Practice makes the master, Practice!. Motivational thinking
Practice makes the master, to succeed on every aspect of your life, you have to commit 100%, hours and hours of training, there is no pain, no fatigue, no doubts, it Is just you and your objectives, do you want to succeed in sports? Then practice, do you wish to be a great musician? Then practice. Want to be a great player? then practice, i noticed that sometimes we practice things like impatience, stress, anger, frustration and sadness. How much time did we loose? Think for a moment, if you practice for some hours everyday those invested hours will become years of training and practice, You will be a professional. But for most of us to train and improve our skills, it looks like a lot of time. Maybe way to much. Everyone wants everything fast so we never learn how to be patients, we want the skills here and now with us, we live in a time of instant things, instant memories, our priorities change fast, We preffer to use elevators cause the stairs are to much for us, if we see a long text we just search for a shorter one, so tell me if you want to be good at what you do, Will you take the easy way? So if you want to establish the time for this you have to understand clearly. Why do you do what you do? For your family wellness? Do you want your parents to be proud of you? Or you just want the social media conpliments? That would be really dad using your important time with dumb things with avarice and stereotypes of someone that doesn't really exist, Why so much pain, tears, and sweat? We practice fear many times a day, we practice doubts but we dont practice to believe in ourselves we practice to run and run like hamsters on a wheel thinking about going somewhere, just to get nowhere, practice real hard it is just you and your goals!

great writing and keep it up
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