Change as Catapult: The Constant Shift-Contributor in Life

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

It's been awhile friends!

How are you? I hope you're fine after all the struggles you went through.

I was sitting on my bed last night contemplating about my life. I had thought that since I have been sharing a lot about financial literacy, this time I would be tackling about the shifts of life.

With all the events and activities I get myself into at this point of my life, I could not stop myself but to recall how much shift I went just to be where I am right now. Have you also had shifts in life?

Like you, I had unexpected life happenings also that pushed me to adjust and embrace new things, not because I liked to but because I had to.

Simply as what the saying goes,

>"You cannot get rid of January just by ripping it off from your calendar."

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In this post, I would like to share some key points and learnings that I have gotten from the shifts in my life. I hope that this post will be read by the rightful readers who are seeking insights.

Furthermore, I hope that once you read this, please think of it like you are shopping. Take and use only those ideas that apply to you now. If something makes sense to you, try it. If it doesn't, discard it. We don't know, you have better life hacks than the following things that I would mention.

So, let's begin!

1. Explore more.

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When I was a graduating elementary student, l applied in one of the prestigious high schools in the Philippines. I have dreamed that I would like to pursue high school away from our place. After several months from the entrance examination, a postman arrived at our house to deliver the results. (Email was not yet that prevalent.)

The moment I received the letter from the postman, I dunno what to expect nor to feel. That was the first of the many entrance exams in my life.

Sadly, I failed the entrance exam. "I failed." -- that meant I could no longer go to that high school, my dream high school.

What I did?
I cried. Of course, I cried that night! Knowing that I would no longer include that school in my high school life. A lot of tears were shed. But that was not the only thing I did.

Honestly, I had no idea what to do. However, the next day... another letter came to our elementary school, inviting graduating students to apply. Instead of being afraid to fail again, another hope sprung in me! "I think this time, this would be for me.", I said to myself. So, I applied, studied and prepared double before I took that another entrance examination.

At last! I passed the entrance exam of the high school I attended.

You see, I dreamed of going into a unique but reputable school but I didn't like the idea of failing. Nevertheless, I had to overcome that failure for me to experience what I dreamed. If ever I haven't grabbed that other opportunity, I would have gone to other high school and would have met other sets of people and made other sets of friends. I would have been another version of me.

Key point:

I have realized that sometimes in life, failure would teach us to explore more and not be stuck to a failure. We have a choice to continue and to explore the next same scenarios but could be different event/setting that could give a better result depending with our varied efforts.

2. Learn other choices.

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During my kindergarten times, I could not really forget the When I grow up, I want to be... program in school. I could still hear my voice ringing in my ears saying "When I grow up, I want to be a nurse." clothed with a mini nurse outfit. Now you might ask why did I want to be a nurse? I wanted to be a nurse because that's the only profession I knew at a young age since Nurses were really a thing and have been always the subject in TV News.

Clinging to that dream continued until high school. You might be wondering if I haven't heard of any other profession? I've heard of course! Such as, teacher, engineer, doctor and other "the usuals". Except being a teacher, I learned that the duties of a nurse fit for me and I continued to just focus on being a nurse. My father even purchased a set of sphygmomanometer and stethoscope for me to feel being a nurse.

What happened?
When I reached third year high school, I discovered my hidden love with math. A teacher told me I could do good as an engineer. That's the turning point, from Nurse, I decided to become an Engineer.

However, as I ventured my college life and until now, I have discovered a lot of professions to which I might be interested into. I could have taken up Business courses, or Psychology or even Programming related professions.

Key point:

You see, from the start, my decisions were limited by the choices I knew. Learning other choices is one of the major lessons I learned in life by far. If I would be given a chance to tell some tip to my young and clueless self, I would tell her "Ask more, expand and learn other choices available."

3. Plunge into the unknown clinging to your designed future.

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As what I have told you, I decided to become an engineer. In my last year in high school, I was so decided to pursue BS Chemical Engineering. So, I spent my first year college in one of the known Cebu schools offering BS ChE.

Sadly, due to some family and financial problems, I had to give up being a BS ChE. I had to transfer school to continue college. What's even sadder, I had to shift to other course.

What I did?
At first, I did not want to continue. What for? I chose to delay the things that I had to do about me transferring school and shifting to other course. I did not even had the idea what course should I shift to. But I know I had to keep going. I may not like it, but I believed that it was the right thing to do at the moment.

I almost missed the enrollment because I started processing things so late. Thankfully, the department and the school where I transferred gave me a chance to have a special exam so I could enroll. I may be late, still better late than never. They were the ones who offered me the idea to take up Electronics Engineering. At that point, I no longer care as long as in the end I would be an Engineer which thankfully, I became at last.

Key point:

Life has really different ways in molding us. I realized that life may be tough, but if we will have the courage to plunge into the uncertainty of the future clinging to the future we desired, we could make it. I may have not become an Engineer of my choice, but still life made me a different kind of Engineer.

