Moving On to a second book soon... here is the complete first one

in #writing7 years ago


  1. I Kinda Blow Up School
  2. Kristina Gets Her Dream Car... But Not For Long
  3. I Accidentally Move The Prison With My Mind
  4. The First Death And Her Final Decision
  5. We Meet A Giant Turtle
  6. Matt Shoots Water From His Hand
  7. I Control Gravity?
  8. I Drive A Dog Into A Tree
  9. I Get A New iPhone About 3 Seconds
  10. Mew Mew Kissy Cutie
  11. We Meet A Drunk Merchant
  12. Pigs Fly
  13. I Buy Some New Enemies

This is a fictional story but the human characters are real people

                                     1) I Kinda Blow Up School

Heya, I'm Seb. I'm 12, have platinum blonde hair and always wear purple lensed sunglasses and only family members have ever seen my eyes. The thing is, can't seem to get through a school year without blowing something up, so every year I end up at a different school. The only good think about this is I get to see tons of different people because this is the way I met my gang. Here is a bit of information on them. Kristina, she's 11 and has sapphire eyes and long blonde hair to her waist, Matt, he is 12, my best friend and has shaggy dark brown hair and eyes. Lottie, she's a ginger 12 year old animal expert and lover. Phillip, he's 12, dark haired and has the blackest eyes ever, Dinah she's 12 and likes to do absolutely nothing. Jack he's 12 and can talk to animals and finally, Lucy-Ann an 11 year old blonde girl with stormy grey eyes.
So here's how my last day of school went, my mom dragged me out of bed (literally...) and I got dressed into my navy blue school uniform ready to be picked up by Kristina's mom in her black SRT Viper 2013... Either I was early or she was late because the car wasn't even in sight yet. Come on, hurry. I said in my mind and suddenly their car came . One car ride later... I decided that the best way to walk into the Grammar School was to take the side entrance and hope not to be seen, I knew Matt would be there and Lottie might be, but Phillip, Dinah, Jack and Lucy-Ann wouldn't be with them being brothers and sisters. I got to the side entrance and saw Matt waiting for me to arrive, His first words were "Jeez you're late." It made me want to punch him but instead I just replied "Hi to you too Matt." I think I made him feel pretty guilty because he laughed nervously after I said that. The whole school day was a bore because it was tests but then in sixth lesson (which was science by the way,) something went wrong, Matt was my lab partner and I got the chemicals and mixed all the correct ones together but then Matt knocked me while pouring in the last chemical and I put to much in and it turned so warm I dropped it in surprise, at this moment nearly the whole class was looking at me and then the worst possible thing happened, the table caught fire, they evacuated the school just in time for us to be able to watch it blow up. I called my mom and told her that I'd done it again but surprisingly she was happy, said it was because she hated the school. I was very surprised by this because I thought my mom loved the school and wanted me to go there next year because I was the top student. To say the least, I was glad that I don't have to go back to The Grammar School .

                         2) Kristina Gets Her Dream Car... But Not For Long.

I drove home and played on my xBox then realised the next day I would be going to Mistralton City with my gang and suddenly a McLaren P1 pulled up on my drive and Kristina stepped out, not her parents, she must have been driving. She knocked on my door and I answered and asked her what she wanted. "I just got this car so how about we take it for a drive in Mistralton?" She asked me, what do you think I replied? Of course I said yes. She drove and I was just leaning back in the car and as usual Mistralton was deserted, or so we thought...
We made a makeshift racetrack a took it in turns to do laps around it but on my third lap I heard a gun fire, I thought I'd imagined it because I couldn't see anyone else. I finished my third lap and just as Kristina was about to get into the McLaren I heard another bullet and the car engine lit on fire and guess what happened, it blew up. Of course it did, it can't just lose its fuel or something because that was and expensive car. Out of the shadows three people emerged and the middle threw a grenade at us and we flew back into an old building, the explosion didn't kill us but the force we hit the wall at was strong, the one on the right said "Give us the girl or die!" I said something logical like "No, Get a life!" Kristina looked terrified and suddenly from above nets caught us and the three men came over, one pointing a gun at Rose, the second tying me up with metal rope and the third telling us that one wrong move would get us killed, after they had tied and gagged me the first two men switched, Kristina managed to ask a couple of questions, "Who are you people, what do you want from us and wherever you're taking us is there a place where I can comb my hair?" she asked.I wanted to punch her for asking that last one but I figured that punching someone would get me killed. The third man replied "We're Targent, We only want you girl, your friend here is just part of the package and yes there will be,"
"Ok then that's fi-" she was cut of by her gag being tightened.
Targent's base wasn't a nice place for us in the prison cells, me and Kristina were in the same one. Kristin's hair was disheveled and they had lied about being able to comb it because it had been three days now and we hadn't even got out of this cell once. I noticed something about Kristina I never had seen before, she looked a lot better when her hair was straight and the colouring gave the ripple effect in her hair.
And we were just stuck here, for a long time.

