DOCUMENT Z- Season 1 Episode 1

in #writing7 years ago

The stimulation of the surrounding chaos was overwhelming to everyday citizens like the other people on the freeway. People frantically struggled to escape their vehicles .Shouts for help mixed with the sounds of cars smashing into each other. Fortunately for Tim the military had prepared him through the years of ongoing training and battlefield experience. He had been trained to run towards the sounds of gunfire and explosions. The ability to remain calm and think on the fly was detrimental to keeping not only his life, but those of his squad.

He exited quickly from the back of the cab and opened the drivers door. He visually assessed the drivers facial injury as he reached down and popped the trunk.The wound deep and would require stitches. The mans breathing appeared stable . This was good. As he moved to the rear of the car he scanned his immediate surroundings. People were struggling to leave their cars as behind them more added to the pileup. The man who was biting the woman had take her to the ground.

He slung his backpack on and then made his way to where a man was on top of a struggling and screaming woman. He grabbed the attacker by the back of his shirt and his belt and tossed him off of the woman.Her screams had turned to gurgling attempts at air as the crazed man had apparently torn a hole into her throat. Her eyes locked on to his as her last attempt for air failed. She went limp and the rest of her blood poured from the torn flesh of her neck.There was nothing anyone could have done to save her from that traumatic type of injury.

Tim pivoted on the balls of his feet and focused on the killer as the man rose to his feet. Without hesitation the man lunged at Tim. He shifted into a defensive stance as the bloody assailant rushed forward.With a powerful kick Tim met the man’s momentum with a solid boot to the chest. When the man's body hit the pavement Tim mounted him and delivered a series of punches intended to knock him unconscious. The force with which the guys head bounced off the asphalt should have been enough to incapacitate him.

To Tim’s surprise it did not.

The man snarled and snapped his jaws open and closed as if he seemed unfazed by the punches.Tim noticed something else strange about him as well. His eyes. They were so red it was as if his pupils were swimming in a pool of his own blood. He also saw a primal rage there that was that of a crazed animal.

Snap, snap, snap. The man growled as he bit at Tim.

As his hand to hand combat had prepared him Tim shifted his mount from the mans chest to a side mount. He expertly kicked the man in his back rolling him to his stomach. Tim took the man’s back and slide one arm under the attackers chin and the other around the back of his head as he rolled him to be on top . He then squeezed the man's neck restricting air and blood flow that would render him unconscious in a matter of seconds.

At least this was Tim’s experience in his combat training. He himself had quickly succumbed to this type of judo move. The combined force of having the blood flow restricted in the head and inability to draw air through the throat was a trusted and fast method to render an opponent out cold but alive.

Again Tim was surprised to find that this was not working either. He applied even more pressure to his squeeze. The struggling and still snapping man didn't seem to be human. He writhed and struggled all the while snapping his jaws open and close with such force to make a loud clacking sound .

Tim constricted every muscle he had and locked his choke hold down even further. With an audible pop the man's neck snapped . His body went limp as the connection between the brain and the rest of him was severed.

Tim stood up trying to catch his breath and understand what had just happened.

‘I had to kill him. There was something wrong with him,’ he thought as he started back to the cab. He did not understand what caused that man to act that way but something made him not only to bite a woman to death but gave him some kind of intolerance to pain.

The driver was mumbling but waking as he returned to remove him.

“Uhhhh” the man moaned as Tim unfastened the seatbelt that no doubt saved him from being tossed out the window his face had shattered.

“Listen, sir. We were in a wreck” Tim says . “You are injured but you will be ok. I need you to try and remain calm. What’s your name?”

“Uhhh,Jacob,” the shaken cabby answered.

“Ok, Jacob. We are gonna have to walk. The car won’t make it through this mess. I need you to try and move quickly.There are things going on here and we need to find some help quick.”

As Tim helped the man stand up he barely had time to realize what happened as a car near them exploded. The concussion threw him and the injured cabby helplessly through the air.

Tim’s body smashed into a windshield as Jacob was tossed over another crashed car. The people who were still struggling to escape the car that exploded became part of the fireball and thrown shrapnel. A mini mushroom cloud rose and turned into a black pillar of smoke as the now hunk of twisted metal burned.

The force of the blast had rocked Tim. He struggled against the darkness creeping into his vision. The darkness won as he slipped into unconsciousness. His last thought as he slide into the shadows was,

‘What the hell was happening…’


Nice flow to the action there my friend. Nice job.

Thank you! I almost didn't want to put in my entry after reading yours by the way. RESPECT

This is an amazing entry fracas and if I were you I would never doubt myself again as having a place in DocumentZ.

You have done some great things with this post that I really like.

Time is coming close and it is going to make it really tough for me to score the best one out of the bunch of you.

I like that you managed lots of juicy details, and a lot of insight into Tims thought processes :) very nice!

And I'm really glad you chose to post your entry!

Waooo @fracasgrimm this is amazing, yours line are flowing so well...and feeling so real.

Thank you! I appreciate the kind words. I liked yours as well.

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