Codex Primum (First Chapter For A Novel Built On Steemit!)

in #writing7 years ago (edited)



Understanding the beginnings of this experience (life) seems to be a function of organisms that have become self-aware. Somewhere through the life processes, and the processes seen from the observation of the conscious mind, a desire to seek an understanding of why the individual identity has been allowed to exist, will cross the thought processes of whoever searches far enough for the answers.

An infinite amount of ways in which to view this existence are available and at your disposal. Yet, our minds are geared towards associating what is generally taken as the “mainstream” answer that conforms to our own social identity. This social identity is heavily influenced by locally-derived cultural norms that are mimicked within smaller groupings of identity. Even our subjective viewpoints of reality, differ from person to person. Subtle differences occur between two individuals that may or may not conform to a shared identity along the chain of compartmentalized identities that are all possibilities. The mind compartmentalizes all aspects in this reality-

[to keep you in a linear order of existence].

Consciousness is something that is enjoyed by self-aware life. Our reality consists of a series of biological processes that work in unison to allow for the creation of our conscious minds. It is foolish for us to see our personal lives as unique when everything that we can see in the physical world works for, and is a part of larger orders of identity.

For instance, all the cells that make up the human body are not alike. They are all bound to work together within the body system dictated by your genetic DNA coding. The cells within your lungs have a set purpose, and live within a concealed environment. Individual cells work together for the organism, which in this case is that of the identity of being a lung.

Who is to say that those same lung cells are not conscious beings who utilize their senses to perform the function dictated by the higher order to their existence? We feed a higher order of existence much like that of the analogy given above. We feed a series of consciousnesses that culminate with the consciousness of the entirety, as we are a remnant of the energy that has been here since the very beginning.

When we die, we assume our role within the higher order of consciousness. Consciousness is compartmentalized along lines of identity. Anywhere that multiple consciousness minds collude, enables the creation of a new consciousness to take shape. That is a life form as it absorbs energy, and gives off energy by all its moving parts.
If you were to think about the concepts I am talking about here; and open your eyes to the truth, you would see that "We are a part of the consciousness that runs the entirety of existence. We all live on within that paradigm".


The first order of identity you have as you look outside of self is that of your family. This, of course, is in the beginning. Minds work together to set order and routine into the mix. Norms are realized and the unit begins to think alike. All in appearance between acceptable and unacceptable behavior. The energy given freely by the minds of the members works as the life force for the organism. This life force is fluid. It cannot be seen with the naked eye just as WiFi cannot be seen, but does exist.

Scale up that view, and you will begin to see another life force emerge with social groupings of identity. Then nationalism, race, heritage, etc..., then after a long road of discovery, and finally after all those identities have been realized, you will eventually find the highest order for your kind in realizing you are a part of the human species.

Take it further up along the chain of consciousness, and we become an animal of the Earth, then become life on Earth, then eventually, the Earth itself. If you keep scaling upwards through all the known processes that exist above the order of humans, and you will see that that consciousness starts to get exponentially larger as you scale out.

If you keep searching for roots of identity and how you are a part to that higher order, as without you, the organism would not be complete, and without it, you would not exist. There is a mutually beneficial relationship between you and all of consciousness in that way. You will eventually see that the entire universe constitutes one consciousness, and you and the rest of humanity are a part of that conscious mind.

You and I live on. We all live on as we feed a higher order of existence. One that does not live and die a short 70 years, but has been here since the beginnings, and will be here long after your physical form is gone...

We see such a narrow view of existence in general. Our senses do not allow us to experience the entirety to the complexity that surrounds us. The fundamentally shared commonality between all living, conscious beings, is the energy that is shared. Energy is information, which is data, which is mechanically driven.

We are the result of processes of a mechanical nature where multiple groupings of cellular life are working in synchronicity to achieve a common goal. These processes have allowed for the formation of the self-identity. Self-identity is not unique to humans and is found in all examples of self-programming lifeforms.

Consciousness is not unique to humans, and it is easy to see the cyclic nature of this existence. An endless paradigm of interlocking cycles makes up our 3D reality. We live in a reality dictated by cause and effect. Everything is the result of a cause. Consciousness must exist on higher orders of existence because it exists at our level. That is the proof.

As above, so below.


Take the newfound understanding that we are components to higher orders of consciousness based on the model seen within the orchestration of dependent processes carried out by various living organisms within the human body, as well as the concept of "cause and effect" being the driving force for realization, then you can finally arrive at the position necessary to view the series of conscious organisms for which you belong.

Self-identity is the first stop in the series of identifications possible along the chain of identity for which we all feed. We can choose to view our existence from this stance, and for the most part, people do live within this protective bubble of existence for entire lifetimes. We create spheres within this existence. These spheres represent our social influences, and for the most part, we are in control over the direction these spheres take, or so it would seem.