                   3) I Accidentally Move The Prison With My Mind

So, this was what the prison cells looked like: Grey walls, grey roof, grey floor. Two uncomfortable beds and a sink. That was it. Nothing seemed to be unnatural, or so I thought until I heard a familiar voice coming from outside the main door, it was Matt!
Next thing I knew Matt was thrown into the cell next to me and locked in. We talked through the wall for a while and I realised I hadn't seen Kristina's face until we were thrown into the cell. I heard sobbing and saw Kristina hiding in the corner off the cell, hands over her face, wet with tears. I went over to her and asked her what was wrong. (That was a pretty stupid question now I think back to it) She turned and faced me and I saw something I wish I never had of, her face was badly cut and her hair was blood-stained. She said that she never with that she went to Mistralton in the first place and with she had just stayed at home and that was her fault the we were locked up here. I gave her a hug and cheered her up a bit but I could tell something wasn't right. I moved my hand up and right and felt like after I did that I was flying. I moved my right hand down and heard an explosion. I'd done it again, third time this week (By the way, that's a new record) Targent evacuated the whole prison including the inmates and I started to recognise people. Matt, Lottie, the 4 siblings and (of course) Kristina. We were no longer in Mistralton Prison but we were in a desert and the only thing around was a pyramid. I knew quite a bit about pyramids so I assumed that the front door would be trapped so we decided to run to the other side of the pyramid and climb up it. So we started to climb. And now if you want to climb up a pyramid I can tell you first hand that it is very tiring. We got to the top after about 25 minutes and found a gap in the building and entered it unknown to Targent. We dropped into a room with one open stone door, limestone walls and floor and a granite roof. Then something bad happened, lasers turned on, red beams of death were shining across the room, and we had to get through them to get to the door. Phillip went first, he was quite athletic so he made it through with ease. Everyone else went slowly and carefully one at a time, Lucy-Ann cut her left leg on one of the lasers but apart from that there was no injuries.

                            4) The First Death And Her Final Decision

I know that you probably think we are mad for going into the pyramid in the first place but it was our only chance of survival. Now we made it through the first room with no problem (apart from Lucy-Ann's leg) and Matt said "if every room is gonna be this easy then we'll live no problem" the second he finished talking a thick, sticky liquid started to fall from the roof and seep out of the walls, Dinah got some on her hand and tried to shake it off but it stuck like superglue. I realised that if we stepped in this that we'd be stuck forever, so we had to run and dodge it, it was too easy. Way too easy... Kristina found a switch, and guess what, she flicked it. Nothing bad happened though, only the door opened so we went through door and found ourself in a room with teleport panels the main room had 16 sections that all had one teleport panel and 12 of the rooms had traps. Phillip was good with mechanics so he tampered with the traps to make sure none of them went off, the room was really annoying since we couldn't stay together, because each time we stepped on a teleport panel we all got sent to different rooms. (6 1/2 hours later) yep, that's how long it took us to get through that room. So we walked into room 4 and found arrows shooting from the left side of the room to the right. Me and Phillip went first, Phillip jumped most of the arrows and timed the others perfectly, I just timed them all perfectly. Dinah and Rose went next they did it with ease. Lucy-Ann and Jack went after Kristina and Dinah but halfway through Lucy-Ann tripped but luckily landed under where the arrows were firing. Jack ran and Lucy-Ann crawled leaving just Matt and Lottie to cross. Matt ran with Lottie following, Matt ran right into where an arrow was firing and Lottie jumped in front of him yelling "NNNOOO!" Lottie was hit strait in the heart and her lifeless body flew into the right wall, the arrows had found their target and stopped firing, Matt ran over to Lottie's body and picked it up, it felt cold and empty, she tilted her head to look at Matt and said three last words 'Thank You M-' she didn't get time to finish the last word. Matt gently lay down the body and slowly stood up, my depression was starting to get the better of me but I held it back, Matt was on the verge of tears, We left the room and Lottie's body behind

