Series: I AM A BEAR - Chapter Two.


Chapter Two
Well there is still a long way to go before reaching the mountain, my father is tired so let's take a break.
Now that I think about it carefully, I wonder if I will be human again, I do not want to be a bear all my life.
This way or I could have a girlfriend, of course unless I look for a bear but it would be really weird.
I have not been to school for a year and I may not be able to graduate by the time I get out of this problem.
I wonder if my friends will be worried about me, my parents did not want to tell anyone about this.
Surely because they would call them crazy and could get the attention of the authorities when they heard about my supposed "Disappearance".
My father already feels strong again so we have to continue on our way...

Thanks for reading :D
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Chapter | Link |
Chapter One | HERE |