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RE: Do I Really Need Another Diet? - A psychological approach to your relationship with food

in #writing6 years ago

Exactly as you noted.
Companies thrive on the people who aren't happy with themselves and are led to believe that they need that one miracle product (or kale juice which appears to be popular at the moment for no other reason than extracting people's funds), that just happens to cost an X amount of money.
It's sad but true that a happy individual will be a worse customer than an unhappy one.
It's gross where capitalism has gotten us. It's exactly as you said... An industry.
People need to re-learn how they view food and let go of the stuff they've been brainwashed with. It takes time and effort, but it is damn worth it.

First of all, thank you for getting so in-depth <3

And, yeah, I found the vector one to be great for the thumbnail, and very fitting for the message I'm trying to convey.
The second image is indeed the book cover! :D

I have to say it, you write with just the right degree of humor and wit. I love it! :D

Thank you for the comments on the form, especially because I was somewhat struggling with finding the right ratio between trying to describe the book and praise/sell it to a potential customer (which, let's face it, every author wants to do) without sounding like a badly overdone TV commercial.
I really wanted to include those questions in there for the reader to realize that a bad relationship with food doesn't only mean being over or under weight, but so, so, soo much more. At the same time, however, the questions can really be seen as overdoing it.
If I managed to strike the right ratio, perfect. :D

I'm so happy you pointed out the itallic/bold text. The book itself is written in much the same way, with the key points emphasized in bold. I think it really makes a difference, because seeing something in bold, you prep the mind for something important and it thus resonates with you better. At least so I believe. ;3

Once again, thank you for taking the time to write this up, and thank you for the kind wishes. <3
I mostly hope it manages (or should I say, that I manage to?) to help as many people as possible, also why the price is set at $7.99.

Again, thank you, and will definitely keep on writing!
And you... you keep on writing too ;)


Aye, I agree. The power of the modern advertisement, funny connection to Edward Bernays who was a niece of Sigmund Freud but totally weaponized psychoanalysis to the extreme of legalized mass ego-correction. Which this industry very much had tried burning all things but fails to remember that human error prevents it from achieving it all. So we shall take to the fight to struggle against the modern condition for a material condition that shall support us and never instigate us to have to uplift the entire society from the rot it generated.


Interesante - los ambos!
~^^~ Yah really think? ~^^~

It's definitely one of the many arts we can constantly improve on. But yeah, I got the questions. Also heck yeah on the ratio! :^D

Welcome as always~



Yepp, and when you start thinking about it, it's quite insane how much we can be manipulated with, even if we know exactly what to look out for. Hell, placebos work to a degree even when you know they are placebos!
The human mind truly is nothing short of art.

I very much do think so. ^^

Awwwyiiiissss :P cha-ching

When they control the means of mental production, they can make magic into a science and science magic.



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