                                  5) We Meet A Giant Turtle

Room 5 was big, square and rotating. Jack realised that we were inside a gigantic Rubix Cube, we had to wait for the Rubix door and the outer door to line up with each other, it took a while and most of us got dizzy too, I didn't though. After about 20 minutes we got through the doors into room 6, it was a limestone room with a 4x4 grid with a giant turtle on square A1. Two of us had to push it to square C2 somehow and then the door would open. I pushed the turtle to A4 and Matt pushed it to where I was standing at C4. Matt stood at B2 so I could push the turtle to him, I pushed it but he couldn't stop it in time and ended up riding a giant turtle shell. It seemed fun from my point of view but I guess that riding a giant turtle wasn't as fun as it looked. The Turtle went back to A1 and Matt clambered off, and we started again, to B2 then to C2, the door opened and we left the turtle behind. Room 7 wasn't big but somehow had a lot of things in it. A bookshelf, 9 plates of food on a golden table, we couldn't tell what the food was but one thing was for sure, it was fresh. Dinah sat down on the leather couch and opened her backpack. She gave us all a packet of crisps, it wasn't much but since it had been ages since we last ate, we all enjoyed it. Now before you go thinking that we were stupid for eating that food on the plates that we didn't know what it was, what would you do if you saw a plate of random food and you hadn't eaten in about 12 hours? We still didn't know what it was but it was so good. It tasted like whatever you wanted it to, if you wanted chicken curry, then poof, it's chicken curry. If you wanted cheese and tomato pizza, then you got cheese and tomato pizza, if you wanted blu-. OK, I think you get the point now. "Room 7 was completely harmle-" Kristina began to say but shut up when a harpoon fired just in front of her. Hanging on the ceiling were about fifty silver harpoons looking at us, waiting patiently to shoot. I decided that sneaking wasn't a good idea when a harpoon nearly went through me. Phillip decided to run for it and see if he could outrun where the harpoons fired, he succeeded. The rest of us walked through and into Room 8. Room 8 was the biggest room we had seen so far, it was made completely out of granite and had 5 platforms to jump across to the other side of the room to the door.

