Abu Tumin: "Tidak Pernah Ada Ulama Aceh Mengajar Kitab “Insan Kamil”- ( Abu Tumin: There Has Never Been A Teaching Book Of The Aceh Muslim Scholar "Insan Kamil"
One of the charismatic cleric Al-Mukarram Aceh Teungku h. Muhammad Amin (Abu Tumin) mentions in tausyiahnya that the scholars earlier during he learned well in the time of Abu Krueng Kale and Abuya Muda Waly Al-Khalidy has never taught the book "Insan Kamil ".
- Salah seorang ulama kharismatik Aceh Al-Mukarram Tgk. H. Muhammad Amin atau akrab di sapa Tumin menyebutkan dalam tausyiahnya bahwa para ulama terdahulu semasa beliau berguru baik pada masa Abu Krueng Kale dan Abuya Muda Waly Al-Khalidy tidak pernah diajarkan kitab “Insan Kamil”
"I am the oldest here. Here there is not leting me. Old age is not a science, if science is still a little bit. I've learned with 2 centuries, Cleric Abu Krueng Kale and Abuya Muda Waly. At the time of Abu Krueng Kale and Abuya Muda Waly never existed the Aceh Ulema teach book "Insan Kamil '," said Abu Tumin when giving tausyiah in inauguration TASTAFI sysop who was also in Bireun throne being appointed by Abu MUDI housed in Meunasah There is mine , The town of Bireun, Saturday, (16/12/2017) after the ' Isha ' prayer in congregation hours. 20.00 GMT.
“Saya yang paling tua di sini. Di sini tidak ada leting saya. Tua umur bukan ilmu, kalau ilmu masih sedikit. Saya pernah berguru dengan Ulama 2 kurun, Abu Krueng Kale dan Abuya Muda Waly. Pada masa Abu Krueng Kale dan Abuya Muda Waly tidak pernah ada Ulama Aceh yang mengajarkan kitab “Insan Kamil’,” kata Abu Tumin saat memberikan tausyiah dalam acara pelantikan pengurus TASTAFI Bireun yang juga di lantik oleh Abu MUDI bertempat di Meunasah Kulah Batee, Kota Bireun, sabtu, (16/12/2017) selepas shalat Isya berjamaah jam. 20.00 WIB
The figure of charismatic clerics in Aceh which is the oldest and one of the Young disciples Abuya Waly ever learned directly to Al-Marhum Abuya Muda Waly. Abu Tu asked the audience, whether they are scholars such as Abu Waly Abuya Muda Krueng Kale did not know about the book of the Insan Kamil? Surely not possible answer Abu Tu in the science of halaqah.
"If they (the young Abu Waly Abuya Krueng Kalee don't know the book" Insan Kamil "? It is not possible, "asked and answered by the leadership of the Zawiya Al Madinatuddiniyah Babussalam, Blang Bladeh, Bireuen they were.
The figure of charismatic clerics in Aceh which is the oldest and one of the Young disciples Abuya Waly ever learned directly to Al-Marhum Abuya Muda Waly. Abu Tu asked the audience, whether they are scholars such as Abu Waly Abuya Muda Krueng Kale did not know about the book of the Insan Kamil? Surely not possible answer Abu Tu in the science of halaqah.
"If they (the young Abu Waly Abuya Krueng Kalee don't know the book" Insan Kamil "? It is not possible, "asked and answered by the leadership of the Zawiya Al Madinatuddiniyah Babussalam, Blang Bladeh, Bireuen they were.
Sosok ulama kharismatik Aceh yang tertua dan salah satu murid Abuya Muda Waly yang pernah belajar langsung kepada Al-Marhum Abuya Muda Waly. Abu Tu bertanya kepada hadirin, apakah mereka para ulama seperti Abuya Muda Waly dan Abu Krueng Kale tidak tahu tentang kitab Insan Kamil? Tentunya tidak mungkin jawab Abu Tu dalam halaqah ilmu tersebut.
“Apakah mereka (Abuya Muda Waly dan Abu Krueng Kalee tidak tahu kitab “Insan Kamil”? Tidak mungkin,” tanya dan di jawab sendiri oleh Pimpinan Dayah Al Madinatuddiniyah Babussalam, Blang Bladeh, Bireuen itu.
Dalam kesempatan itu juga Abu menyebutkan bahkan demikian juga sebelumnya sejak masa Syekh Abdurrauf dimana beliau melahirkan Ulama-ulama besar sehingga digelar Aceh Serambi Mekkah, tidak pernah terdengar ada Ulama Aceh yang menjadikan mata pelajaran Insan Kamil.
In that occasion also Abu mentions even earlier as well since the time of Shaykh Abdurrauf where he gave birth to the great scholars was held in Aceh so that the porch of Mecca, never heard there was Aceh Ulema who makes subjects Insan Kamil.