I hadn't thought of a word limit. At least 250 words, if you could. I'm always in favor of flash fiction, but I'd like to see some more fleshed out ideas. If your story about the history of mankind is "he was born, he lived, and he died," well, that is rather poignant, but it doesn't really entice the imagination :D
Cool. I'll work on something to submit. (Though, as an aside, I would argue that strong flash writing can achieve as much as a short story (maybe even as a novel).)
"He was born, into a world without limits, destined for glory! Yet he lived a stoic life within his limitations. He died perturbed, and down for the count, having met his limit at maximum overdrive."
I hadn't thought of a word limit. At least 250 words, if you could. I'm always in favor of flash fiction, but I'd like to see some more fleshed out ideas. If your story about the history of mankind is "he was born, he lived, and he died," well, that is rather poignant, but it doesn't really entice the imagination :D
Cool. I'll work on something to submit. (Though, as an aside, I would argue that strong flash writing can achieve as much as a short story (maybe even as a novel).)
Absolutely agree. I'm very much looking forward to see what you produce!
What about:
"He was born, into a world without limits. Yet he lived within his limitations. He died having met his limit."
Just playing. I decided to see if I could make your example more compelling and stay under 20 words with it. LOL
Updated to use the words.
"He was born, into a world without limits, destined for glory! Yet he lived a stoic life within his limitations. He died perturbed, and down for the count, having met his limit at maximum overdrive."
Best I could do on short form notice ;)