                               6) Matt Shoots Water From His Hand

None of us really knew what to do apart from jump across, Phillip went first again, but the second he looked down he wouldn't move, it was and endless void below us, one wrong move and we would be falling forever. There was something in the corner of the room, Matt walked over to it and examined it, it was a water cooler! Matt got a cup of water and did probably the stupidest thing possible with it. He tipped it on himself then threw the cup into the black abyss below. The next thing Matt did surprised everyone and himself, he pointed the palm of his hand towards the abyss and water shot out! He was surprised to say the least, I told Matt that everyone had a unique power and shooting water, while in water was his power. Phillip's must have been athletic ability but apart from that we had no idea what the powers were. Anyway back the the room, we made park-our look easy and jumped across the room, Lucy-Ann's leg gave way on the final jump and ended up being pulled up by me and Jack. Dinah pushed open the marble door into Room 9. "Woo! Double Digits!" Shouted Matt while punching the air. "Nope, this is Room 9" corrected Kristina. "Damn" said Matt. The room was a double cherry maze. Ok, let me explain, when you eat a double cherry, you stay the same size but there is two of you, and there was two mazes, left and right. The mazes are mirrored and if you hit a wall both halves would be hurt. We all plundered through trying to get the left side through the left maze first, then the right side. All of us walked into at least 15 walls on the opposite side while completing the left side of the maze, the right was easier because we didn't walk into any walls at all, so no pain, YAY! Room 10, "Ok now it's double digits Matt" Kristina said while patting Matt on the back. The room wasn't in very good condition at all, and the was a body hanging from the ceiling, It was Lottie's body! But that's impossible since the body was in room 4! Two giant bronze axes swung from either side of the room crossing paths in the middle. We had the dodge the axes then jump through the ring of fire into room 11. Phillip aced it. So did everyone apart from Dinah who caught her hair on the fire and it set alight. She rolled around a bit and put out the flames and we walked into room 11.

                              7) I Control Gravity?

Room 11, in three words, awsome, terrible and deadly. We had to sit in boxes and hope that nothing hurt us. There were 12 boxes and 9 were good. We all chose a box and waited. I heard screaming from 1 person but I couldn't tell who, we all got out of the boxes and the screaming must have came from Kristina because she was in agony. We walked on into Room 12. The room had a simple layout, a ledge for us to stand on, and a door at the top of the other side of the room. There were rock climbing holds all along the left wall but unknown to us some were loose. "Oh, come on." I said moving my right hand up without noticing. We all rose quickly until we hit the roof of the room. I'd done something but what? Lucy-Ann looked at me and said 'how and why the hell did you do that?' I kinda wanted to say something logical but all I could think of saying was, I dunno. Man, I'm so smart sometimes. We walked on the roof to the door and I put the gravity back to normal. Room 13 was massive and the only thing in it was a pile of garbage but the second we touched the floor the garbage turned into a giant metal robot, it looked around 25 feet tall. It had a cannon on one of its 4 arms, a chainsaw on one, and two normal giant metallic humanlike hands. Dinah brought out 7 swords and we each took one and started to charge at the monster. Kristina and Phillip tried to cut off the cannon arm but they both got tossed into the diorite wall. Phillip hit the wall a lot harder than Kristina but they were both injured badly. Dinah charged at Mr Metal but got hit by the cannon blast and thrown into Phillip from the force of the blast. Me and Lucy-Ann double teamed Mr Metal but Lucy-Ann got thrown back by hand number 4. The monster didn't see me and I managed to slice off one of the normal hands before being swatted away. I now understand how flies feel when you flick them away. I hit the wall and blacked out. When I finally woke up I saw things weren't much better. But I was still wearing my sunglasses. Mr Metal was still alive with only one arm now, the chainsaw one. Kristina and Matt rushed over to me once they saw I'd woke up. Matt thought I was dead. So did Kristina, all three of us had very bad cuts. I had one going from the inner of my right eye curving to the edge of my face. Matt had a cut on his left cheek and Kristina had a cut going through her neck. Mr Metal was versing Jack and Phillip, Jack got onto Mr Metal's head and got inside him. Jack accidentally made Mr Metal cut himself in half with the chainsaw hand, just as it past through the head we all heard Jack yelling in pain and blood shot everywhere. Mr Metal hit the ground with a huge clunk and exploded. Lucy-Ann and Dinah rushed to the rubble to find Jack. I knew he was dead, I moved Jack's body parts to the roof to show everyone that he was dead then I let them fall to the ground in different places. We left the room. Here we were, one room from halfway and Jack and Lottie were gone.

