How to transform your ideas into reality
As a human being, you have not only been given the capacity to dream or to get ideas, but also you have the God given capacity to turn these ideas into reality.
It is a very fulfilling experience for you to see in physicak manisfestation, the things that were once thoughts or ideas in your mind.
Tips that will help you to transform your ideas into reality.
Purpose: The oxford advanced learners dictionary defined purpose as the intention, aim or function of something. Stay within the area where heavens resources are guaranteed. 'And that area is the area of your divine assignment. All things work together for good to those who are called according to his purpose'. Heaven's resources are guaranteed when you stay in line with God's assignment for your life. You are designed to fulfill your purpose; your mind is designed to cultivate specific kinds of ideas seeds. It is not every soil that is okay for every kind of seed. So it is good for you to focus your mind on area of specialization. Whatever originates from God is guaranteed to succeed. Stay in the area of your natural gift and specialty. Stay in the area where you have supernatural confidence; that area where you feel that you cannot fail. I want you to understand that your gift is not inferior to that of anybody else. You may have been designed to produce ideas in the area of music; it may be in engineering designs; it may be interior decoration; it may be furniture. Whatever it may be, it is very important that you stay in the area of your gift and do not feel inferior about your gift.
Association: Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labour. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. Association is an official group of people who have joined together for a particular purpose. There is power in association. Adam has seeds in him but he had no womb to carry and nurture those seeds. That is why he needed a woman. God said, "I will provide him a helper". There are helpers that God has provided, whose skills and expertise will help the fulfillment of your own dream and desire. There are people whose minds are designed just like a woman womb to help actualize your dream. " Where there is vision, the people perish". It is also true that where there are no people, the vision will also likely perish. The first assignment of Jesus christ on earth was recruitment. As soon as His ministry started, He began to recruit. That is why it is important for one to develop people skills. If one want have friends, one must make oneself friendly.
Persistent Action: It means determined to do something despite diffculties, especially when other people are against you and think that you are being annoying or unreasonable. Nothing moves until you move. It is good for us to dream and to get ideas but we must know when to wake up from those dreams and turn them into reality. One of Newton's law of motion says that all objects remain in a state of rest until a force is applied. You have to realize that if you see anything around working, there is somebody behind it who is making it to work. The world only moves for the man who moves himself. Success will not come to you where you are, you have to go to where it is. It is also important that you learn to deal with rejection. "No does not mean that you have failed. "No just means you should come back the next time or you should try it in a different way.
Conclusion: learn how to overcome rejection, fear, inferority complex,anxiety and lack of confidence. Ideas can only generate income only if they are turn into reality.Reference:
The oxford Advanced learner's dictionary