A Garden Analogy, and Timelapse #43
The Church has a small garden. It's got some beautiful flowers in it, but since the building is for sale, it has not been tended. Nobody has been taking care of it. It's overgrow with weeds.
Those weeds do not seem to be taking away from the beauty of those flowers though. They shine just as bright.
Some of them are familiar to me. Old friends from my youth. The roses and the bleeding hearts.
They come in all shades, shapes and sizes.
Some of them are new friends. Beautiful and unknown, such as that first photo, and this bush.
Not every new flower is a friend. Some are deceptive and invasive and will choke the friendships you have already cultivated.
Those must be plucked from the fertile Earth. Like a Tansy that will cause you harm if you let it.
It took 676 followers on Steemit before my very first hater came out of the woodwork. Like the Tansy she had painted herself as a friend but spewed poison.
It was shocking and hurtful and personal.
I will not allow that type of behavior to affect me again. In the future such attacks will be met with silence and a flag. Not that my vote carries much weight. 😂😂
I have too many goals and too much going on in life to let someone I've never met put me in a bad mood and slow me down. 💜
Not every new friend is a rose. Sometimes they're a Tansy.
So, on to bigger and better! Inari has picnic day at school today and I'm looking forward to hearing his stories tonight. Every night at dinner we take turns telling the highlights and lowlights of our days. So everyone is heard and issues can be addressed in a safe, loving space.
It's one of my favorite traditions my little family keeps to. Another is Saturday cleaning day but that's a whole other thing. Bahaha!
It's a gorgeous day for the picnic, sunny with a slight breeze. Really, really nice out right now. Get out there and enjoy it!
Sparrow has a birthday coming up this weekend, so I'm getting her some cupcakes to take to school and share with her friends. She's so excited! 💜
Oh! And the Lilacs are in full bloom. My Great-great-Auntie Rose (she lived to be 103!) fostered my love for Lilacs when I was very young. They smell so good I stop a moment every time to admire them!
Anyway, here's the church.
I hope you all have a beautiful and lovely day. Love to you!
Good morning 💜💛💚💙 such lovely flowers! Minus the annoying tansy! That's a whole new flower to me.... i will consider myself warned! Hahaha! What kind of cupcakes will you make your daughter for her birthday? Lucky kids! We also do the highlight/ lowlight chat with meals. It was more a thing when I lived with my sister and her family, then it is now there's just two of us. And, truth be told we moved away from the lowlight aspect pretty early on. I realise the importance of it, but with being in depression i guess it just didn't feel good to 'go there' .... if you know what I mean. Have a nice day sweet beautiful Spirit!
Thank you!
I am cheating on the cupcakes, just got some from the store. But for her actual birthday she wants a vanilla cake with chocolate frosting. My kind of kid!
Haha! Vanilla and chocolate is my style too! My nephew turns 5 this month. He was talking about the cupcakes he'd recently enjoyed at a friend's bday party. I asked him, which will you have for your birtbday? His eyes went WIDE! His hands went up 🙌 ....he says with great enthusiasm and animation... BOTH! Haha, what a kid! Sorry about the hater yesterday. Bleh, glad those are rare occurrences. I've been feeling beat up recently by the fucked-upness of you know the system. It can be unbelievable at times. Luckily, those times are rare too. June seems like such an emotional month for me! Lotsa love bright beautiful spirit!! Catch you next time 💜🍇💜
really beautiful flowers are seen eye,
very in love if the flowers were treated again ..
and will cause the flower to die and wither
you are a good person, can keep the beauty of all the flowers
I do disagree with that.
Downvote, and the post may become "invisible", but it will not go away. In the worst case people may wonder if you have something to hide.
You did great today by replying the troll. Some time spent, but at least you'll get rewarded with some upvotes, and it got very visible for anyone that the criticism was unjustified.
I went to her blog today. It's filled with a manic sort of hatred for anyone not like her.
It was like getting a peek into a legit crazy person's mind.
My reasoning for the passage you pointed out is the amount of energy to be spent on such a negative person doesn't feel worth it to me.
I already deal with depression, anxiety and an overwhelming PTSD from our homelessness. The amount of emotional energy I gave to that post was unacceptable to me.
So, perhaps I can react on a case by case basis. Hopefully the Tansies will be few and far between in the future. I don't think I am mentally equipped to fully handle that type of personal attack at this point. :/