                                  8) I Drive A Dog Into A Tree

Room 14 was painted with rainbows and had flowers growing on the floor, there was no door but there was 25 buttons so I guessed that we needed to press the right one to make the door appear. We all pushed a button a someone made the door open but someone else summoned a enemy human to fight us. I felt bad since this guy looked about 7 and was totally in love with Kristina. He didn't want to fight us at all so I asked him for his name. "G-G-Gas-Gaster" he said, "W.D Gaster." he spoke in a shaky voice like he was scared I was going to kill him. "I don't trust this kid" Kristina spoke, I was stunned to hear her talk at all. "I'm going to kill him" she whispered to me. "Heya W." said Kristina pretending to be friendly. "I'm not going to hurt you, don't be scared. You can come with us," she said. "Uh... O...Ok" Gaster replied. Suddenly Kristina took out her hair clip and it turned into a sword. "Wh...What are doing?" Gaster asked. "My blade is too blue, it needs some red." And with that she lunged at W.D Gaster stabbing him in the heart. And with that we walked on into room 15. Room 15 was pretty simple. It was a tree maze, nobody noticed the 'Beware Of The Dog' sign and I got separated from everyone else and heard barking. It was strange until a massive black dog jumped on me and started licking my face. The dog flopped onto the ground and did something stupid, I sat on the dog, I mean it was the same size as me but bulkier so I figured it could take my weight. Without letting me know the next thing I knew was that I was riding a dog like it was a car. I couldn't turn the dog though. The dog hit a tree and I flew off right into Kristina. We didn't realise we were hugging until she threw me into a tree (that's two and counting) she asked me what I was thinking trying to fly and I told her the full story. When I was done she started to laugh and I didn't realise until it was to late that she had her foot in front of me and I fell into another tree (three now). We made it through the maze and found Matt waiting for us. Matt jokingly tackled me but because I wasn't expecting it I fell backwards into guess what? Another tree (OMG 4!) I left the room because I found out I don't like the taste of trees. The 6 of us left walked into Room 16 to find a 12x12 grid and a lever. Matt pressed the switch and the floor changed to many different colours. 6 different colours and 6 of us, we all had a colour but the second our feet left the square we were on it would dissolve. We leaped our way into Room 17 and Lucy-Ann brought up the rear by missing her landing on the last jump and sliding along the floor into the next room.

                           9) I Get A New iPhone For About 3 Seconds

Room 17 was a surprise, since it was pitch black. I walked into a wall in the dark and it turned on the lights, I wish I didn't do that because it wasn't a pretty sight. It was a Giant crab with a poisonous bite. Now by giant I don't mean a $7.99 all you can eat King Crab at an Asian Cuisine, I mean the size of a house. Lucy-Ann said that a crab's only weak point was a chink in the shell where the ugly belly was, the only problem was getting to the ugly belly. Dinah tried to cut off one of the pincers but ended up in a wall. Phillip and Matt double teamed the crab, and Matt being able to shoot water didn't score any bonus points with Mr Crabby. Matt got a bottle of water off Dinah and tipped it on himself and shot water at such force that Mr Crabby flipped upside down and Phillip stabbed Mr Crabby in the chink and we left the room. We walked into Room 18 and quickly back out of it because it was a nightmare room. In a nightmare room all you see if your worst fear. We had to run through the room without dying of fear. We all went at the same time, holding hands to know that we were all still there. I felt and iPhone in my pocket and I grabbed it but then after about ten seconds it shattered in my hands (by the way, I'm actually not scared of that). We fumbled along to the door and walked into Room 19, it looked like a laser quest arena because the second we stepped in we got laser guns. There was 5 robots to kill and then the door to Room 21 would open (F.Y.I Room 20 was a Empty Side Room). We all split up apart from me and Matt who stayed together. We killed the robots quickly because they had very bad aim. In Room 21 there was a yellow dinosaur that had a lab coat on and a name badge saying Alphys. As soon as we tried to talk to Alphys we heard a crashing in the walls. The lights went out and when they turned back on there was a Metal Robot about my height there. I'd seen this before somewhere. The robot was called Mettaton. Mettaton was a metal cuboid with a grey gyroscoped wheel to move around on. He had two arms and was holding a microphone. "WELCOME BEAUTIES," said Mettaton. "TO TODAY'S QUIZ SHOW!" "THE ONLY RULE IS... ANSWER CORRECTLY, OR YOU DIE!" "Let me handle this," said Matt. "QUESTION 1, WHAT IS THE PRIZE FOR ANSWERING CORRECTLY? A)MONEY, B)A NEW CAR, C)MORE QUESTIONS OR D)DEATH?" Alphys made a C with her hands. "C, more questions." said Matt. "CORRECT. QUESTION TWO.YOU HAVE 5 SECONDS TO ANSWER. HOW MANY LETTERS IN THE NAME METTATON NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN?" Alphys made a 35 with her hands. "35," answered Matt. "QUESTION THREE. YOU HAVE TEN SECONDS TO ANSWER. TOW TRAINS, ONE GOING AT 57 MPH AND THE GOING AT 57 KPH ARE GOING TO COLLIDE ON MPH SIDE OR KPH SIDE?" Alphys whispered KPH. "Kph," said Matt yawning

