If you like someone....

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

While i was about writing this post , i decided to ask a variety of my male pals if or not they think a woman should let a man know she's interested in him or not ..
and these are the honest responses i got from them :-

  • I like relationships that are unbiased( fifty/ fifty). If she's interested ,she should let me know, just like i would let her know if i am too.
  • I am not a type who chase women ,neither would i set myself up for such. If she doesn't let me know she likes me, she might as well forget it.
    And here comes my favourite reply..
  • I really don't get this question. Why would i be with someone who doesn't like me.
    And come to think of it why would a man want to be with you if you act like you don't like him?
    I know most ladies have the mindset of "Dont Talk to a man first". You also aren't supposed to look at him, smile at him or compliment him..but how in the world is this man supposed to know you like him? How is he supposed to get the courage to ask you out without thinking he would be settling himself up for embarrassment & rejection?
    Believe me, no healthy man is going to want to go down such line.
    Doesn't it make you feel good when a man shows you he's interested in you?
    Don't u feel more confident if he gives you a warm smile,a compliment,or lets you know he really likes you?
    It gives you a feeling to take the next step, because you feel safer reciprocating.
    Then why should you deprive a man you care about of this same experience.
    The rule here is : Treat Men The Way You Want Them To Treat You.
    Men are also human,they need just as much love and approval as women do. They are also afraid of rejection and perhaps even more than women. They would avoid any situation in which they could feel like they've failed.
    The more sensitive a man's heart, the more true this is.

Hey girl, I'm Oatmeal Joey Arnold, and you are lovely.

Beautiful and interesting post... I recently had an occasion where I was working in the mall and this lady seeing her for the first time was a beauty and I said hello which she responded and we both walk on.
I was work as a contractor for just few weeks and I later saw her the next day and noticed she works in a salon in the mall.
Every time I walk pass her or unintentionally look in her direction, there she goes looking at me and I got it... she likes me.
So I made the move, we got to exchange numbers and infact she gave me 2 of her phone numbers on the spot 😁.
During us getting to know each other she told me she already asked my colleague for a favour and the favour was to send my colleague to tell me she likes me and before she could tell my colleague beacause my colleague had to attend to something quickly, I came along to ask for her number.
It was cool , I would have liked her coming to me first but yeah she did give me signs that she likes me.

Really..that's pretty nice and my point exactly. It should always be a two way thing and not gender biased..@joetunex

Yes gone are those days where it must be done by men alone.

This is a great post and I enjoyed reading it very much. It is an interesting dynamic, the relationship between a man and a woman. Contrary to popular beliefs and what commercial media would tell us, we do have feelings and emotions. Our hearts break, we do cry, and rejection does cut deeper than anyone could ever imagine. We want to feel desired on all levels in a relationship, be it platonic or otherwise.

The worst things happen to men's hearts over time as they are subjected to rejections and confusion, they become hardened and cold. It is not a purposeful or intentional action, but a reaction to the world. The less emotion equals less vulnerably which equals indifference which equals pain for the people in our lives.

That got dark fast, to sum up, great post. You are awesome!!!

Thanks dear and likewise you, you are super awesome.

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