WRITING: When the steem cents/saints becomes a motivation.

in #writing7 years ago
PS. By the end of this write up you must have heard a lot of the word cents and saints that it will be sweet melody to your ears.


What are cents?

Cents in this work could be defined as the incentives that come with upvotes on your post which in turn results to the amount of money the post could be able to accumulate at the end of seven days.


Who are Saints?

The saints are those who we believe are the creators of the cents. Those whose one glance at what you do and bam; you are made. ###### They are those we have in mind of making an apparition to your blog and the encounter will be written in the stars million miles away.
I will not fall into the temptation of calling names; we should fill the gap.

In Steemit, cent/saints is the reason why we wake everyday with the drive of always racking our brain to creating something marvellous, inspiring, teaching, though provoking, eyebrow raising and sometimes, something funny.


With both in mind, there is always a strong desire to outdo yourself from the last work you did. Believing when typing every lines and thought that; This is the heights of all heights. With this work, all the saints of the platform would come to my blog and not only make me cents, but to ask; what could we offer you?


Yea, Yea, We all dream, don't we?

However, when the saints visits in accordance to out expectations, we all feel that Christmas has come early, when they leave the cents and walk away, it sure feels happier than our own birthday.
Then we get all too excited again, become "typed triggered" and make another great post in our minds eyes. Updated it, but no visitation of the saints, no fall of the cents. Two days, three days, all but a familiar experience, one week, it becomes worse.
And the next time you picked your PC or phone to write, the reality check monster comes to your thought and ask the very question; of what use is your hard work, when the saints/cents are gone?
You saw wisdom in the question, and made a peace offering to yourself of resignation,
In annoyance, you slammed the laptop down, go to your music folder on your phone and played a song of Criag David; I am walking away
In the words of @stellabelle, this is when steemicide occurs.


The right reason to write.

I started writing in 2013, when I had wanted to get into college so bad, but all to no avail. The while experience resulted in a bipolar disorder that was characterized by mood swings between great energy and clinical depression.
I had no friend or allies who could tell or understand the very way I felt. At each time I needed someone to explain the exact quantification of my pain, but then nobody seemed to grab the fact of what I was saying. It all ended in the whole boring routine check of
"it is going to be fine"
"It is all right, we are here"

That was when I realise that I needed to speak with someone, who would not tell me what to make me feel better, but one who listens and say, this is how you feel, let's cry together.
It was then that I discovered my pen, and spoke whole heartily to the paper for the first time in written words.
Every since it has been my key to keeping the mood swings on check. When I realized this, I write because I want an understanding ears, which came in the strength of the pen and comfort of the book.


The problem

I guess our problem is the fact that since we came to this platform, our mind has been structured in a way that tell the world that the only reason we write is for the blessings of the saints that come with the cents.
We lose focus of our own formation of the mind and bearing of our thought patterns in other to conform to the general standard of why people should write in this platform.

Someone once asked that; true or false, the only reason I write or leave comment on people's work is because of the future rewards I hope to getting. Obviously, that was partially true, but if that was the only reason, I guess my comments will only be for the benefits of the saints who are generous enough to give out the cents.
I have asked myself severally, if I did not come across steemit, would you still write, the answer is a capital YES. I will even still write if one day it becomes a social media with no rewards.
We all make a post because of the expectation of obvious rewards. We don't comment genuinely because of the thought of future blessings. We chat up someone for the first time not to become an acquittance, but to forward our links for upvotes. This is sickening.


Let's solve it

Like I have said before now, my writing is the visibility of my thoughts. If I don't speak to the paper when the demons come calling, then it will overcome me.
We all here have various genuine reason we write. Reasons that makes us feel better in the obvious sight of wealth empowerment. I believe keying into this will make better communications and relationship.
Chat up with a saint, not because of the cents he/she could offer but for the desired knowledge you could get from that person and acquaintance with could be established.

Remember, when you know that moment you pick up your phone or PC to type a topic that has been on your mind, a topic which you have consumed your very thoughts and imaginations for days, and the very question that pops to your head is; why should I even write this? Why should I even spend so much of my mental energy and time on making this post?
You ask yourself, why should you do it? If you don't and conform to the general notion of saints for cents, you might as well apply the lyrics of walking away.

Howbeit, don't let go let go of your desire to write, if you have belief and determination in it, you will succeed in spite your desire to let go.





I'm just here to drop my 3 cents. I don't know about others, but I think this post is undervalued and you made a lot of interesting points in it. May the saints visit this post. Well done.

A big amen to that. Thanks for the cents. And by the way, there is a legal maxim that says; Equity regards as is, that which ought.

Therefore, you are a saint by equity. Thanks for stoping by

Nice one bo$$

Well said, I really like this that you've laid out. And I definitely share the viewpoint with you. I also hope to leave my legacy here on steemit, and what I share here is what I would want to be remembered for. I think we can all look for something new! Thank you for being here. :)

thank you for stopping by

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