in #writing5 years ago

Sally Goodness liked to walk back home through 'dark alley', a route to the 'city church', the 'urban city mall', the 'Maryland farmland' and of course her house. It got its name from the amazing fact of how dark it remained even in the wake of the brightest sun. Today walking down that path after work felt different, it sure didn't feel like last Friday, might have been because she was alone this time. She felt something bad was about to happen.
It was 9:30 and 'Salem district' usually started to get scanty around 9:00, the people had cultivated a habit of sleeping early, made a rule actually by the city high priest, with reasons that "well, it would be better that way" and "no one is allowed to be seen outside or awake by 12:00"... The towns people hated this rule because they would have to get home early and do all they wanted to in time, there was hardly any time for fun, in fact! They hated him, and so did Sally, How can someone hate a priest you may ask, but I tell you, you don't know sir Marcus the fifth, born from a long line of bastards! "Power hungry cunning bastards!" Sally thought as she saw a poster of the Marcus Colonialus family. "Not only have they come to take over their community, they just had to rub it in our faces by using that silly name, my name ain't Sally if that name ain't fake".. She said as she stomped her feet. She froze for a minute then started off quickly cause of the echoing noise generating from the tin can she just had disturbed while expressing her life's pain with a stomp. Her heart began to beat fast. She had been warned by old aunt Maggie, not to take this route and even if she did, "never, ever, ever! Make a loud noises Sally, dark hearts lurk in the shadows of dark alley.... in the dark". Old Mag's words danced in her head. She found time to laugh at her aunt's poor attempt to rhyme, she thought it funny, so funny she actually laughed at her aunt that good Friday when her and Jose came back home from work. who's laughing now?

Sally thought about it, but didn't mean it. No one could possibly be laughing, not her aunt, aunt maggie was a kind easy going folk, she never argued, even when she was right, She ended many arguments with an awkward smile that made you know she was darn right. Which can be very annoying cause sally seemed to have that same trait, most of their arguments stopped with two people smiling so awkwardly, you could hardly tell who was right. "Aunt mag can't be laughing now" And surely not Jose, she would have been here with her if she had not called in sick, they worked together and walked back home together because they live together, not at all related, but they now had a strong bond, one which made sally ease up a bit to make a thin shy smile at the thought of Jose. "Not Jose, she couldn't be laughing". It was as if some unseen forces were trailing the tale of Sally Goodness, and had Just then decided to complete her mental puzzle adding another piece in play, all in a bid to answer the question Sally had subconsciously asked... "Now who's laughing?"

It started of so silently you would know it had begun earlier on but you couldn't quite figure out when exactly. The dubious laugh came in fours. the first one, a break and the last three with shorter equal breaks, It was the voice of a male which sent chills down her spine, she knew she was in danger. " I'm almost there" she thought, "I'm almost out", she could see the light. The tiny red light that was at the end of dark alley. But she could still hear his footsteps, each one sounded a little bit closer, and he wasn't running, how was he catching up with her so fast? her mind twirled, twisted and turned. She turned to look behind her and there he was looming over her with a menacing smile, then he touched her right breast. In an instant she came back to reality and realized she was running only mentally but had been standing in the-same spot all along, frozen in fright, but not for long, this act committed by the villain irritated her, her fear changed to disgust and rage. Without screaming, she started raining blows and half high kicks on him, she managed to hit his left eye, it was a weak punch, but it made him withdraw for a bit, turning his back to her. Sally was fragile, she had never fought in her entire life. Her rage did her no good, but inform this devil that she would not be as submissive as his last victim, she is a fighter!. It didn't take the dark hearted fellow much time to make up his mind about it. He had to teach her a lesson. He rose with a very fierce look that made her stop, he seized his chance by the balls and smacked her in the jaw, throwing sally down. There was a white flash right at that very moment that his left hand stretched out and swung from the left, hitting sally in the jaw. She looked at him straight in the eyes, he could see the fear in her eyes he was familiar with that look, he knew he had brought the ''*itch'' to reality. She's getting raped!.