                              10) Mew Mew Kissy Cutie

"QUESTION FOUR. NO TIME LIMIT. IN SEASON TWO OF THE ANIME MEW MEW KISSY CUTIE, WHAT FLAVOUR OF ICE CREAM DOES MEW MEW BUY?" "Ooh, ooh, I Know! I know!" Alphys yelled. "It's snail flavour! She buys it thinking that her friends would like it but they don't and she's the only one who eats it" Mettaton looks at Alphys unaproovingly. "And then... They... They... Errm..." "ALPHYS, YOU ARENT HELP THE HUMAN ARE YOU? IM SURPRISED AT YOU. HUMAN, HERE IS A QUESTION YOU ARE BOUND TO KNOW THE ANSWER TO. WHO DOES ALPHYS HAVE A CRUSH ON? 1) W.D GASTER, 2) METTATON, 3) MATT OR 4) NOBODY?" If you said 1 read this: "WHO IS THIS GASTER PERSON AND ALPHYS, IS IT TRUE?" Alphys shakes her head. If you said 2 read this: "ALPHYS DARLING, WHY DID YOU HIDE IT FROM ME, AFTER ALL YOU DID BUILD ME. AND I THANK YOU FOR THAT BUT WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO DATE A ROBOT?" Alphys punches Matt. If you picked three read this: "OH DEAR, HOW ATTACHED CAN YOU GET? WHILE YOU ARE SO WRONG YOU HAVE TO KNOW THIS. ALPHYS HAS BEEN WATCHING YOU SINCE ROOM TWO. LAUGHING WHEN YOU SUCCEED, CRYING WHEN YOU FAIL AND ALWAYS YELLING, 'NO, WRONG, YOU HAVE TO DO THIS' IN ITS OWN WAY, IS THIS NOT LOVE?" If you picked 4 read this: Alphys smiles at you. "CORRECT, ALPHYS HAS A CRUSH ON THE UNKNOWABLE. HELLO STEREOTYPICAL PERSON. TO BAD YOU ARE NOT REAL." "Hey, I've done research on this and there are alternate universes out there, maybe I could meet them one day." said Alphys. "YOU SAID THE SAME THING ABOUT MEW MEW KISSY CUTIE BUT I'LL GIVE YOU THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT. IF YOU ARE OUT THERE PERSON, GIVE US A SIGN RIGHT NOW." Nothing happens... "WELL, THAT SETTLES IT." "YOU HAVE WON THE GAME SHOW YOU MAY NOW PROCEED," (After You Have Read Your Answer Read Here)"Ok, bye Mettaton and Alphys." said Matt. And we walked out of the room. We walked into Room 22. It was a dining hall. With robot servants. If they saw us we were dead so when they looked at us we froze. It was basically Red Light Green Light. But with death if you lose. It took a while but eventually we got across with no problem at all and walked out of the room to and spiral staircase. "I feel so sad about my brother, he got killed to save us." said Lucy-Ann trying to smile "He was brave." said Dinah agreeing "Yeah, Lottie to, sacrificing herself to save Matt from being killed." I said. "I feel so guilty now" said Matt "I got someone killed to save my life. I basically cheated death." "Don't think about it like that," Kristina said, "It was her choice." I said patting Matt on the back. "Yeah, thanks." Said Matt smiling. "Still Lottie died so early" said Matt. "We were only 4 rooms in," he said. "Anyway, here's the next door, to Room 23." Kristina said. "Let's go!"

