Why We Need To Visualize Our Life

in #writing7 years ago

Do you ever live your life in themes? I know it’s strange question but for myself my life has themes from week to week. These are things that pop up in my life over and over again.

They seem like separate things, but they all meld together in the end upon reflection.

Last week was a week of a few themes. One was on the fact of taking action. Simply doing something when you feel stuck.

But there was another theme last week. It was something bigger but not mentioned as often.

It was on visualizing yourself. Picturing the person that you want to be.

Many people struggle a lot with that. In fact I’m in that same camp. Although I’d say I’m ahead than most others.

My point is that not many people know where they want to go in life. There are many that coast through life with no real direction.

And then there are people like me who have a bit of idea, maybe have written a little bit down, but they haven’t mapped out an entire plan.

I’m not talking about simply goals. I’m talking about visualizing your entire life. From how you wake up, what you see in your ideal room all the way down to what exactly you’ll be doing during the day, and how you want to think, everything.

Of course plans can change over time, but I believe now more than ever that when we devote time to really figure out how we want to live we’ll get farther than before and we can understand ourselves in more profound ways.

Much like with setting meaningful goals and asking ourselves why we want to pursue something, taking the time to visualize where we want to go with our lives down to the finer points is incredibly important.

The importance of this visualization isn’t to get upset about it, it’s to be used as a source of motivation. I believe it’s for that reason why Tony Robbins told us that “Whatever you hold in your mind on a consistent basis is exactly what you will experience in your life”

Much like with the law of attraction, when we visualize ourselves, and actually write it out, we can imagine ourselves in that situation. It’s the main reason why for a few years Jim Carrey carried around a crumpled cheque written out to him for a million dollars for acting services rendered.

Of course, like I said last week, we do need to take action to achieve those realities. But much like with goals, when we visualize ourselves in that situation, we may be able to piece some of those things together to make some of them fall into place.

It’s at this time where we embrace failure and we understand it’s part of the process of living. It’s worth the wait, because we know some day we’ll get there. It took Thomas Edison 10,000 tries to make a lightbulb. He didn’t lose faith in his ability because he knew he’d make it and we all can to.

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