4. Acknowledge the things you cannot control and Manage the things you can.

During college, I was almost hindered by financial problems that made me transfer school and shift to another course. I was already a scholar of a private company that time but still it wasn't enough to finance my college fees, hence, I still had to transfer.

As a concerned daughter, I thought of making ways to continue college without my parents having to pay for my tuition and other college needs and at the same time, I could also help them financially. I would also want to graduate on time. But I didn't want to work, besides I'm not yet eligible to work-- I was 17.

What I did?
I know it's too late to hunt for other college scholarships when you are already an upcoming sophomore. But I did hunt. That's the only way I thought that could help given all the conditions I wanted. So, I made numerous phone calls to inquire and asked for opinions. I visited several government offices also, only to find out that they were already on their cut off for applications-- except for one. Thankfully, I was accepted but I still have to wait for a year to receive my first financial assistance. Still, it was a great blessing! That scholarship turned out to give more than my needed financial assistance to pay my tuition fee in my new school. As a result, I gave the assistance that was provided by the private company to my parents.

Key point:

There's a quote,

"If there's a will, there's a way."

Yes, I totally agree with it. However, I realized that the ways are limited by circumstances that are not under our control. If we can manage all the things that happen in our lives, what's there to look forward for? Perhaps that's how faith comes in. So, I encourage you to find ways to overcome whatever challenge you are in right now. We don't know, the "must-do's" are just lurking at the corners of your mind, waiting to be discovered.

5. Enjoy and make the most out from where you are currently in.

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During the first year after transferring school. I do not know a single individual. I even reached that point that I was attending classes purely for compliance. Personally, the first half of the year was hard for me. Especially, I am taking up something that is soooo far from my choice.

What I did?
I woke up one morning with the thought that, wherever I am right now, I am blessed and that I should make the most of it.

So, I started engaging with my classmates. I started knowing them and I started going with a few of them during lunch. Then I also started to involve myself in departmental activities til I just found myself running for a position in an organization and actively participating in the school activities. As I look back, I could say that I have spent most of my time developing myself, cultivating relationships and enjoying it. I have made great, loyal and supportive friends.

Key point:

You see, the decision that dawned on me that one morning was the key how I made my college life productive. Aside from becoming and Engineer, I also turned into someone more than the version of myself from the time I entered that new environment. Sometimes in life, you don't have to like the things/events that you're experiencing, you just have to learn how to handle it and make the most out of it.

Allow me to share a quote,

"Bloom where you are planted."

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7. One of the great support systems we could have aside from Divine-given, is ourselves and the mindset we possess.

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Why do I say so?
After all the events that I have mentioned, the last thing to do before I take any actions is for me to make a decision. We may experience a lot of downfalls and triumphs, but our decisions will always make the difference. That is why I believe that we should always cultivate our minds to see and handle things positively. Make decisions that our future selves will thank us for. If we developed our mindset just according to our environment, then if we will be surrounded by negativity, our decisions will also follow negativity. However, if we will train and feed our minds with hopes and positivity, I can assure that it will also result to something positive and hopeful.

"Be careful how you think, your life is shaped by your thoughts." -Proverbs 4:23

"For as he thinks in his heart, so is he." -Proverbs 23:7

I may have not mentioned all the events in my life that molded me into someone I am right now, rest assured I shared something I see as vital.

I Wish you a fruitful life!


Hello, your post was nominated for an upvote by a fellow within the Sndbox incubator. Thanks for sharing @namranna. Steem on :D

Thank you @sndbox! Thank you for your programs! I'm so happy that you've appreciated my post. More power to you and your fellows in the Sndbox incubator!

I may have not become an Engineer of my choice, but still life made me a different kind of Engineer.

I am so proud of what you've become man. I can can still remember how I almost gave up during our highschool days, I thought I could no longer handle the pressure but good friends like you helped me to keep going.

I'm actually having goose bumps right now, and I'm close to tears already. We may have ventured different paths after hs but we encountered quite similar hardships which we have surpassed.

Life has indeed a funny way of making us strong and wise through our respective endeavours. I hope those who are undergoing tough phases right now also have the courage and positive mindset in facing life's humurous hurdles :)

Totally agree with you Shei!

"Life has indeed a funny way of making us strong and wise through our respective endeavours."

Sus unsaon nalang kaha ug wa ta maningkamot sa mga panahon nga nagkalisod ta. Asa na kaha ta?
I am so proud of you, too! You've really matured and grown into an influential woman. Thankful gyud kayko sa pag appreciate nimo Shei :) Ang mga hardships nato made us what we are right now, and still looking forward for growth in the future <3 Aja! Daghan pang i-look forward sa future.

Hahahahah Lage di ko ka imagine giunsa nato pagkaya pero makaya ragyud diay.
It seems impossible until it's done gyud diay man.

Thank you gyud, and thank you for being here with me til now. Chareeet <3

Wow...i love every bit of this writeup...thanks for the post...learnt so much grateful.

Thank you so much for appreciating @dimix3! I am so glad you find this post great. So happy also that you learned something. Wish you a fruitful life ✨

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