                             11) We Meet A Drunk Merchant

We ran into room 23 to find a shop and a sign saying 'oNe at tiMM PleAs!' I went first and saw this hilarious dog + cat fusion with human hair. "hOi! im Tem and wElcom to Da Tem sHop!" said the thing that was called Tem. "I'll take some temmie flakes please" I said. "oK, hEAr YoU gO." temmie said. "BOi!" Said temmie and I left. After everyone got through that Tem Shop we all sat down to try the Temmie Flakes. "I think Tem might be drunk..." Matt whispered to me. "I think so to." Phillip said. "I think we all do" I spoke sounding somewhat sarcastic. "Think what?" Lucy-Ann asked me. "That temmie was drunk." I answered. The temmie flakes were delicious. And Rainbow coloured. We all ate a box each and then walked on into Room 24. Just before we entered the room I had a flashback. We were in Missherally the town of mist. I was alone and everywhere else was deserted. As I walked forward I saw more and more unusual things. Buildings turning to dust and people dead on the floor. I tried to remember when this was, 2013, July. Just before Missherally was blown up. I heard a female voice calling my name and I blacked out. I fell backwards and was caught by a girl. She told me her name was Kristina, we ran out of the town to find that three days later it wasn't there. Then the flashback ended. Room 24 was a Room To Test Our Limits. The puzzles were only on the ground though, I just used my gravity power we all walked across the roof over the puzzles and into Room 25. It has nyan cats with deadly rainbows following them. We would be incinerated if we touched the rainbows. We dodged, dived, ducked and dunked over under and round the rainbows looking stylish in the process. Lucy-Ann decided to joke around a bit and 360 over some of the rainbows and was flawless in the making. We walked through the door and found a long hallway. "I have something to admit," said Lucy-Ann looking at the ground. "What?" Asked Matt. "I work for Targent." Said Lucy-Ann admittingly. "Here's the full story, when I was 7 both of my parents died. I was alone, Targent found me and I joined them. On one of my missions I met Jack and we became great friends. And he adopted me. When Jack's mom and dad died we were sent to Jack's uncle who didn't care about us. We met Phillip and Dinah and then their mother adopted me and Jack. At this point I'd forgot about Targent and I remembered them when I met you, Seb. But now... After all that we have been through together I don't want to help Targent anymore. But after losing my best friend and Lottie I called them and said I quit. And now they want to kill me. That's it" said Lucy-Ann taking a deep breath. "Do you forgive me?" She asked. We all nodded. "Well anyway, Room 26 awaits" Matt said.

