Caption:How ideas are generated
Ideas are generated when you eradicate negative thought from ur mind. The word "impossible' must be deleted from ur vocabulary. All of the body functions, including the brain, are controlled by words.
Scientists discovered several years ago that the nerves at the speech centre of the brain control the nerves that control all the other parts of the body. Once a word is spoken, the whole body responds accordingly.

The brain has been designed to produced ideas that suit over decisions. Sometimes we do not attempt great things for lack of money if only we knew that it is the quality of ideas that flow through our minds that matters. Ideas magnetize resources. The great French General Napoleon was going to carry out an invasion. One of his young officer came to him and said " sir, this mission is impossible. "The general turned to him and said' The word impossible' can only be found in the dictionary of fools'. In reality nothing is impossible. Impossibility only exists in the mind.
Steps for generating ideas!!
- IDENTIFY A NEED: Find a need and fill it. For example, people need to wear clothes, make the clothes. The problem with the average person is that our inner eyes are closed. One man's problem is another man's opportunity. Some people only see the problem and never see the opportunity. We love to dance and sing, that creates the need for music and musical instruments. We need to get ideas to meet the variety of needs around us. We have needs with respect to housing, transportation, communication, recreation, feeding, information etc.
*SIMPLY AN EXISTING PROCESS OR PRODUCT: Cables have been used for telephone but now we do not need cables. Wireless phone system have taken over the cable phone system. Think of how you can improve on current methods and equipment employed in your field.
ADAPT ANOTHER IDEA: You may see a fast food business that is doing very well in an area, and move over to reproduce the same thing with slight modification to suit your environment.
CREAT A NEED: Before, man used water to entertain visitors but now we use soft drinks. Man is not born with the imate desire for soft drinks. Its general acceptance by the populace gas made it a standard requirement for entertainment. The need for soft drinks was created by man.
EXPOSURE: Reading, traveling, and asking questions help to arrange and re-arrange thoughts in our mind.