Do you know a foreign language? --- [CrowdVoting]

in #writing8 years ago

100% of the Steem Dollars earned on this post over the next 5 days (until 1pm GMT Mon Jul 25th) will go to the people who are helping me with translation errors.

The Smartcoins Wallet is in 44 languages, but we originally used google translate, and frengly. Unfortunately, the translations still suck.

Smartcoins Wallet

To get paid, just...

  1. Install the Smartcoins Wallet:
  2. Import or Register your account name on the blockchain
  3. Set the Wallet to your desired language
  4. If translation errors are found, or could be worded better (or shorter), please edit the appropriate language file listed here:
  5. Edit this "Short description" for the app store:
    "Use Smartcoins like bitBTC, bitUSD, bitEUR.. 44 languages, Loyalty Points, QR.."
  6. Edit the Full description for the app store (4000 characters max) shown here:
  7. Let me know what your steemit account name is! :)

These languages are done:
Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Spanish

These languages are in process:
Greek, Russian, Vietnamese

These languages still need correction (reply to this post, and let me know which language you will do):
Albanian, Arabic, Armenian, Bengali, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Croatian, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Farsi, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Malay, Norwegian, Portuguese, Romanian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukranian

On Monday, I will do another one of these posts, dishing out the rewards and starting up a new one with all the remaining languages and keep doing this until every language is perfect and everyone has been paid.

#translation #jobs #language #writing

Please Upvote and Share : let's reward those who help :)



I can translate it into Dutch :)

WOOT!! Dutch is all yours. Thank you in advance rules169 :)

Ill do it tomorrow or in the weekend.

Your app store translation will show up here in about an hour:

Please do the roadmap, and the xml file too:

Thanx in advance :)


I thought I edited that Github file.

Github has been edited. Most errors are adjusted.

Done! (i think)

Yep, you are totally done. I submitted your Dutch to the app store, and committed your wallet file fixes on github just now too. Great work!! Thank you again @rules169 !! :)

Check the translated roadmap in my most recent reply :)

You're welcome. I hope you will remember my name forever now XD

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Everyone is rooting for you!
Good Luck!,

i can translate it into Austrian, I havent seen Austrian on your list I know we are a small nation but come on, you dont offer Austrian for Austrians??

Well, an Austrian told me that they basically speak German over there so I did not add Austrian to the app. We DO need the app store Short description and Full description in German still (#'s 5 and 6 above). Would you mind doing those in German.. as an Austrian?? :)

sorry cant do #6 i dont have a smart phone but i give you nr5 for free
"Use Smartcoins like bitBTC, bitUSD, bitEUR.. 44 languages, Loyalty Points, QR.."
"Verwende Smartcoins wie bitBIT, bitUSD, bitEUR,.. 44 Sprachen, Treuepunkte, QR.."
insted of Treuepunkte you can also use Loyalty points, most people would understand that in germany and austria but Treuepunkte is the proper translation

How's it going?

No need to install the app for #6. Just click on this link ( and then that long description of the app that I have typed up there in English, just translate all that text into German if you could... Then email it to me: [email protected]

Please and thanx nioctib :)

ok, i send it to you

yes i can do that

Thank you for posting. I also upvoted you.
God, that must be a monumental task!
How many errors have you found so far per language?
I am sure even once you correct all the errors, some like Japaneses
they do not have a "perfect" translation of any sentence!
Good luck with the fundraising!
Hope you get ever more to snowball to the top!
I up-voted you too... BTW, should steemit let us steemers advertise using steem? Be sure to tell everyone you know to come vote here at:

This is a democratic community decision.

hey kingtylervvs thank you for the upvote, I do appreciate it.

please avoid "post hijacking" though, it will get you downvoted.

yes in austria we speak german

Great to see another Austrian on steemit :)

You are either not Austrian, or a complete buffoon. The written language of Austria is German. What the hell would you translate to? One of the local dialects? Walserdütsch? Kärntnerisch? Wienerisch? Tirolerisch? Choose one and offend all the rest of Austria?

Snippet from the austrian constitution for proof:

Der erste Absatz des Artikels 8 Bundesverfassungsgesetz (B-VG) lautet:

(1) Die deutsche Sprache ist, unbeschadet der den sprachlichen Minderheiten bundesgesetzlich eingeräumten Rechte, die Staatssprache der Republik.


The german language is, not infringing on the rights of language minorities according to federal law, the official language of the republic.

funny, how people from other countries now everything better;) We speak in austria of course german, well smehow aactually its more austrian than german, but when we write we write in german

I am Austrian. And no, its not "more austrian than german", especially not when it comes to the terms used in an app. Thats utter BS. I think you just wanted to jump on the bandwagon and profit from kencodes offer, probably well knowing that you would not have to do any substantial work for your "Austrian" translation. Thats why I am quite a bit "peeved" right now.

Edit: Possible proof that your a liar and not Austrian:

The pictures of your computer clearly show that your keyboard does not have a german layout. That is very very very unlikely for someone from Austria or Germany, as practically all hardware sold here has German key markings.

