Laser Gun Wedding

in #writing6 years ago

Laser Gun Wedding

He stood there at the altar, next to his bride to be. He couldn't stop himself from trembling. His mother had once told him that his wedding day would be one of the most nerve-wracking days he'd ever had, but he'd had no idea it would be this bad. Of course, neither of them had imagined just who he'd be marrying either. He kept wishing his mother could be there. She was going to be so mad. Unfortunately, she was a couple thousand light-years away. Besides, even if she could have somehow gotten there, his radio was gone, along with the rest of his ship.

He flashed a nervous smile at his bride. Overall, she wasn't bad looking for an alien. Her body and face were mostly humanoid, with the exception of a few extra protrusions on her forehead. He supposed he could get used to her scaly green skin. He wondered idly what it would feel like against his, which led to other questions about their "compatibility". Did she even have the proper equipment to mate with him?

For the hundredth time, he thought about bolting, but he didn't exactly have any place to go. Besides, one look at the laser rifle in her father's hands told him he wouldn't make it very far.

This had been his first mission as an explorer. He'd visited over a dozen desolate planets before setting his sights on this one. As he'd landed, he'd expected another barren rock like all the others. He took note of hundreds of holes in the rocky surface, but didn't think much of them. The readings had indicated breathable air, so he'd left his EVA suit behind. As he took his first steps, the aliens had come pouring out of the holes. A troop of soldiers had quickly surrounded him, each holding one of those deadly looking laser rifles. He'd thought sure he was about to die until his bride had pressed between the soldiers. That's when he'd proposed.

Not that he'd meant to, of course. How was he to know that staring at a female, mouth agape, constituted a marriage proposal on this planet?

They'd quickly dragged him into one of the holes and taken him to a lab of sorts where his brain was scanned. Soon after, they'd fitted him with a translating device. It worked well, but had the failings of most translators. Some words simply couldn't be translated. When this happened, it would either find the closest word, leading to all kinds of hilarious misunderstandings, or revert to the alien language altogether.

In the week since his arrival, the lizard people had done their best to make him feel at home. Even making an attempt at earth food which he'd eaten graciously, all the time trying not to gag. His father in law to be had attempted to treat him like a son, despite his obvious misgivings. Still, once the translator made it clear that his upcoming nuptials weren't a mistake, he'd tried to escape, only to find his ship was nothing but a burned out hulk.

He snapped back to the present. Everybody was staring at him. His new father in law gripped his rifle tighter.

"Uh, I do?"

"Then by the powers vested in me, I pronounce you man and wife. You may now eat the groom."

He chuckled at the glitch in the translator. The aliens must not have a word for kiss. Then he looked at his new wife. She stared back at him, jaw unhinged and moving closer. Rifle or not, he bolted. He only got a few steps before an icy blast hit him between the shoulder blades. The chill feeling radiated from the blast point and soon enveloped his entire body. He wasn't hurt, but he was completely paralyzed.

He didn't even realize he was being swallowed whole until her mouth closed around his head.

See, dark, huh? I hope at least some of you are as twisted as I am and enjoy it.

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