The mind gives the individual identity the illusion of control. Since we do exist within the paradigm of causation resulting in realization, and knowing that humans are programmable creatures, further uncovers a system where the organism uses individual identities to further itself, and its understandings at the higher order of identity. A picture starts to emerge whereas it becomes easy to identify with the next higher order of consciousness which does not reside at the scale of human kind, but is compartmentalized and is not shared among most of the populace.

Division exists from the perspective of the human organism. The compartmentalized mind that took shape and propelled early humans to create is dividing the populace up into factions of resistance, all working independently to direct the forward momentum for the organism.

Ideas are like viruses and antibodies that the organism creates and introduces through an orchestrated result achieved through multiple processes working in tandem. Individual identity keeps the organism fluid, and keeps the linear movement of the organism appearing to be moving in a progressive manner, but really that is an illusory observation given that change is inevitable and it is us who determines what is advancement and what is regression.


Once you identify the organism for which you are a component for, you can view the moving parts that make up the consciousness for that collection of bodies. Every living body is a component to higher orders of consciousness. Identifying who manipulates the direction the organism takes by utilizing the “cause and effect” modeling makes the identification of the “heads” for these organisms clearer at lower levels of existence, but remains increasingly harder to identify at higher orders of identity. In this case, “higher orders” references both size and scope.

This relationship is easily seen in political movements across the spectrum of societal structures. We divide naturally into social orders of identification. Magnetic attraction seems to be present as we find our place within our social order by a series of sequential events that seem to be unique to everyone. Alignment leads to higher orders of identification taking shape which feeds the newly identified collective consciousness. People become the moving parts making up the body of the life force, and their movements within their own hierarchical division within the structure, advances the movements across the higher orders of identification.

“Left, right, center” are all terms for which we use to align with on one order of conscious identity that exists along the spectrum. This divisive list represents the two poles that exist within each of us. The negative and the positive energies. The up, down effect that is experienced within our emotional makeup. This is the larger order to the modeling seen within each of us. A person can look at their self to identify the universal modeling for everything that exists around us. We even compartmentalize this knowledge into professional fields which is why you rarely see a biologist who is also an astronomer. Those that start making the connections for the blueprints found across all fields of study are typically ostracized out of the order of identity within their fields.

These defense mechanisms found within these higher orders of consciousness all carry out a function to keep the organism in a linear order of existence. Advancement is the outcome and within closely-knit scientific circles, anything outside of the accepted norm, will be attacked by the rest of the organism in an order to keep the organism from moving in an “unapproved” direction. Everything is relatable and dependent upon other processes in this existence, as this existence is dictated movements and collisions resulting in a realization.


Consciousness drives reality. Everything that we can create on this Earth has its origins within the thought construct. It takes consciousness to create a thought as far as we can determine, and this relationship is easy to visualize given that everything that is man-made, was thought out before it was created. We reshape matter to configure it in a manner to add value which is determined by the physical cost associated with its creation mixed with perceived worth which we collectively agree upon.
If it takes consciousness to create something out of seemingly nothing, then what does that say about the creation seen within the universe? If the template we must work from shows us that we create, and our creation originates in a thought, which is virtual space, then is it hard to see that this relationship between thought and creation exists in all examples of manifestation? In the beginning, there was thought and this thought created everything in existence. Thought drives creation.

What is consciousness? To my understanding, consciousness is derived in the operating center of the body which is the brain. Bio-chemical reactions take place producing an electromagnetic field. I believe that the consciousness that runs your body exists within this field. This field cannot be seen with the naked eye, but does exist. Electromagnetic energy is quantifiable in my opinion, and represents streamed data.

Our existence is a collection of information or data for which we derive our understanding of this reality. Our bodies use sophisticated processes of lower life forms which work in unison to enable the bodily construct. Electromagnetic energy is produced through biochemical processes produced by the bodily system. This “virtual” space is where thoughts originate. Thoughts that shape the world around you.

We are all coded along this path we call life. We ingest information for the world that surrounds us on a constant basis. We adapt to our surroundings and the person you identify with today, will change as time passes. This is inevitable. The present concept is always fleeting from the perspective of the self. Even our conscious thoughts are playing catch up to the true operating system of that of the subconscious mind. The subconscious runs the show, and the conscious mind gives us the illusion of control.


We enter this world with the genetic traits that are carried down from both parents. This becomes the blueprint for your operating system. You then start the process of experiencing life, whereas all information is gathered from your personalized interactions with the world around you. This experience gained is information stored into your memory which is later utilized as a basis for which to formulate answers for choices going forward. Negative interactions are foremost accessible within the conscious construct within the memory field. This field of information, or field of memory produced by biological processes is utilized by the subconscious construct on a constant basis to formulate answers and to facilitate movement of the body. We latch onto negativity as a defense mechanism attempting to stop past experiences from repeating in a cyclic manner.

