How My Country Became What it is Today w/ "Weight of Chains" Documentary -by Boris Malagurski.
First and foremost I'am a humanist, for those of you who haven't read my last two articles, with an objective view of the world. I'am also quite apolitical, more interested in history, writing, technology ... But for, in my mind, the sake of progress some things need to be said and analysed. I know that for some this might be a difficult and dismal article; I don't care, its important. The other day I left you with a cliffhanger that I'm sure I'll come back to at some point, but first I need to take a few steps back. This all ties in...
However, the primary goal of this particular article is to show what ignorance, religious extremism, nationalism, discrimination, immoral capitalism and their assertion upon the people by, their or outside governments, can do to a nation (See; "The Weight of Chains " documentary by: Boris Malagurski ). To use it as an example. So that people may understand the implications and what comes as a result of practising the above mentioned ways, rather than just taking my word for it or worse; trusting what media says. By doing so, hopefully, I can add my contribution to making sure something like it never happens again.
I was born and live in Croatia, the newest member of the European Union (EU). A country that was once a part of Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. In short, Yugoslavia.
Yeah EU ... But what was Yugoslavia?
Well ... officially it was classified as "Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY)". Governed by six socialist republics: Serbia ,Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro and Slovenia (1943–1992) . It also included two autonomous provinces within Serbia: Kosovo and Vojvodina.
Basically commies right? Not exactly. (see: "Yugoslavia - the Good Old Days of Tito-style Communism")
The Yugoslav civil war is at this point, thankfully, a fading subject. Old news. But not many people know it actually functioned based on a distinct form of socialism; Titoism. Named after Josip Broz Tito. The guy that founded SFRY. His war path trough second world war and rise to power is a story of its own. Anyway, how was it different than lets say; Soviet Union?
Titoism opposed Soviet communist model. It even resisted Soviet pressure to become a member of the Warsaw Pact after the WWII. Titoism was based on a principle that each country should have its own means of achieving communist goals, instead of following a pattern set in another. Tito even jailed those accused of pro-Stalin attitudes, (between 1948. - 1955. ).
Since Yugoslavia was created with little or no assistance from the Red Army, it made her the only country in Eastern Europe that remained "socialist, but independent".
It looked something like this:
It is cringe as fuck, but it was made in the eighties, that entire decade was cringy. Cringe aside, It raises the question; what the actual fuck happened? Croatia is drowning in debt, social policies have never been worse, we're governed by complete fucktards that can't even practice economic crime without even the birds singing about it and around 80.000 work capable people left in 2017 alone, with similar numbers in the couple of prior years. There's no official data for 2016. of course. 80 thousand, that's just the official estimation. And we all know how reliable they are. Yet change is nowhere near the horizon.
Now 80.000 might not seem that much to you, but Croatia has a population of about 3.9 million and some sources even indicate the amount of people who left might even be up to three times higher than 80 thousand. But I wouldn't be surprised since our statistical agency is as reliable as an Alfa Romeo, so I wont even bother. As if that wasn't enough, there has been a surge in nepotism, political corruption, religious indoctrination, social oppression and prejudice, government influenced media and other twisted bullshit that fell out of corporate asses.
If you saw the video, I bet most of you would like to visit.
It's a nice place to visit, don't get me wrong but ...
Let me tell you "what the actual fuck happened"
Here I have for you guys a documentary called "The Weight of chains" -by Boris Malagurski that, in my opinion, perfectly portrays just how much power the media has when used for propaganda. And just how little it took for the capitalist oriented nations to lunge like a predator at a potential new market and territory for privatisation once Tito kicked the bucket. Involving the US government, CIA, EU, NATO, corrupt domestic politicians and media sparkled nationalism ( skip to 31:50 for an example of a news broadcast ) that eventually lead to a civil war that tore Yugoslavia apart with estimated casualties around 140.000 lives lost in ethnic cleansing and armed conflict. This is no conspiracy theory, there are dozens of documents, testimonies and interviews that were covered in this documentary. Including interviews with economists Michel Chossudowsky, John Perkins and a retired Major-General Lewis McKenzie . Seriously, I know its 2 hours long but, its definitely worth the time.