No More War: Will It Ever End?

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

Those who have an affinity for violence are always going to have an excuse for continued warfare.

And we shouldn't forget the sort of individual that first might be attracted to a position of authority, where they could get to exert power over others, perhaps might not be the sort of individual who you'd want ending-up with the job.

Uncontrollable Militarism Feeds The Growth Of Government...

Concerns for “global disorder” or worries that if they retreat, that “terror will rise up again” will continually be reiterated as a justification for the cause. And what an endeavor that we have to be proud of, it's taken more than 15 years in this war on terror and the number of bodies, of those who've lost their lives as a result, should prompt anyone to pause and really consider whether or not it's worth it.

The hundreds of thousands of people who have been killed as a result of this ongoing effort, are people who had children, grandparents, loved ones, they had hopes and dreams, they much like you or I, likely just wanted to live their life in peace.

It's discouraging to think of the potential for billions of people to suffer such tremendous damage because of the actions of a small few. The dangerous beliefs that those in power continue to maintain with this foreign policy, is and could continue to bring a great deal of suffering. Who is coming out the winner? Because it sure isn't the general public in any circumstance.

Just this week, the doomsday clock was moved closer to midnight, and the news without fail continues to spew fear propaganda on a daily basis. They'll never give up on the effort of drilling the theme into our minds over and over that we need a savior (government) to protect us from enemies overseas, next door, or perhaps right under our bed.

According to the recently released National Defense Strategy; there's still no end in sight.

And on that note, let's just take a moment to consider the trillions of dollars that have been spent on this cause.

It's costing millions of dollars every single day.

And the worst part of all of this is that the actions of the US and its allies, directly fuels blow-back, and many people who've spent time fighting for the US have admitted that. When the foreign policy that's currently being operated with, fuels more of the exact problem that it's looking to supposedly end, should we assume that it will ever come to an end?

Of course, there's no doubt that we can thank the establishment pictured above for help to fuel the never-ending cycle of war. The Federal Reserve has helped to fund allies, pump up the economy, finance military endeavors, and more. And it's the American people who are left paying the bill.

“[provisions were] neverthe-less made by which the federal reserve banks could be used as instrumentalities in support of government finance, and we may therefore expect to see them becoming more and more, as the war goes on, a powerful auxiliary factor in the financial operations of the nation.” - A. C. Miller, FED Board Member.

The United States public debt is now over $19 trillion. Just in the last decade alone, the debt has increased more than 110 percent. And since the inception of the Federal Reserve, it has been claimed that central banks are in place in order to protect financial systems but their actions contribute to the opposite.

The banking cartel, with the help of government, has been able to erode purchasing power for Americans, with arguably little-to-no oversight or concern for the welfare of the people. And perhaps if the printing press wasn't around for governments to rely upon, to finance their endless military endeavors, then those in positions of power might be forced to look for more reasonable and diplomatic solutions.

“Imagine an irresponsible teenager with an unlimited line of credit. The parents, teachers, pastors, and authorities in his life are ultimately powerless to change his habits. Now imagine that teenager armed to the teeth and also immune even from the rule of law. This is what you have with a government backed by a central bank” - Ron Paul, END The FED

The current foreign policy that the US and its allies operate with comes at a detriment to the American people in many ways, most importantly with them having to risk their own life to fight a battle that isn't their own.

The more that the government continually grows, with the expansion of its military activities around the world, the more that personal liberty will suffer. And in the last 15 years that's certainly what we have seen with the TSA, Patriot Act, NDAA, and more.

Just because we are told that endless war is needed and justified—doesn't make it so.

Hunger Games via giphy
via strangeracer


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The dangerous beliefs that those in power continue to maintain with this foreign policy, is and could continue to bring a great deal of suffering.

The most dangerous belief in my mind is the average people's belief in government authority. Without that none of the above would be remotely possible.

Yes, you are right @tony.jennings. It is a job of MSM to brainwash average people into government authority without alternative.

war is hell and the plight of humanity. Until we break ourselves from this addiction to violence to solve problems, it will unfortunately continue. The good news is, that although things seem bleak, this is actually the most peace humanity has ever seen. It is indeed, the safest time to be alive on earth.

One more observation to your excellent resume, @doitvoluntarily: Wars are always waged with someone else's money. If American can't take over budget control, then they should accept decentralized cryptocurrencies and that way prevent the idea of endless wars.

Great article. As a world traveler for the past 15 years I can clearly see a change in attitude towards American citizens from people of all different countries around the globe.

I'm an American citizen from Albany NY. I recall 15 years ago people reacting very unfavorable towards me when learning I was American or assuming I was American. In many places throughout Asia where I spent most my time back then you could really feel a dislike or even hatred toward you from the general population or other travelers from different countries.

I even was attacked on the street in Seoul South Korea by a woman leaving an anti American rally back in 2004. She was beating with her handbag and another Korean had to pull her away from me. God forbid I defended myself in the legal system I would have been in the wrong no matter what. I later learned she was yelling at me in Korean "American Go Home!"

But over the past five years or so, especially since 2012 (maybe there was an awakening...Mayan Calendar theory stuff) people seem to have been much nicer when learning I'm American and the hate or displease....or attitude generally no longer exists. If a political conversation ever ensues any negative comments are directed toward the power structure, to the elite, the governments of the world, the politicians, not the everyday citizen where 15 years ago it was clearly both.

I hope my little story here was a good addition to your excellent article. By the way I just threw my up-vote bot on you. I know my vote isn't worth much but I just want to show you my support. I think you're doing great work here and spreading awareness about important topics on a consistent basis. Great job and keep up the great work! I'll try to check in more often, kind of difficult at times keeping up on here and traveling. Have an excellent day and hope that you are well! -Dan "World Travel Pro!"

thanks for sharing about your travels, that bag attack gave me a laugh 😂, appreciate the comment and support

Looking back on know make me laugh as well, Just insane. So happy I'm able to get to know you bit by bit here on the platform. You seem like a real smart....and nice guy! Have a great day! -Dan

Great post @doitvoluntarily ! "Uncontrollable Militarism Feeds The Growth Of Government..." Great heading . Thanks for sharing , its something it seems that will never end ...Upped and resteemed👍👍👍✌

Ha ha! Nice! Love your GIFs!

War is all about power and the U.S. government loves to fund things that help them gain more power across the globe. Too bad they don't always take care of veterans who come back from war with PTSD or major health problems but don't receive the care they need. Our local Veterans Hospital is underfunded and many patients get inadequate care. I know many veterans who are homeless or are disabled and can't work. Plenty of money goes into funding war but not enough goes into taking care of those who suffer the effects of war.

We also had this discussion in class when someone said war is healthy. In my opinion, it’s like “hell” lives are taken , children are left without parents vise versa. Homes are destroyed, towns are destroyed . War is just an ugly thing that leaves everyone miserable and depressed . I’ve spoken with some people who have came back from fighting war, and it leaves me speechless

Very good article. You share something very useful and worth talking about. War is hard to stop but needs to stop. I will share this great post for my followers. Thank you very much @doitvoluntarily.

No, it won't end. The war on terror campaign was announced and signaled to the world that the U.S. will always be at war, since terror can never be defeated. Best to leave the U.S. and help defund their wars by not paying taxes to help fund them. However, most will stay and just piss and moan about it while nothing changes. I left 10 years ago and couldn't be happier at my decision. No they aren't going to end, but at least I'm not paying for them.

Ah the doomsday clock! Ticking ever closer to a free society I'm hoping. Great writing brother, keep spreading the good word! 👍

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