Here is More of My Story, I Hope that You READ IT. MUST READ!!!
What is going on with me? I wonder this question too often and realize that there is something God awful going on with the system where it's concerning me and many others as well. It's not after our welfare, rather after our time; energy and resources and see us as a threat to global world order and dictatorship. It doesn't seek to sell you products for your own gain, rather to sell you commercial gains for a commercialized interest in the super rich.
It teaches you that you are free and in a free society where you have certain freedoms, but these are more or less privileges today because of fascism and greed of the super and powerful. They lie, and cheat, and rig the system in their favor so that you can't get ahead, and when you're about to make it, and become more successful - they have found innumerable ways to defeat your ultimate goal at achieving that good old America dream. They create psychological warfare on average citizens in this country, so that they cannot ever, and should not ever get their chance to speak out, or share their story with the public at large (of which I've been trying to do for well over a year now) all so that I can be heard by the people in the country and friends and family so they can make up their minds as to what we are experiencing in this country.
So just what are we experiencing in this country? For me, I've been experiencing financial ruin; sabotage, character assassination, defamation of character, slander, and an ultimate assault over my life and many of the lives that I hold dear to me, and I start seeing it everywhere. I started studying things like, psychological operations and realized that our own government is operating in such a way where people should be scared of the media, what they tell us, what they know and think that they know over studying these things as fervently as I have been. For the passed year or so, I've been studying how they go about slamming us down and kicking us down before we are able to get back up on our feet and it's simple for me to see.
I would just be a few hundred or so away from my next goal before they start to slam me down with more tickets, and even creating these tickets illegally over me, where I should have been able to fight in court and win against the powers of these oppressors. But, instead I've ran into hard times left and right, and just thought for the longest time, just like everyone else did. That I was still in a free country and that there was just a lot of evil people in the world and just had to try and stay away from these evil people and nothing would happen to me.
This is contrary to what I've learned in the passed year though. What I learned is a lot of horrific stories of how they are controlling people through monopolies and money, and ultimately through censorship and keeping the truth buried underneath fake media, and fake news. If you think the puppy on television is news, or the sports is news or what the weather is going to be like is real news, you're wrong. They even claim the title that this stuff is entertainment, and it's all to push people into a state of fear and into emerging crisis. We, in America, hire crisis actors and psychological team experts that are trained and designed to follow people around and move wherever they move or be set into this dictators world where they get to disenfranchise people through lacking knowledge about - well, much anything. As long as they can keep you in the dark, they are doing a fair job of it, and people for the most part, well act in their outrage everywhere they go and even become criminals and backstabbers through destitute and demoralizing situations.
Take government for an example. The whole idea of government is to control the masses and make them listen to what they are saying and obey their commands, laws and decree's. This is in the realest form a democracy where we are ruled by a dictatorship and it's many laws which subvert a natural human right and can even completely destroy a persons plans in life. They get to run their crimes where no one can see them, monitor them or even care what thet are doing while you break a speeding traffic code. These aren't laws, these are traffic codes, and they instruct a person to obey at all times or else they will be stopped, ticketed and fined for the amounts that are predetermined based on the "crime" that is committed. Even when they do this, and no one stops them, or sees them - then a crime is gone without witness and no one gets hurt, except for you. These people run their pedophile rings and do whatever they want, as they are satanists and occultists that don't care about human rights or natural rights. They care about running their scheme over on people that obey to their commands and this is why God gave this world over to the devil, because the devil is fighting God. God gives us free will while the devil wants things his way and wants to use whatever scheme thought up to trick people into calling it normal or good.
They are trying to make pedophilia well known these days as something that is just normal. They are trying to normalize it so that people get used to the idea's and then don't know how to stand up to corporate fascists that want to run around the world, move money into other countries while giving you peanuts for payment. The crisis actors will stop at nothing to get their goal done, because the government pays for them to ruin peoples lives with their criminality and intent on destroying the many lives and futures of said individual targets. This is where gang-stalking comes in, because once you are speaking out against these authorities and calling it wrong what they are doing, then you are being silenced.
You get the picture painted from you that you are free, and live in a free country, and that you can do most anything you want unless it's hurting another person. But, this isn't true at all. People hurt people all the time, and for the most part, the people that are hurting me are getting away with hurting me, well, because no one that matters is sticking up for me anymore because they are either in a world of fear, or they just don't care to get involved in the fight that I have been facing.
For many years, people have been threatening my livelihood, popping my tires, sabotaging me from my truest potential in life, and stopping me from working, driving or operating a vehicle, getting or keeping work, and yet - all these things and more are happening to me without me realizing for a long time what was going on. I started to study it. I probably search indexed online many times, why is this happening to me? Why am I getting so hurt? Who is attacking me? Where are people going that are getting away with stealing my rights away from me, right under my feet? I started running into many articles and things where I found others that were speaking out about things that were happening to them. I started to connect the dots and making a story where my world was decrepit and relentless and that I was unable to get up and fight it. I got sad, and wouldn't call it depression, because I was normally a happy kid. I loved people, and loved life, and usually wanted to share that smile with the world and make their smiles bigger. I like playing games, and loved music, and the arts and was mostly up for anything as long as it didn't involve me doing something or going through something that no one likes to go through. So, I started to see how things were being manipulated into my life by other people. And, sure there is a lot of evil people in the world, but it can't always rain all the time. It can't always keep coming down on me the way it was, unless something bigger was happening to me, and not from my own doing - like everyone likes to think. It wasn't. It's called organized harassment and it's covert so it was hard to prove.