                                            12) Pigs Fly

We went into Room 26 to find Mr Metal. Fully recovered from the last time when Jack killed him and himself. There were guns on the side of the room, we left them and ran into Room 27 to find a bunch of fat, flying pigs. They were bouncing of the walls, roof and floor. The pigs must die without you getting crushed. That's what the sign said, anyway. Let me tell you this, it's not easy slaying a giant flying pig. It took a long time but after getting hit by pigs a lot we finally did it. If you want to know what pigs smell like just roll some ham in mud to sniff away. It's not good. Room 28 wasn't good either. There was 6 hoverboards and we had to hover over to the other side of the room. We all got on and tried to fly but Kristina hit me and I fell backwards into Phillip knocking him off too. After a big practice we slowly flew in a single file line, me, Kristina, Matt, Phillip, Dinah and then Lucy-Ann. We got across and entered Room 29. It was a terrible mistake not killing Mr Metal but not we had to. We were no match for Metal NEO as I called him now. The access to the inside was on his left foot. Matt got the left foot to go down on him and was inside. Metal NEO fell to pieces and Matt jumped out just in time. We walked into the Final Stairway and sat on the steps outside of room thirty. "It's been all building up to this room then, hasn't it?" I said. "Yep." Phillip and Dinah agreed. "Why didn't you tell us sooner Lucy?" Asked Dinah. "I've never heard anyone call you Lucy before, are you Ok with it?" asked Kristina. "I'm fine with it Kristina" Lucy-Ann said "and it was because I thought you'd just kill me, that's why I never told you." "I understand" said Lucy-Ann while Dinah was hugging her. "Guys, you know that the final challenge could be anything, right?" Asked Matt. "Yeah, it'll be the final test. I don't think my powers will help us here though." I said. "Mine might." said Lucy-Ann "It's sword fighting, I'm brilliant at it." "Hey, Lucy?" Phillip asked, "Yeah, what?" She replied. "Can you handle any fighting in this room then?"asked Phillip. "O...ok" She said. "Targent are in the final room by the way, they contacted me and told me before I quit."Lucy said. "You'll fight you're old boss, right?" Asked Dinah. "Of course," said Lucy and with that we opened the door.

                                      13) I Buy Some New Enemies

We entered the room to find three tightropes. Two going forward to the exit with a little island in the middle and the third tightrope going off the right of the island to Targent's HQ. Targent were laughing and playing cards outside the base. Bronev, the leader noticed us and all the members went inside the base and forgot to lock the door. We all walked across the first rope and then the right rope to Targent's base. We pushed open the door to be greeted by two very, very lost pizza delivery guys. They offered us pizza and who could turn down the offer, me. I told them if we live we'll be back for the pizza. I walked on the roof to stop people from seeing me. "Kristina, let's go." I told her. We ran through the base after Lucy-Ann all the way to the boss's room. I went in to find Bronev holding a sword. "Lucy, it's your time." I whispered. "Here, take my hair clip, you use it as a sword." said Kristina giving Lucy the hair clip. Lucy turned it into a sword and charged at Bronev. He easily sidestepped and lunged at Lucy. Lucy jumped over the weapon and hit Bronev with her foot knocking him across the room. I did something pretty stupid after that, I stole a suitcase, opened it and found it was full of money so I threw a $5 bill at Bronev. He charged at me. Just before he was about to hit me I moved my gravity and started to walk on the roof. Lucy sliced at Bronev from behind but her sword bounced off. "Did you really think I'm that stupid? Of course I'm wearing amour." Said Bronev. Lucy took another swipe at Bronev but missed and Bronev lunged at Lucy getting a direct hit. Lucy flew into the wall and slumped on the floor, she was alive but very weak. "Daughter, you're still so weak," remarked Bronev. "What?!" I said, astounded. You're Lucy's father?" "Correct," Bronev said. "Let's do this guys." I told them. "Yeah, come on!" Matt shouted. I moved my gravity to the left side of the room and then the right and while changing sides I kicked Bronev in the face and knocked him over. Dinah got Lucy's sword and gave it back to Kristina. They both charged at Bronev but he rolled out of the way and cut Dinah's back. Dinah collapsed when she landed but I went to duo with Kristina white Matt searched for water. I changed both of our gravity to the roof and we tried to hit him from above and succeeded. Matt came out and was soaked. He shot water at Bronev knocking him into a wall, I put gravity back to normal and we killed Bronev. "I can't believe that the scum of the earth was my father..." Said Lucy in tears. "I lost my brother because of you! Why did I ever trust you? I HATE YOU!" Lucy yelled. Bronev wasn't quite dead because he threw his sword and it hit Lucy directly in the heart and they both died. We walked out of the pyramid to find that we were on the street where Jack, Lucy and Lottie lived. We told their parents what happened and then said goodbye to each other as me, Matt and Kristina left Dinah and Phillip at their house. "That was..." "Fun?" I suggested "No," said Matt. "It was deathly. Anyway, seeya soon." "Ok, bye Matt." I said and I walked off into the sunset back to my own home.


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