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RE: Video is Pushing Aside Writing... and Sometimes That REALLY Annoys Me!
Lol, people are getting lazy nowadays and reading is work. I'm a full time content producer, and even good photos aren't cutting it anymore. Everything has to be moving and catchy...which takes away from a lot of the spontaneity of stills and writing. And the editing...ugh.
To make a good 1 minute clip you need at least 15 minutes of footage to clip it together well. Then you need to think about sound. Is it the right music, does it build right, end right, does it hit the beats at the right time...
But, you gotta move with the times and appeal to people, even if that means switching your medium a bit. Maybe think about how to combine what you love to do and what people want?
Best of luck! :)
Maybe people are lazy, and maybe we just are suffering from information overload because there is just SO MUCH stuff coming across our screens every single day.
Good video takes time. I know this-- my wife created short clips for her non-profit organization with the help of our daughter who went to film school. And yes, we often have 30 minutes of footage to create a clip that should come in just under two minutes... which seems to be most people's general attention span.
Another guideline to follow is that it takes about an hour of filming to get an minute of finished video.
And I agree that people are suffering from overload. I mean just between social media and email, not even counting Youtube or something, people spend way too much time just looking at stuff. It definitely skews how we think about content.