For the first time he spoke "itch!" At the same time drawing out his retractable knife, it was tiny and slim but the color was rather off, a pink knife. It had to belong to someone who he had raped, she knew he was a rapist. Someone who had done this insane and heartless act more than once, some one who would burn in the pits of hell..."You better shut the 'uck' up in your head bitch" he cut her off taking a step forward and leaning over with the knife completely out of sight but you knew it was still around. he could tell she was cursing him in her mind, he saw her eye brows narrow and the way her tiny mouth was squeezed like it was a piece of paper which a rapper wrote some poor lines in and threw away. He could swear she had got to that part. So he cut her again. "You are a thinker ehy?" He said with the left side of his mouth, "bla bla bla how I will suffer in hell, *itch I'm ready for that shit," his eyes had been open throughout she knew because she didn't blink too. He continued " don't you think I've thought about this? I know I'm going to hell, *itch!" He blinked. sally blinked. He knew he had her under his spell. He rose up with a smile, stretched his hands opening as if he was going to ascend to the heavens and said " I accept my fate!" as he kept talking all sally was thinking about was how he had an evil smile on him saying such a scary things. She had never missed a days service at the city church, cause no one ever misses, so how could some one accept hell? Hell, which was described so vividly by the 'holy priest', as a horrible place. this man had no heart. She was so fond of thinking, he was right. She's a thinker. She sometimes drifted away, forgetting what was happening or how serious it was. "But before I go home." Where was he calling home? Hell?, "I'm taking the memories of a thousand screaming *itches with me" that got her attention for sure. She thought again."why does he keep calling me a itch? I hate that word" "itch! I'm just at two..." He coughed, and stoped to catch his breath, he started again.. "I said, I am just at two hundred and eighty-seven." her eyes opened wide, so wide you'd think they couldn't get any wider. Up until he genuinely, rhetorically asked the unseen forces, looking up with a squint. "was it two hundred and eighty-six?"

She started to draw back on her buttocks, she knew he was going to make a move soon. The moment she saw him move revealing the edge of the little pink knife. She closed her eyes and screamed out, as loud as possible. There was somthing weird about this particular scream. It wasn't just the regular high pitch "ah's" it was a name she called out. someones name... "Who the fuck is john! itch are u playing with me?" The rapist looked left, right, then back at sally."is some one with you?" He frowned "you better not be 'ucking' around!"... The rapist was not sure what was happening, neither was sally. Just then, she caught sight of another person silently drawing close, he now stood behind the rapist. He was calm, he looked at his watch, and stretched his body, there was a lit cigarette in his right hand, if she hadn't seen him she would not have noticed his presence at all. He seemed so relaxed, she didn't know if she should be more scared or feel relief. It wasn't long that the rapist noticed sally had a funny look on her face, he couldn't read her expression, "and her eyes, her eyes are on something ... Or someone!", he turned quickly with his eyes fully open like his mouth. Sally's 'john' flicked the cigarette into his mouth and without warning threw a hard right punch that broke the rapist's nose and sent the cigarette down his throat. He made a disgusting grunt, fell and fainted with both eyes open.
"Are you hurt?" asked her savior.. Sally won't be fooled, this maybe part of some dubious plan to sleep with her, she thought. She dashed forward rolled the knocked out rapist over and seized the tiny pink knife from his clutched fist, avoiding his open eyes. She withdrew quickly and held it to her chest, Pointing it at....
he spoke again "Furi" he had to tell her his name, to keep her calm."My name is Furi miss?".."Sally" she replied, "Thank you master Furi but I must leave now." " what time is it?" She asked not really caring for a reply, "I'm sorry i have to go" she was still gripped by the long rusty claws of fear. she kept on talking, she mumbled a lot of nonsense she thought, she thought only. She didn't even notice furi walking towards her until he put his hands on her neck, wiggled his thumb a bit and somehow she fell asleep. Furi was the new towns detective who had been tailing the rapist for months, he put her to sleep only because she was traumatized. Then he called for the arrest of the dreaded rapist.

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