Self-publishing erotica author blues, and how to keep writing

in #writing6 years ago

I really enjoy writing, but for some reason these last two days I have not. In fact I have not been very interested in writing any stories, probably because I've been more concerned with chores and activities had to be doing on my days off then doing what my routine has demanded. I got 1000 words in today but it took an hour. Some days are just not as productive as other days. I wonder if that's because the story that I'm writing about now is not as interesting to me as other stories.

This one is about a metal artist that creates sculptures out of found scrap and the next-door neighbor's babysitter Bree. I think I talked about this yesterday, but it was more about my uncertainty on how they get together. Today I wrote in an attraction sequence where Sergio and Bree kiss. There interrupted, of course by George, to give us a segue into the next scene.

I guess my difficulty is that when I originally conceived of the story it was more of a free use I believe I talked about how my vision was some suburban dad riding his bike, happening upon the babysitter that worked next door and having her blow him on the trail while the kids slept in the stroller. But how do you get to that point of indifferent use? How do you get to the point where they don't know they can see each other but when they do they guy uses her and rides away smiling.

So in my struggle and uncertainty I'm not writing quickly or well. I guess this is the benefit of having an outline for working out the details of the story before you actually begin writing. Maybe I will do an outline today because I skipped it for the story and I would solve all my problems.

Friday was a massive slump in my reading on Amazon. But yesterday, Saturday, there was a decent amount of pages red; 600. I figure that at this rate by the end of the month I will have about $40 worth of page reads from Kindle unlimited. There are also about $23 in sales, giving me a total of $63 for the month of May. A fun fact, that is about half of everything I've made on

I don't know if I'm going to continue with my daily blog posts, because they don't really garnish that much interest or readership. From what I can tell. For the foreseeable future I definitely plan on continue writing about the erotic self publishing process, but if you've been a reader for the last six months where I've posted every day sometimes multiple times a day, then you'll see the growth and development that I've gone through my blogging platform.

The is the initial excitement and enthusiasm, the inevitable discouragement, and end-stage out call myself right now, the plodding through the desert walking during the night and sleeping during the day. I am in the long slog through marsh, waiting my way through the swamp of constant daily efforts without enthusiasm.

It's amazing how Saturday like a light switch turned off my excitement. I remember feeling enthusiastic and motivated on Friday, flowing through words and hitting publish with relish excitement. A man Saturday morning being completely uninterested in writing the next story

I wonder if that is because my hands are getting tired. I'm typing so much and so frequently that my hands are sore. Today's blog post is actually a dictation, and would explain some of the errant punctuation and effluent language.

So, dear reader, the publishing process is fraught with a myriad of issues. Today's most important lesson is that when you're not motivated, when you're not struck by Muse, you should keep writing. Plow through that stump infested field like ancient farmers on new land, and take one step forward at a time.


There's a sentence that it's always helpful for me because i'm...
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
(some people says it was said by Einsetein but author seems unknown)
You are a good writer and you have a creative mind, creative minds find motivation in doing different things so... try to do any other creative thing for a while like painting, sculpture,... and motivation will back for sure.
Anyway cheerrsssss, you are good, you are really good indeed

Welcome back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good advice for a lull, but not good for the monies. I'm going to keep writing even on days I'm not feeling it; because that is the way to greatness.

Your pain is your treasure. When something hurts inside, you are getting a flashing sign that says "Look at me." If you do, if you admit to the pain and ask why, why am I hurt, you will be led to the source. The source is always a bad map. Something you thought was so, isn't, eg. my mother loves me, or, no one loves me, or, if I don't give up, I can do anything, or, if I love someone so much, eventually my love will be returned, or ... There are a whole lot of bad maps; we have all suffered from them. The moment your pain leads you to realize that you are wrong about something, that reality is otherwise than what you believed, your pain disappears like dew when the sun comes up, faster even.
I will make no guesses as to your bad maps, but I will tell you for sure, listen: Your pain is your treasure. Follow it until you understand. The map will fix itself. The pain will be gone.

I'm sorry, but i have no idea what you're talking about. Maybe in reference to my fingers hurting from too much typing?

I switched to verbal dictation.

Talking about inner pain. Reading between your lines. Never mind if it doesn't make sense now; it may in the future.

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