RE: The World is Friggin, Frucked Up...Oh, What to Do...What to Do...???
I think your mother was right. Most people are good.
What most of us overlook is the fact that WE ALL have been fluoridated and indoctrinated for generations. We don't know any different. It is being sold to us as "normal". We learned violence and all this crap from people we trusted, because they already have been indoctrinated themselves. Look at people in small communities. They usually live together peacefully, no crime, no violence. There was no need to lock our door when I was a kid. I think that all this entitlement, greed, violence and anti social behavior is LEARNED behavior. Put into our minds through media. TV PROGRAMMING. Essentially people are good. But it will take at least 3 generations to reverse the damage created by the parasites who rule us and keep us in a mental and spiritual prison. "Awakening" is meaningless. Millions of prisoners in American jails wake up every day...
My mother 'was' wrong...She was a very young mother, with 'no' real world experience having been raised in a kind of 'small' New England town. She spent the next twenty or so years, being "not allowed" to work outside the house by a domineering husband, who kept her barefoot, pregnant and dumbed down...
She changed her tune about 'her' personal reality, after finally being able to choose her path in life years later, as a youngish widow and older children out of the house...whereupon 'she' was able to go out and work, meet new people etc.
At 90+ years of age now...her thoughts on the matter are quite, 'rightfully' different.
Thanks for commenting though. Your personal perceptions are just as interesting.