Do you even speak/write fluent german?

But some word are different in Austria compared to Germany.

How is "Kassa" or "Schlag" a German word?

Replying here because of insufficient thread-depth.

@sunking: Kassa is a austrian dialect version of the high-german Kasse. Now thats some really great, important difference right there. Glad we caught that one.

In Vorarlberg a cow is often called a "Buschla" instead of a "Kuh" btw. Do you really want to integrate dialect versions of common german words into apps? Do you recognise, that some words have literally hundreds of local versions, depending which valley you happen to be at?

Good luck. You might invest a moment of thinking into why Austria is using German and not all of its multiple dialects, as the offical language. Hint: It has something to do with practicality.

Schlag isn´t even a word, its short for Schlagobers, Schlagrahm, or Schlagsahne. The first two versions are used in Austria as well as in Germany. Yes, the more southerly you are, the more prevalent Schagobers becomes, but that is a penomenon of the german language, not something special for Austria.

Obers, Sahne and Rahm are completely interchangeable, referring to the same thing and understood by almost every german native speaker, no matter if he/she is from Austria, Germany or Switzerland. You might run into problems using Obers in northern germany, especially near Denmark, but that is because there is a language border within the german language, running straight through the middle of Germany. Which just so happens to be the reason, why Germany also uses standardized German as its official language, not Bayrisch, Kölsch or Plattdütsch.

And now please tell me, what relevance a discussion about far-fetched examples of diary products has, when we are talking about translations within a non-diary app. Stop grasping for straws to make an invalid point.

and another Austrian :) are you guys as well on the slack channel

I see English, but not Redneck on the list. If we do Austrian, I want to do a version for Rednecks ya'll!

Don´t forget the urgent need for a scottish-english version. Who knows, in a few years they might become an independent nation after all. Oh and I would like to add, that I only saw this comment from you, after I had already written and posted my kinda longwinded rebuttal above. :-S

@stormbringer - Happy to see that you got your humor back...not sure there is a translation for "bierernst" in any other language. :D

Hi @kencode I have so many friends that could help you with different translation: Ukranian, Portuguese, Romanian, Latvian etc... shall I contact them???

Please do! I do not have anyone on my list doing the Ukrainian yet. The other people you know could be on here for backups just in case. Have them confirm here publicly please.

Let me know on the Ukrainian though, thanx in advance! :)

The answer was " the language is very hard coz IT... if was a story I could help better!!" By the way I will contact my cousin exgirlfriend and maybe she can help us ;)

ps: if you link me to the italian's version I will help coz I have downloaded the app and there are some wrongs in translation or maybe the person didn't know how to translate it ;)

Sure, here is the Italian app store descrip:

..and @giostar is currently doing the Italian in the wallet app (please do not edit this file until he has committed his work):

ok I am telling you the mistyping I have noticed:

  • Gestisce automaticamente eReceipts (Ricevute Elettroniche) tramite codici QR
  • Supporta diversi account contemporaneamente con funzione di esportazione ed importazione
  • »WSS Hopping; Consente il portafoglio per trovare rapidamente il miglior nodo per connessioni di rete ottimali ( doesn't make any sense )... maybe you should write...
    »WSS Hopping che consente al portafoglio di trovare rapidamente il miglior nodo garantendo connessioni di rete ottimali
  • »I contatti possono essere organizzati con etichette ed Avatar
  • »Invia qualsiasi importo .. ovunque .. per pochi centesimi .. ed in meno di 3 secondi!

let me know @kencode if do you need anything else ;)

Don't worries I want only have a look in the way that I can help!! I'll not touch anything!

I'll take the Russian language!

Ok @ratel you're up! Russian is all yours. testz could not take on the job right now.

Please follow the directions at the top, and just email the app store descriptions to me at:
[email protected]

Please and thanx in advance! :)

Yeah! I start to work! :)

ready! check your email! ;)

Hi @ratel great work!! :)
I just uploaded your app store work to the google play store and it should be visible in a couple of hours here:

This person did the github file: - who is this on steemit??

Its me! "Ratel" was already taken, I had to be registered under another nickname.

Russian has already been taken by user named testz. If he cannot finish the work however (I just sent him a message) then it's all yours. I will reply here again if he says he cannot do it afterall.
Thank you @ratel MUCH appreciated :)

I can translate to estonian!!
Ma võin eesti keelde tõlkida!!

We got some nice weathergirls here!

WOOT!! Yes, we DO need Estonian done. Here is the Wallet file:

For the app store description, just follow all of the instructions above and then email me the file:
[email protected]

Please and thanx in advance! (i love the weather girl lol)

lol XD
No problem, I'll get to translating and testing it right away.

French. Let me know how I can help.

French is done already:

Thank you for your interest though sebastien and please spread the word :)


Bonjour. Je cherche à identifier les francophones et italophones dans les parages :-)

I can translate it into Estonian :)

oh what a good one. I'll never forget the documentary I watched where they had the "singing revolution". look it up and it will likely bring tears to your

fuzzy-sempai! I have found you!

you are the light at the end of the tunnel that is scumbagsquid.
you are the hope that is steemit.
you -are- willy the whale.