I started to write and learn and wanted to learn everything that there was to learn. I was on fire! I was learning all the time, I was writing all the time and just everything that I learned I kept on jotting down and writing it. I fell in love with writing because not many people can hear you just talk, without cutting you off, and it was my way of escaping now. I could escape from the struggles I was facing by writing it out and trying to create these stories where I was studying everything from the Roman Catholic church, to nano-technology and other technologies. I was learning everything that I could. And, I was picking up from what a lot of people were teaching me. They were teaching me that this world was an ugly place. They create fake news, to even just create a crisis, more then what other people are going through - so that they can manipulate a crisis like I've talked about in previous blogs, to give people a solution to the problem and control it, much like what happened with 9/11.
What I saw there was a fiction from the beginning because I read a book that predicted this 9/11 attack and we had intelligence in America that would have stopped the attack if they really wanted to, but the sad part is, is that it was created. It wasn't a regular terrorist attack, but it was a pre-planned one and a lot of people were killed for no reason. The whole America felt it that day, and our hearts were sore and struck to the core for what happened to the many lives that died that day, and the many others that died from wars that carried out. But, all of this was mentioned in a book on the shelf of a public library that I just so happened to read called, "The Face Of God." It depicted it just as it happened, and that's why I first got into questioning the authority of the government. I knew something had to be done, and no one else cared, because no one else lived in my shoes, or read what all I did, or saw all the documentaries and videos that I had. It was as if I was in a world that was created for me, to become a movie in it of itself. I was wishing that I had me on record all the time and video taping everything that was going on with me. I wanted what was happening with me to stop so bad, that I felt it was my only way to ever really prove it, and that was to basically be exposed to the world and in a way where my privacy was going to be exposed as well. It was the only way that I felt as though I could ever get this thing discovered by other people for what it was.
But, the problem here is that I didn't have the income necessary to create these videos, which is why I started to write, and write and write and just never stop really ever writing. Sure I get sad sometimes about it, but I knew I was onto something that the world needed to see. And, I couldn't stand it. My pain matched the pain that was going on circling around me, and person after person had a story to tell. They said things like, "well, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this out," and "I'm hurting because of what other people are doing to me, and not something that I'm doing to myself, do you understand?" At the time, I didn't really understand as much as I do now. It was as if they were trapped in a feeling that they couldn't get out of, and made to look and feel much like a schizophrenic, although I think those things are to pump medications into people that literally shut off their own minds to a point where they aren't going to act like their normal selves, or ever know what is going on. As so long as they are bought into the depression and the sadness and feel as screwed up from all the things that are facing them, then they are good with it, and taking abilify and other drugs like that, and losing their complete sanity to these drugs. I fear that these people would have, and might even had been fine had they never been prescribed these medications, because depression medications made me feel as though I wasn't myself. They made me feel as though I was slipping right out of myself, and not even caring what I'd do, as long as I just tried to keep motivating myself through taking them, but - I realized that I didn't have to do that. I was fully motivated by writing now, and I was drowning with information that I needed to get out to the world. It was as though my God motivated me, but I wouldn't want to be tricked into thinking that just because I believed in God that I had some imaginary friend now, and that I was all kinds of messed up and needed more help from doctors, therapists and psychologists. I didn't. I just needed my belief in God, my writing and my own space to study the things that were crippling my life enough to get the story out there. But, even as I was creating these stories - no one would read them. No one even cared about me it seemed, because they were too preoccupied with work and spending time with their children that no one even cared that I had become a writer and I was saying some things that would trouble them to learn, just how much I learned that was now being forced out of me.
Forcing these pages out, because I had computer after computer with my stories and pictures on them break down. I had my jobs being severed from me from way too many people that wanted to sabotage me. And, when I brought it up to police, they just said, "if you don't have proof, then I can't do anything about it." And, even had I had some proof of how people were acting, they wouldn't watch it if I asked them to come up to my place to see it. So, I said, "you know what? I think that if the things that were going on with me was happening to your daughter or your son, that you'd at least take a look, but since I'm me then you're not going to do anything about it." He then stated that, "well, if these things are happening to you and they are happening from a person that you know, I wouldn't hesitate to get that person back and start doing stuff to his cars as well." I said, "right, sir. And, set me up to be caught, because there are camera's that would be waiting for me, and get me into trouble?" I said, "I'm not falling for that trick, and thanks a lot officer, for showing my just how much I can trust in the authorities to do anything for me," knowing full well that if it was someone that he loved or someone that he cared about that he'd go after these thugs and get what was rightfully theirs. But, they wouldn't.
