What If There Was A Better Way

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

What if the concept of representative government was simply an impossibility?

What if a government “of the people, by the people, and for the people” was hopeless? What if the entire process of democratic elections was predicated on a flawed approach to organizing society?

What if the coercive, monopolistic, and parasitic entity known as the state inherently cared more for its own well being that it’s citizens?

What if the universal laws of private property and voluntary exchange were in violation on a constant basis by every form of government in history? What if the very notion of taxation implies that the state has a higher claim on the fruits of your labor than you do? What if this notion was also known as slavery? What if modern day slaves clamored for for their own bondage through the voting process?

What if voluntary participation in the voting process was really a passive acceptance of the state’s eternal control of the individual?

What if getting involved in politics, and trying to make changes from the inside was useless? What if the system was so inherently flawed, that no decent person could make any meaningful change from a policy standpoint? What if political corruption was so abundant that the average person regularly makes jokes about the impossibility of getting rid of crooked politicians?

What if the very nature of political positions attracted the worst that society has to offer?

What if F. A. Hayek was correct when he said that “the worst rise to the top.”? What if Lord Acton was also correct when he said that “power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely"?

What if this “power” was at the very heart of why no government can actually represent its people.

What if instead of all this, society sought to respect the private property rights of the individual and their freedom to engage in voluntary exchange?

What if people discovered that no monopolistic, coercive entity was needed at all? What if all the good things that the government could “supposedly” add to society were more than capable in the hands free individuals, left to their own?

What if there was no such thing as perfection in human organizations, yet this fact didn’t stop society from accepting an enduring system of compulsion by a small monopoly.

What if organizations based on voluntary cooperation became the norm? What if people realized that self governance was not only possible, but the only just way for humans to interact?

What if the simple concept of peaceful, voluntary exchange has been a struggle for mankind since time immemorial?

What if the very nature of the state meant that while it will never end itself, it is up to individuals to promote the idea of freedom, no matter how bleak the prospects may seem in the current political environment?



Wow, I’ve been having many of the exact same thoughts in the past week, on my way to and from work. And now I was amazed to see them in written form, posted by you. Good to know I’m not alone who’s having these “crazy” ideas. And just having it in text helps to further reflect on them. Thank you for this!

Yes, yes, yes. I think there are multiple social evolutionary arcs going on simultaneously. One arc contains all of the statist-oriented people who will never veer from the "comfy" power-paradigm they know (multiple reasons why including fear, resistant to change, ignorance, etc). Another arc is the completely disenfranchised, those who hate the status quo but have not wrapped their head around another path. This arc of people spew only negativity, destruction and hatred in rage that is a semi-rational response to an oppressive system. A third arc is those who are completely put-off by the status quo but they believe that rational, good natured humans do possess the power to make change. This arc is currently in the process of linking up (as technology, social progress and general consciousness-expansion is improving) and hopefully will be able to plant the seeds of broad scale social reform. My hope is that this arc grows and is seen by more and more people as simply a better choice to participate within. Until the old system dies (perhaps not in any of our lifetimes) this separate arc can grow and thrive by doing the bare minimum in the old system (to essentially avoid the cage) whilst building the new one in parallel. Much more could be said on this, but I'll leave it here just as a thought continuation from Doit's original post.

Final thought....don't buy THEIR products. don't participate in THEIR elections. don't consume THEIR media. don't use THEIR financial institutions. don't imbibe THEIR points of view. and on and on. This practice takes tons of conscious decision-making every single day but it is the only way to change the world, even if only incrementally over time.

I like it. Makes me think of that speech Judge Napolitano did on Fox News. Somebody needs to make a video version of this!

Good questions all

but, you can't get there from here.

The biggest problem with govern-cement is its run by an oligarchy. A psychopathic oligarchy who has made rituals of psychologically fracturing their children through various tortures, so that they are assured of becoming a psychopath too.

The devil promises you love, but it can never deliver.
The devil doesn't even know what love is. But it knows how to manipulate lust and lead people on with promises.

The reason govern-cement doesn't appear to work is because EVERYTHING has ulterior motives to what is labelled on the tin. The affordable care act had nothing to do with affordableness or care. The homeland security act had nothing to do with security, or our country. (where in the world is the homeland? It is not an american word)

A government can be good, but it will take changing all the people in it. It will require completely new thinking about how to organize, how to measure performance and how to get things done.

Representatives also need to change. We, for the most part, can vote ourselves. However, we need much better data about proposals. We also need to stop this stupid 51% bullshit. If it is to be a law, in needs to pass by at least 90%. Or, 90% of the people are already following it, we just need to write down the punishment for breaking it.

Further, elections should happen over about a month, and not be for president, but be for something like, head person for building this road from point A to point B. And they should be able to fired faster.

And other such things

Pointed out very serious issue for true democracy

Super Post!!! upvoted

I wondered what would happen if not one single person voted during an election. But I guess there’s already a system in place for that type of scenario?

Thanks for your writing own kind of words.
Really i liked it. Best Of Luck.

Money power and selfishness enter in and destroy the ability for governments to properly represent. If we in some way could take out any of those three elements it would be much better. Why should governmental leaders be paid? it seems to attract greed and corruption...greed for more money under the table and through PACS. I find it hard to believe that the godzilla monster will give up its power voluntarily. Thanks @doitvoluntarily

the issue with governments is the force from inception ✌

The society will never be given this power , because there will be a lot of fear in hearts of the government and the powerful elites . What if this would change our life , what if it provides us with security , safety ? What if ?

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