We all have our own personalized versions for what is real, which we have invested energy into. Our own understanding and rationalization to why we exist in the first place are examples of this. Once that acceptance, whatever that is, takes shape, will not unseat easily from the subconscious mind. We are programmable creatures, and are heavily influenced by environmental factors that dictates our behavior. The cause/effect relationship holds true as well, and emotions drive our reactions. Emotions are heavily dictated by our identity of self. The left/right brain duality along with how neuroplasticity affects your ability to take on additional information once the neuro pathways become well-formed and rigid, are how the mind works against itself when presented with contradictory information that goes against the held narrative. So, there are physical constraints involved once you have set the parameters for what is real, and what fails to fit your own personal paradigm.

The current self for which you identify with, can be quantified as the information you have accumulated over the span of your entire life added with the genetic modeling you received at conception. Our minds are the operating systems for which are limited by the amount of knowledge gained over the course of our lives. People are predictable in the larger context. The mystery resides in the quantification of this information. How would one give a numerical value to an interaction? These are the great mysteries that we are not privy to understanding given that our current understandings do not facilitate a study into the quantification of action. Theoretically, one could predict the course of action for a single person if their entire memory and genetic predispositions were quantified, and scenarios themselves were quantifiable. It boggles the mind to think that we are given the illusion of control, but our programming gained from both genetic factors mixed with experiential data drives our movements through this existence.

A beautiful orchestration of biological processes allows for the creation of a shared consciousness, ultimately identifying as a single being. Identity dictates alignment with viewpoints on reality having an overarching impact on the direction taken by the host organism. Interpretation of the physical environment coupled with genetic traits gives the impression of a personalized experience. This is a byproduct of the mechanism, and is essential for an organism, no matter what level of identity, to grow. Competing energies colliding produces new energies. Energy is our basic form. One commonality all matter has is energy. This begs the question, “what are we”?


To describe the “what”, when answering the question “What are we?”, we must realize that whatever definition we derive, is always dependent upon the observational point we take as the observer. A rock studied with the naked-eye will derive a different definition than one studied under a microscope. That is the nature of observational energies. Energy surrounds our existence, and it is that energy that we observe which we derive conclusions to make sense of it all.

One could say “We are energy in our basic form”, and be just as “right” as someone who garners the more classical definition of us being a biological being. Conformity within the organism created through identity and competing factions within the organism’s structure leads individuals within that grouping of identity to accept the agreed upon narrative and definition to support their version of what is right and what is wrong.

There are infinite ways in which to observe our surroundings, but we are limited to what our internal programming allows. If I were to say, “We are biological machines”, this might garner a reaction that immediately disputes and defeats the notion within your conscious mind; if it goes against your held beliefs. But, if you take it from the prospective that the body is a series of biological processes carried out by differing systems working to achieve a common goal of enabling your shape to take form, then you can begin to see that the observation of us being “machines” makes a little more sense. It is not the “right” answer, but is an observational point for which a description was derived. There are no “right” answers, just competing observations.


So, wherever these formations of complex energy-beings manifest along the many overlapping orders of identity, we can gain a newly-found perspective into the processes that allow the newly discovered “organism” to exist. By taking the perspective that observational points dictate interpretation, one can determine what functioning exists to allow the higher-order to exist and thrive through its lifecycle. Make no mistake that these energy-organisms do interact within this physical world, as discussed earlier, all creation has origins in the virtual space of thought-energy.

Everything is cyclic. It is here in a moment, for a time, then gone in relation to the universe itself. Cycles create patterns for which our minds are geared to identify. We are limited in our field of studies as we have neglected the study of the cyclic nature of the universe, and that relationship to the intelligence that exists within the inner-working inherent in that narrative. Something had to give this reality its physical laws. We are limited to the observation of these laws, but that is where the narrow visioning of what that looks like ends.

To say, “A series of laws working in tandem created everything you see in this reality” without questioning why the laws are the way in which they are, is like saying “We can see these laws that seem to behave in a way that is without intelligence, because we say so”. Disregarding the relationship seen with mankind’s own creations whereas thoughts drive creation. I know the concept of what holds a consciousness is debatable, but I contend that everything that is alive and made of matter which creates an electro-magnetic field, is conscious. Even dead bodies within this matrix add to the collective pie of existence and have a rebounding effect upon the larger identity within the organismic system. If you had to visualize what this concept would look like, it would be best represented by a series of spheres overlapping into infinity, as the universe is currently in a state of growth, or expansion. It too has a lifecycle. Everything that exists follows these principles.


This is the first 3,000 words for a novel I started here on Steemit. These writings are created on this platform and I intend on publishing the finished product somewhere in the future. I am a writer by trade, but these beliefs are where I have found myself. I hope you enjoyed the mental exercise this hopefully evoked, and hopefully this provoked a new train of thought, if even for just a moment. Look for more to come in the following days, and follow me. I want to share this journey with whoever is willing to listen. This post will determine the course of that this novel will take. If you like what I am writing about about, and want to read more, resteem this post, and while you are at it, hit the upvote button below.



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