Diary Of A Modern Man: Entry #17

in #writing7 years ago

Friday 16th June - The Diary of A Modern Man.

After spending a few weeks chatting and flirting with Emma, she has just asked me out :D!

Surprisingly, despite my elation, and the fact that I'd asked her for a drink not that long ago, I said no.


If I'm honest I don't really understand why I declined. Certainly, there is no doubt that it is the easier answer. Having a romantic entanglement running parallel to work is never easy; especially given the history I have with a few other work colleagues. Nevertheless, I only have 3 weeks left there, I don't really see this being the real reason.

She is cute behind belief, but a large part of that cuteness comes from her innocence and naivety. My track record suggests that I will end up hurting her, robbing her of that innocence. I think I've matured to a point where I can recognise that, and ulitmately, I don't want to be the person who does that to her; I actually like her a lot, and I have a lot of respect for her as a person. I have little doubt that someone will tarnish her innocence soon. She is too pure not to be taken advantage of.

I'm coming to the end of the chapter of my life where I act selfishly, with little regard for the feelings of the girls I chase. I'm grateful for it in all honesty. Whilst I would love to say yes and treat her as she deserves, unfortunately, I feel my chapter has a few more pages to write before it can be closed.

Thanks for reading, any comments, questions, or advice comment below! Or head over to @modern-man to follow me and check out the rest of my series

MM actual.png


An awesome article. Keep the fire burning. Meanwhile, you can check up on me @myhealth