RE: NanoWrimo, Hemingway and Overcoming Procrastination
Good luck! May you overcome procrastination (a struggle I find, also) and may you love Scrivener as much as I do. :D
I don't recall there being a yearly license; I bought mine outright for... $45-$50 or so I think it was? Anyway. Scrivener 3 will be a free upgrade for those who already have the current Scrivener (on Windows), and eeeeee, it has a dark mode. My poor eyes can't wait. ~ It took me a long time to get into it... for some reason I preferred a massive word document with a jumbled mess of story and information, but once I did there's just no going back. xD
As for Procrastination... I stared at my Scrivener yesterday, wrote about 500 words, then looked around me and decided to clean the house. Literally scrub it. I am not the most cleanliest of people but I decided to maniacally clean rather than write.
Cheers dude.
Ha ha, yeah I need the strict routines to not become distracted 🤣
To be honest this is the reason for all these plans... just to remove the distractions and spend that time reading or doing other things that will encourage inspiration.
P.s. I think scrivener is a payment for life, I was just in a rush writing this blog lol
It's a great program 🙂