Update on the Fire. And Timelapse Photo #29
Good morning!
They reported that the original fire was out at about 7pm last night, but by 9 a secondary fire lit. It was finally put out around 3AM.
We recieved a notice last night telling all residents of West Duluth to stay indoors with doors and windows shut tight. We have not recieved a go ahead to go out, but the schools on our side have not closed so I got the kids out to the bus this morning and now I'm on the bus as well.
The way our community pulled together was worthy of the #ophumanangels.
Busses brought people from Superior to here in Duluth where the Decc, The Flame and multiple other places opened their doors to anyone who'd been evacuated. Including their pets, nobody was turned away.
It was a truly humbling thing.
It snowed this morning and now it's raining, hopefully that will help with hot spots and air quality. But to be honest it SMELLS at home. That can't be good.
Water protectors were due in court today for protesting #line3 but it looks like that will be cancelled. Talk about ironic, eh? In court for trying to protect people and the envirnoment from the exact reason thousands are currently out of their homes.
And don't forget that the Orange One cut funding to the Great Lakes Restoration Project. A group of people dedicated to cleaning up the polution his generation left behind.
No deaths have been reported on the news yet, but they have a conference scheduled for 10 and rumors from hospital workers are that two people have died.
Hundreds went to hospitals for severe headaches, difficulty breathing and other related issues. Vehicles damaged by people trying to get out of town is a big thing, too.
I will update more when I know more.
For now, here's your church.
And a Hop Robin (American Robin) that hung out with me at the bus stop.
Have a great day everyone.
Wow ! Quite the fire
It was super crazy.
And now today the forecast called for upper 50's but it's snowing instead.
Good morning dear.
That's really beautiful and amazing photography.