5 Writing Tips For New Bloggers

in #writing2 years ago (edited)


Source: Piaxbay


I've been writing online for years. As you might imagine, writing consistently – and well – is hard. For new bloggers, it can seem like an impossible task. But don't worry! There are lots of ways to improve your writing skills as a blogger.

Here are my top five tips for becoming better at your craft:

Set aside time to write

You should be writing in an environment that is quiet and distraction-free. If you try to write when you’re tired, hungry, angry or sad, the quality of your writing will suffer greatly. Make sure that you are well rested before starting a blog post because it will make it easier for you to focus on what you’re doing and not get distracted by other things going on around you . Also keep lunchtime appointments with yourself so that don’t resort to eating while working (because food can be distracting!).

Find your voice

Find your voice. Do you want to be known as the sassy blogger? The one who tells it like it is? The sincere and sweet one? Your voice should reflect your style, purpose and audience.

While you’re looking for your voice, make sure that what you write about is meaningful to you. This way, writing will be fun and engaging for both yourself and others!

Find the right tone

The internet is a big place, and there’s room for all kinds of voices. You don’t have to be an expert on everything, nor do you need to pretend to be an expert on anything at all. You can write about whatever interests you (even if it’s just yourself).

The best bloggers are those who write with honesty and authenticity—no matter how silly or serious their topic may be. Be yourself!

Try different voices and tones to determine what works best for you

To get your voice and tone right, it’s important to set aside time to write. Sometimes that means writing in the morning before you start your day. Sometimes that means taking a break from work and getting some writing done after dinner. You know best when you need to write, so don’t be afraid to experiment with different times of day until you find what works best for you.

Finally, remember that finding the right tone is not just about finding one style for all of your content; it also has everything to do with knowing who your audience is and how they want information delivered—and then delivering exactly what they want!

Brag a little bit

It's okay to brag about your writing abilities, because you're awesome and you should be proud of it. If you can't write a decent sentence, no one will want to read more than ten words of what you have to say. So don't be afraid to tell people how good at writing you are in the first paragraph of your blog post—even if they won't believe it until they finish reading what follows!

Write about things that interest YOU:

The second step is finding something that interests YOU enough so that even if no one else reads your blog posts, at least this one thing will keep your attention going for an hour or two every day (and maybe even make some money). That way, if anyone does decide to come by and read what's below their ad banner ads on Google searches for "what's happening" and "the latest news" then maybe those people might find some value in reading about whatever interests YOU!

Writing is hard, but these tips will help make it easier

Writing is hard, but these tips will help make it easier. The first tip is to set aside time to write. You need to set this time apart from everything else you do so that your brain knows it's time for writing and not Twitter, or Facebook or some other distraction.

The second tip is finding your voice. This is different than the tone of your piece; the tone of your piece depends on the subject matter and audience, but the voice that comes through when you're writing should be yours alone.

The third tip is finding the right tone for what you're writing about (or trying out different tones until one feels right). The best way to do this is by reading other people who write in similar styles as yourself—you'll see how they handle certain topics and situations, which can give insight into how they think about things and approach them as a writer (and how their style reflects their personality).


It’s important to remember that writing is a skill, and it takes time and practice to become good at it. While there are no quick fixes or magic tricks that will make you a great writer overnight (except maybe the word “hilarious”), these tips can help you develop your voice and find your way into blogging.

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