so many consecutive related signs that I wonder if some people are simply geniuses... or if there is an inherent instinct built into all of us that leads us down specific paths, leading eventually to the final conclusion. Ones who recognize those signs, (allowing the aforementioned to be reality), are gifted. "Readers" I call them.
One's who influence the series of events are witches, or wicked...or healers.

It makes sense to me completely although no one will admittedly relate. I often find simple or stupid people will litter signs around themselves constantly like an untrained puppy. It confuses me and baffles me, even scared me when I read those signs.

I still have trouble differentiating between signs person-to-person meaning they are comments directed at the other individual, or impersonal/from above signs such as "leave now for the better."

I do not read enough to be safe, though. I have been saved too many times to count; and let that be my final lingering note.

Scary 314x235.jpg
img SOURCE: @ninalives


did you know if you took the word psychic (btw I'm comparing the word psychic to the word you used readers, anyway) and just moved few letters around with a seperation you have two words spy chic and spirit within each human is feminine then it makes one wonder if our spirit is always watching and the knowledge will come when it is unveiled or when one is prepared.......and that in each moment there is an ending and beginning which includes a conclusion......i suppose....just ramblings from a before sunset night............

Thank you kindly great post
also witches are cool its the succubi the ones that come when you go to sleep to watch for they will take your see we must be awake even in our sleep.....ok done recommending ...its getting long enough for its own post lol......

Beautiful enigmatic written words with few euphimisms (maybe i should have just commented this)

"Recommending" was auto written in above comment was supposed to say "Re commenting" much for my ""proofreading" darn spirit lol

That is very interesting I think you would be very interested to see some of my research not many understand my notes but you might i am excited to post it but slowly

Thank you so much for sharing all this information! that's great! All the best! Waiting for more posts! :)

Stay tuned! Thank you and I have followed you :)

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