The Purpose of ministry is redemption not fame

in #writing6 years ago


But many of today's ministers act as if they never received that memo.

And that is precisely why you see them running around here more concerned with cultivating their popularity than cultivating their anointing.

They're more concerned with publicity than prayer, with broadcasting than group fasting, with being celebrated than being sanctified.

Indeed, today's brood of carnal clergy yearn more to be on television than to heal the sick and cast out devils.

They're interested more in the size of their church than with the holiness of their church.

No wonder, then, the power of God is never in demonstration in their meetings.

Every week, in spite of the faithful attendance of their parishioners, the people leave each service as sick and as sinful as they were when they came to service.

It is because the bulk of today's ministry have the wrong approach to ministry. And this is the very thing that continually grieves the Spirit of God.

"And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption" (Ephesians 4:30).

Pimps and divas now pepper the pulpits to the point where many of God's precious people are hard pressed to find true ministry anywhere.

And if and when they do find a semblance of authentic ministry, it is usually watered down to such a degree that no supernatural contact can be made with God in those churches.

All of this is proof positive that we have entered a critical time in the Church's history all because of the self-centered, self-aggrandizing me-ism of today's clergy.

Pray that the Father will raise up a new breed of ministers who have transcended the juvenile narcissism that is commonplace among today's immature clergy and are completely consecrated to the cause of redemption.

Pray that they will be bold in speaking the unadulterated Word of God and adept at flowing in the power of the Spirit of God.

And God will be entreated of you and answer your prayers.

And so shall the Church be restored to honor, and the risen Savior will once again be given the homage He is rightfully


You can't judge all pastors as being that way. Yes, most of them are unsaved. Most don't preach from the Bible. Most of those that do don't teach it properly because they don't know it themselves. Many of them see being a pastor as a job like being a plumber or an architect. But many of them are godly men who properly teach the word of God.

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