RE: Visiting Old Writings from my Past
I was a little late finding out about Bubblews but it was one of those sites where I immediately saw the writing on the wall; there was no way they could be sustainable with payouts based on revenue from ad shares, plus they were paying in USD, so the $50 I busted my ass for paid for pizza night while that same $50 could practically support a family for a month in India. Despite the spam, I managed to find a really cool core group of people and admittedly took advantage of their broken system while they were still able to pay out. I made sure to save the stories and posts worth saving.
And that segues into why Steemit appeals to me: The ability to save my work on the blockchain and, by all accounts, it will never disappear because the site went down. I am really sick of losing evergreen content! Blockchain is my solution.