Collin Kaepernick, why aren't Chicago/Cleveland Black Fans protesting with their dollar to get you?

in #writing8 years ago (edited)


Collin Kaepernick risked it all, under the brightest lights of celebrity and fame, on the holiest of American days
he forced a culture of police brutality into the living rooms of those using this day to think about anything else but
social ills. The powerful microphones of entertaining commentators had no choice but to loudly broadcast his silent
protest and men of a sport with it's own brutal display of macho showed a sensitivity to the lives and stories of those gunned down by trusted law enforcement.

He put it on the line for black culture, he instigated deeper thinking on the responsibility of wealth and status among his peers and likely created the modern prototype of the philosopher athlete.

For all he did, the minds he's transformed, he's now out of a job and the millions that came with that job.

The Problem with fighting for black culture... often black culture doesn't have your back?

This is a culture that thrives on narratives, with a particular addiction to victim narratives.

The ongoing narrative is Collin is being black balled, he's the victim and this is the only narrative being presented. Shannon Sharpe and many other analysts have presented their case and comparisons between Collin and other quarterbacks and as far as they can see, it's clear he's the victim of a league with a long memory and great accountants who understand the cost of such a public display of heroship.

Lets consider another narrative, just as equally powerful as the decision making owners of these NFL teams, are the fans who spend their dollars, time and friendships around the culture of American football.

Chicago, a city that's 32% black, with 72% of stop and frisk targeting blacks... needs a quarterback

Cleveland a city that 54% black needs a quarterback.

Where are the black football fans fighting with their dollars for Collin like Collin risked his dollars for black culture?

There's no Cleveland for Kaepernick facebook page, no Chicago for Kaepernick hashtags. This narrative hasn't been created for black culture to follow, as the good all Blame Whitey card is an easier play for modern click bait media.

"We want Kaepernick or we won't buy tickets"


Would he not get a hero's welcome at these city's? Would he not resurrect the fanship, viewership and storyline of these defunct football brands?

Imagine the confidence these fan proclamations will bring to others of fame and status who choose silence over financial ruin. Here's a moment to show, yes... black culture does have your back! We may not own the teams, but we got your back.

We may not be able to hire you at a million dollar salary ourselves, but we got your back.

If Collin goes 1 football season without being picked up, the message will be loud and clear to others of wealth, fame and status... that fighting for black culture is a self defeating effort.


fuck kapernick hes an idiot and a shitty quarterback

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