Thank you for the offer vickypedia :)
User @sulev is still working on the Estonian right now, but if unable to finish, then I will contact you here.

Stay tuned, thanx so much! :)

I can help with Russian and Turkish languages ) But my English is little.

We still need help with the Turkish language, so thank you! Turkish is yours.
Thank you in advance @munxgauzen very much appreciated :)

I can translate to Romanian

Thanx gaitan for the offer :) @nelu.ceban did the app store description already (, and I think he is working on the wallet file right now. If he is unable to do it though, I will contact you and let you know, thanx so much :)

Ok then. Keep up the good work! :)

Will you have the pleasure and the time to get in touch and maybe help me with some opinions and advice on some stuff? Thank you!

of course, wussup?

I signed up on Steemit 2 days ago and it is really great (especially the content I find to read. I posted a few articles, from my ideas and stuff that I'm passionate about. The thing is that I'm trying to upscale that. I understand this is an environment controled by supply and demand (mostly demand now) What would be your advice on getting more Steem Power, cause that's what I'm interested in? And also, what would you improve in my articles? And I'm trying to become a user, because I'm a newbie right now. I appreciate your help!

@kencode Got my reply? :)

I can speak italian- @kencode

no really I can.
Posso parlare l'italiano - io posso aiutare con i tradurri :)

Italian is done already:

Thank you for your interest though giostar and please spread the word :)

I definitely will - appreciate the feedback @kencode
If you have similar projects contact me directly - I'd love to help

Ok, so "fuunyK" was unable to correct the Wallet translation, so if you could do numbers 1-4 (see above), that would be awesome!

Here is the file.. just click on the edit button (the grey pencil) to edit the file and make your changes where necessary, then be sure to submit the pull request so that I can commit your work to the master repo:

Please and thank you in advance!! :)

Perfect - just confirming for Italian ? I will get this done within 24hrs just at work @kencode

Is this also available on iOS? iPhone?

Hi @kencode I have updated the text on GitHub, can you confirm receipt? i also made comments -I dont have any android devices so i was not able to download the bitshares app but i have updated the code in Italian- can you send me the text for the app page so i can amend it? Provide me the link as per the previous post


Yep, Italian all the way :)
Not for iOS yet though..

Cool, will download on my PC and get cracking

Good morning from Munich @giostar :)
I could not reply to your post below, but to respond, no, I do not see your pull request on github:

Please submit your work to the master repo as a pull request, then I can review and commit it. Thanx in advance :)

Here it is @kencode - i must just do the long section - where can i find that to edit? Sorry its the first time on Github

i created the pull request- please let me know once received- the comments i have made depend on the context in which it is said - further elaboration is needed

Done @kencode

"posso aiutare con i tradurri???? " Are you sure that you can speak italian???

@kencode in your app there are some italian translation very poor ;)

I can , it's traduzioni ( translations)
Tradurre, is the verb to translate @webdeals

Well spotted

ahahahah @giostar ti ho appena aggiunto alla gente da seguire... ricambio l'augurio! In effetti sono anche io all'estero... in UK per l'esattezza... mi scade il contratto lavorativo tra 8 giorni e quindi sto un po' demoralizzato e mi sto buttando un po' su steemit per tirarmi su il morale vedendo qualche dollaro accumularsi ai miei vari post... (cosa rarissima)

Ciao. Io sono italiano e sto cercando di censire gli Italiani qui :-)

Ah ecco, era claudio che ci stava provando (a censire gli italiani). Non ricordavo lo username :)

Giovanni @giostar potresti per favore spiegarmi cosa devo fare con la traduzione che ho fatto in Ukraino?

You have to register on Github, then do the edit and submit the master copy - You will also need to download the bitshares app - see the steps 1-4 above in the post @webdeals

@giostar lo so qual'e' il verbo :D credevo solamente fossi uno dei tanti che si spaccia per italiano e poi fa i gesti (della gif) e dice 3 o 4 parole a cazzo tutte in infinito :P bello sapere che non sono l'unico italiano!

in realta pensavo di essere io uno dei pochi italiani che hanno avuto la fortuna di entrare su steemIt.Benvenuto!

ha ha ha mi fai ridere, non sono come quelle che parlano due parole, come pizza e pasta - mi chiamo Giovanni aka Gio, e sono piu italiano degli tifosi di Napoli FC, sono un Juventino. Sono un italiano all'estero, in Sud-Africa . l'inglese e la mia lingua principale ma posso comunicare e parlare l'italiano sense 'Google translate' .
Piacere di conoscerti @webdeal , spero che facciamo tanti soldi insieme, come tutte queste cazzate sul steemit lol

Arriverderci amico,
Keep in touch

Siamo in tanti, vedo :D Ho visto anche post che cercavano di radunare gli italiani, magari prima o poi lo riempiamo uno e ci conosciamo tutti :D

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