Johan Galtung's view on the culture of violence and culture of peace.
"Cultural violence" refers to aspects of a culture that can be used to justify or legitimize direct or structural violence, and may be exemplified by religion and ideology, language and art, empirical science and formal science.
Cultural violence makes direct and structural violence look or feel "right", or at least not wrong, according to Galtung. The study of cultural violence highlights the ways the act of direct violence and the fact of structural violence are legitimized and thus made acceptable in society. One mechanism of cultural violence is to change the "moral color" of an act from "red/wrong" to "green/right", or at least to "yellow/acceptable. On the other hand, cultures could be imagined and even encountered with not only one but a set of aspects so violent, extensive, and diverse, spanning all cultural demonstrate the step from talking about cases of cultural violence to violent cultures may be warranted. For that a systematic research process is needed.
Culture of Peace: is the aspects of culture that serve to justify and legitimize direct peace and structural peace, if many and diverse aspects of that kind are found in a culture, we can refer to it as a peace culture. A major task of a Peace research, and the peace movement in general ,is that never ending search of a peace culture-problematic because of the temptation to institutionalize that culture, making it obligatory, with the hop of internalizing it everywhere, and that would already be direct violence, imposing culture.
Great writing d