in #writing7 years ago

While jumping off A Bridge into water is a tribble way to die (new research)
while High Diving competions like in the olympics can be fun to watch or even more exciting to try out,the same cannot be said about jumping off a very high Bridge into the water.
you see, when you jump, you deceletrates at speeds reaching 75 miles per seconds or more hitting the water in just a matter of seconds.After that a surpring numberof things could happen to you.

Here are 10 reasons why jumping off a bridge into water is a terrible way to die

1.You Probably Die From Multiple Blunt Force Injuries:Blunt force injuries are physical traumas to body parts at a result of impact.
if you jump off the Golden gate bridge for example,falling at speeds higher than 75 miles per hour ,you're likely die from multiple blunt force injuries ''in other words'' you die the same way as someone hitten by a car.
The Golden gate bridge makes an ellecent testing ground for this gruesome topic been one of the most frequently used suicide sites in the world, second only to the Narying Yangtze River bridge in Narying china.
Since its open in 1937, it has recorded over 1660 deaths from people falling from 239-261 ft high.

by comparison, a more 186ft free fall is considered to be the Upper survival limits of human tolerance to impact velocity in water.
A 1968 study ont he topic ''Fatal injuries from extreme water impact''says that at that time 99.3% of fall from the the golden gate bridge have been fatal. Neede to say the physics of the fall haven't changed since d 60s.

2.Your Ribs May Break:Experts agree that your ribs are probably going to break as this happens in 85% of cases in diving people have fallen from Golden gate bridge.Reseach say that impact in water causes extensive fractures to the rib cage,usually bileteral and multiple fractures involve in every rib.This happens through sheer force when bodies hit the water at high speed with a force of 15,000 pounds per square inch.

3.Chance Are Your Organs Will Tear Loose:physics tells us that a body decelerating at speeds up to 75 miles per hour will come to a stop at least the outer body.

4.Drowing is a definite possibility:if the injuries from the impact doesn't kill you, there's a high chances that you''ll simply drown,since you hit the water so fast and plunge pretty deep.This those doesn't happen that often however, since most people don't even live long enough to inhale enough water.

5.Crabs Might Eat your Ribs:As unpleasant as this sounds, Jumping off a bridge into the a large body of water means"severe marine depredation"of bodies not immediately recovered. this sometimes mean shark attack, but more frequently crab attack and they are very particular about how they cline on you. coast guards usually report bodies having Crabs harrying in them particularly on the eyeballs and checks. May Likey Fracture Your vertebrea:if you do survive the fall, there's a good chances that you will fracture your vertebrea as this is the common injury by survivors.
According to a 1965 study on"Survival of high velocity free fall"it is usually the first Lumber and the 12th thoracics vertebrea that are usually fractured.When kelvin Hines survived jumping off a the Golden gate in 2000, his injuries were in line with this research as he reported damaging two vertebrea in the middle of his Back.

7.Your Reproductive System Won't Be Injured: on a lighter note,From the 1965 study,of the 169 individuals examined,not a single one of them had any injuries to their ,system & although one was pregnant ther no injury to the fetus.

8.Your clothes may Act As Parachute:though it wouldn't be nearly as effective as an actual parachute, but what you are wearing when jumping off a bridge increases your chances of survival.The first known survival to jump off a bridge Cornehia Van Ireland aged 22 was wearing a rather Large Coat when She jumped off the brigde in 1941. Doctor Thiak that her clothes might have acted somewhat like a parachute slowing her dowwn a bit as She approaches the water.Research also show that gears such as boots, helmets and heavy clothing have been shown to prevent certain injuries. But the chances of survival are ultimately very slim regardless of your gear as fewer than 40 people out of more than 1600 have ever survived the fall.

9.your Body May Never Be Found: in the case of the high golden gate bridge Jumper, the coast guards doesn't always find the bodies The Sanfrancisco Chorricle have reported Jumpers who are later never seen again. in 2003, The New yorker reported 2 varnished bodies, possibly eaten by sharks or other Aquatic life.

10.There Is A Small chance Of Survival:Kelvin Hines,for example survived the jump in 2000. hines was extraordinary lucky becuase the odds of surving a jump from the bridge is roughly the same as surving a gunshot wound to the head, or a stab wound to the heart & most victim die even before their body get wet. However, Studies have shown that the most survivalable body orientation for such a jump is a "feet first" impact with your arms over your head.Individual falling with this orientation protect themselves by roughly 50-70% from gravitational foeces acting on the body by presentingin minimal surface area at impact.chancesof survival also increase if it is a freefall and not accidental and it is also important to note that though age can be a factor of survival, Sex is not.


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