Upvotes 101: A Beginner's Guide

in #writing7 years ago (edited)


The question that always finds a way into every conversation here is: "Why did my other post make more money?"
Of course, there are many opinions - from not getting the time right, low or high traffic at the moment and etc. But, the "true" question is:
"Did you choose the right topic?"

When it comes to writing, it's all about the story you present. Here, on Steemit, you can find millions of topics, ones that would never cross your mind. This is a platform where you can write without censorship, and it's a unique opportunity for all of us - to raise our voice and contribute to the diversity of it.
But, what does it take for your article to go from "HOT" to "NOT"?
It's all about the approach - the way you look at it and write about it. If you're satisfied with earning pennies, then write about anything you want. But if you want to really earn money, and more importantly, make an impact... Well, we'll discuss that here. :-)


When I first started writing, I went on and explored a little. Let me clear this up - I've been writing, but Steemit (10+days) is my first, true encounter with it. I love being prepared and not go into something if I don't have, at least, some basic knowledge. Here, I'll try and give you some writing directions, from what I've learned, that may help you with the upvotes.


"A job, activity, etc., that is very suitable for someone."

We all have different interests, mostly various ones, but that doesn't make us experts in those fields. While writing, we use our knowledge of the subject - to explain to those who know nothing at all/or less than us. While doing so, you have to be familiar and have certain feelings or opinions about it. It's essential that you find the right one if you want people to actually read it.

Example: I'm new at this whole crypto world, so you'll probably never come across an article with me discussing that topic. I'm all about learning about it, but I know my limits.

This is where the question presents itself: "Should I choose just one?"

When it comes to choosing only one, you put yourself in a position of being an expert. You have to be the one that knows and understands problematics of the topic, to be able to give answers to the questions asked and earn the trust of your followers by being informed and helpful.
Just don't present yourself that way, if you're not able to live up to the expectation.

If you want to write about anything that pops up - bad idea, again.
You can have various niches, but being all over the place is not the way. People who follow you, are there for a reason. They are interested in what you have to say, on certain topics, and they won't appreciate if you write about robots one day, and turn into gardening mode all of the sudden.
Set your topic goals, and build a relationship with them. Choose a different one, if you really think it's worth sharing, and by it - if it's the one that got your attention. With time, we grow and learn, and including your followers with your progress, is always a good thing.

Bottom line, if you are familiar with various ones, go ahead and write. Choose the ones that appeal to you, and the results will be there! :)


"Something that is to be expressed through some medium, as speech, writing, or any of various arts."

This is actually a subdomain of my previous paragraph, a very important one. Content is in the center of attention when it comes to writing. You can't just expect from people to react positively if you haven't scratched the bottom. Put your thinking hat on, and give it a little time to grow. When you feel that you're ready, start writing. I'm all about feeling it than trying to impress someone. It doesn't have to be accepted by everyone, but the one's that approve will see that you actually mean it. There isn't a universal advice on how to choose the one that'll get attention, that's up to you - explore and push your limits. And only write about things that feel right.



"The style in writing can be defined as the way a writer writes and it is the technique which an individual author uses in his writing. It varies from author to author and depends upon one’s syntax, word choice, and tone. It can also be described as a voice that readers listen to when they read the work of a writer."

We are always trying to tell a story, and present ourselves through it. When we write and put our ideas into words, we have a specific way of doing it - that's our style. We utilize our way of expressing to create a unique style, our signature mark. But, even though, there are some rules and advice that could help us write better. While doing it, try and include your observation and thoughts, that will convince your readers. Make your statement fresh and slightly different.
While this can be quite daunting, here are some advices about what you should, and more importantly, what you should not do while writing a post:

1. Do not bore your readers - it is important not to make it tedious and unreadable block of text. Break it into paragraphs, use headings to help your readers and guide the reader's eye to the information crucial for your post

2. Helpful informations - use some quotes and definitions to explain it better

3. Funny elements - use a gif, photo or whatever, and make your readers laugh. Create a bond with your readers, so that they feel like you're directly talking to them, and make them feel comfortable

4. Show experience - give examples, rely on your opinion, and show that you really are familiar with the subject. If you want to write about something, use some literature, articles disscussing that matter, and improve your knowlege. You can never be informed enough

5. Explore - nurture and improve your writing style by reading and exploring various ones. Style can be changed, and it should change. Through time and practice, you'll find the one that suits you best

6. Passion - write with passion and you can never be wrong. Use it as a fuel for your writing skills


Even though most of the people consider Steemit as the way to earn quickly, I'm a strong beliver in "quality beats quantity". Write when you have an urge to do so and tell stories in which you strongy belive. Most importantly - don not expect a 100% approval rate! As everything in life, we all tend to have opinions of our own. Respect the opinions of others, while respecting your own. I, personally, love when people have a different opinion - that means they read it, understood it and my article made them wonder a little.

Express yourself, tell us your story and the results will be there! Keep on writing, and be fearless.




As everything in life, we all tend to have opinions of our own.

And as everything in life, it takes patience. Upvoted, resteemed & followed.

I couldn't agree more :)
Love the comment... Followed back :)

Nisan ni procita clanak. Nema potrebe jer za Jovanu odma ide lajk hahahaha

Haha :D Poenta je da ga pročitaš :D
Hvala, svakako :D

Одлично написано @jovana. Било би лепо ако би исти текст послала и на српском 😊

Potrudiću se da ga prevedem, u dogledno vreme :)
Hvala @lighteye :)

Нема на чему. Покушавам да оформим српску заједницу на Стимиту. На српском само треба да ставиш таг “srpski” како би те лако нашли. Исто тако није лоше да не чекаш и да одмах припремиш српски текст у коме ћеш одмах ставити линк на енглески текст, јер тако можеш подићи број гласова и самим тим награду у оквиру прве недеље. На пример овако:


Сваки твој овако добар текст и на српском подржаћу преко свог трејл налога који је @photo-trail. Све најбоље и настави с квалитетним садржајем.

Odlična ideja... :) Sad je već kasno za prevođenje. Nadam se da nije kasno da to odložim za sutra?
A što se zajednice tiče - totalno podržavam tu ideju. :) Računaj da sam deo te priče :)

Текст си тек послала @jovana, и наравно да није касно сутра. Имаш свега три тага на текст, тако да ћеш лако додати онај “srpski”. Такође саветујем да ставиш и на овај, и на српски текст таг “steemit”, пошто се односи на рад система, а по том тагу се уобичајено много претражује. Потруди се да поставиш свих пет јер ће тако твој текст бити видљивији.

You've an Unbelievable writing style! Following you as I need to read more quality posts from you.

Thank you... I can't even find the words to express how much this means to me :)
Followed up :)

Excellent work dear friend @jovana congratulations

Thank you! @jlufer :)

Very nice post! Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us :)

It's a pleasure...
I'm glad you like it... And, thank you :)

wow, I really enjoy this post as it describe how I like to work and write on steemit.

Steem on !

Thanks :) Keep on steemin',too :)

great article and should help all the beginners!!!

Thank you!
That was the idea :)

Awesome post. Thanks for the advice.

Welcome and thank you... Hope it helps :)

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