Five Minute Freewrite: Sizzle
My daily free write, prompt courtesy:
and @freewritehouse
Hearing the bacon sizzle in the pan and smelling its wonderful smoky aroma brings me back instantly to that day on the lake. The blue bird clear sky reflected in the water. We had camped on the only bit of sandy shore we could find and she made breakfast the next morning on my tiny little camp stove. I had never had bacon that tasted so good. I was famished from the previous day’s paddling and portaging our canoe. I washed down the bacon and eggs with a cup of good strong coffee to fortify my nerves. I had a question sizzling in my mind, burning there with my longing.
Photo by from Pexels
Welcome to the land of freewriters!
And a tip if you don't mind - when linking the source for the image you can just write [source](put the link in brackets like this)
Here is today's prompt:
Thanks for the tip!

Bacon is love . Cooking bacon in natural ways would literally make me to starve ! Good write up @ghostsinahatbox
I love those little stoves. They rock. Big window to fit larger fuel pieces. Collapsible. I deal for on the move camping & hiking.