This last time by your side, weighs the same as the inexorable passing of time; full of joys and sorrows, of dreams and awakenings, of sadness as and hopes, disappointments and learnings. And today, irremediably today, I find before the subtle idea that part of me you are and I part of you I am, love. It is not necessary, at all, to scrutinize my vast memory to find an embers of you. Whenever you look at it I can find it in the streets that fork (as Borges would say) of this immense labyrinth of the city, in the vegetables that I deny a corner for my son, bitter, in the rays What is a black book? I hear you speak, with your eyes fixed on mine. Surrounded by miles of eyes, voyeurs, endless voices, shoes, coats, children, watches, hearts: the furious world turning on and around both, waiting for the step we avoid. I hear you speak, then, but not entirely. Because deep down I do not listen to you. Or not all the time. I only measure the variations of your voice, the rhythm ... Hell! that rhythm that got violently into my veins until they reach my organs, poison me, and that's the only reason I know I'm fine, that we're fine at the end of the day ...

The gray clouds blur through the ghostly sky. The bus has not passed in good time. So, before going home, I decided to take a walk. I've gone through a flower shop and a wiry cactus on the mantelpiece has caught my attention. I have given a few bills and I have taken it home. After all, it has turned out to be very beautiful and I could not do anything other than writing and being aware of it. When I opened the floor door I realized (again) that you were not there. The oozing air mixes with the small fibers of things. A few furnishings are part of the room, so much that they have never moved from the same place where they were placed at the first time. And I, of course, do not intend to do it either. Olga has knocked on the door, she asked me if I wanted to go to the cinema with the one on the 3rd floor and the one on the 4th floor. Although I do not know who is on the 3rd floor or on the 4th floor, I have answered yes, for not leaving. I fixed myself as fast as I could and went to the floor to smoke a cigarette to wait for Olga, whom I hear singing in the shower from the first landings on the stairs. It has taken a lot, but at last it has turned out beautiful.

The one on the 4th floor has turned out to be called Carol. Play the Double Bass: first lectern. Study botany. Amateur to night walks. Favorite food: Thai. We waited a while for the third floor. When he arrived, without introductions, he greeted me warmly and then went on to kiss his beloved Carol. It looks like he's a good guy. He is a little more than drunk. Unexpectedly, when leaving, Olga, has taken my arm ...
Regards, Steemians !