I had a landlord tell a few people there that they would give them a few months of free rent to try and help him get rid of me, and as you can see, money talks and bull-shit walks, so these people were all in. Isn't it something though what was happening there? I was seeking help, being that we live in America, and see people getting some justice on the news for crimes that happened to them, and yet, none of those things could come my way. Nope, not even once.
So I studied that. Why do some people get justice while others don't. And, I come up with the fact that through organized and covert attacks these people are being paid operators of psychological warfare on targeted individuals, and mind you, Anonymous, is the ones that told me in a video that if you're mentioned to the Child Protective Services in this country, that you're monitored all the time, and are under attack in this country. Not to mention, some of these kids are kidnapped, raped and molested by people that run behind the trusting table of the Child Protective Services. So, what they said was that the same people that are supposed to protect these kids, now place them on lists, and certain people hack into these lists to get names for abandoned children, so they know just where to go look for children, and all for sex trafficking to be done in this country.
Just index search, "how many children go missing each year," and see for yourself. As of May 2013, " According to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, roughly 800,000 children are reported missing each year in the United States -- that's roughly 2,000 per day. Of those, there are 115 child "stranger abduction" cases each year, which means the child was taken by an unknown person," so do the math here. Your country is being run by criminals and sick freaks, and you want me to trust these people? You want me to trust the jails? The police that run them, and the same freaks that have probably been trying to stop me from speaking out in this country? Oh, you got me all fucked up! I can't not swear here because this makes me so angry now.
And, mind you - that when a child goes through certain things and thinks that they are alienated from love and from their families concern, these people have more chances of becoming criminals and getting into the hands of these sick freaks. And, these people are sick freaks!
Fascism is where there is an oligarchy, and it's all in favor of the few. The few who lie, cheat and steal from the rest of the worlds wealth and create a sort of pool where these people are never supposed to obtain even the normal things in life. They will silence you in any way that they can which is why I'm on steem. I'm not here for the money, although it'd be nice, but I'm here to tell my story to the public and be heard. On facebook, I was censored. And, the posts get buried and never read anyways, whereas these other sites like tsu, I was getting a voice, and was being empowered by a lot of information. On here, I'm able to speak without being throttled or censored and people actually read my stuff. So thanks readers for reading my stuff, I really appreciate all the eyes that I can get on my blog posts on here. Although, now, the people that mean the most to me aren't reading them... they aren't even seeing these or maybe they just really don't care. I don't know, but my family is acting ultra unreal about me and it's concerning me that we're all being mind manipulated and controlled through neural monitoring and energy weapons are being used on my family.
You see, I was born into a Christian family and was told that people would be silenced if they were Christ followers. Even other kinds of people are being silenced though.
Anyways, I just wanted to share more of my story, because it gets super scary, and even more scary then you might think when you're the only eye balls around you that really care. These police never did, the doctors never did, and hell with these psychiatrists... but now, I'm being court ordered to see a psychiatrist. It's as if I'm being forced into the oligarchy of a system that I'll never be able to be free from. I'm scared. I'm mostly hurt, and I'm freaking out inside about it, because I want what I was working on prior to all of this to be happening for me in my life. I wanted to drive.
My number one goal in mind was to be able to see my sister in the Hospital as she has a heart condition and I've always been there for her. I just wanted to secure my license for that reason, and while other people get help by these charities, why wasn't she able to get the same treatment. The Clinton Foundation certainly wasn't going to help, and trust me I've tried every avenue a man could think up. I've written every news station and news organization known around the area, and I've been writing the police, and the city and the state, and even the Attorney General, and more. All to find that no one wanted to help me.
I had cases that I've read where people won millions of dollars to present their cases, and won, and I was just being attacked. I was't able to be heard, and now my own family won't hear me. They feel that a lot of bad things happened to me, but they just don't see the whole spectrum of the things that are taking place. They see that all of these things that are happening to me are somehow caused by me and that I'm making bad decisions in life, and I know that I'm not. I'm making good decisions, even ones that they aren't willing to see. But, no one talks about all the GOOD that a person is doing, just see the bad and talk about those things, and then all you are is bad. They simply aren't seeing my heart, and me for trying as hard as I did, or how these sabotaging events were crippling me from being myself around them. They just saw that I was beginning to be abusive with yelling and screaming at them, about these things, and that's all they saw. They don't even put it into perspective that these things are serious and are happening to me, and not from something that I've done or that I'm doing, but that I'm being ordained to be this way through organized and covert attacks against me. It's all real folks, just like all the other things that I've been writing about.
I love people way too much to be going through the things that I'm going through. I care way to much and I'm a damn good worker. I do my best at everything that I do, and when I am working, I'm diligent with my time and I care about doing things the right way. You can't teach a person like me to do things the wrong way, and you couldn't train me for war to kill a people. It's just not in my nature. I want better for the world because I see that the people here deserve better then whatever the government is willing to allow us to, and a whole lot of people aren't living up to their fullest potentials, and it's not by choice.
Your passion and sensitivity does you credit bud. You are not alone in how you feel.
Thank you, I really do try here, and want to see this grow... I want to grow a likeness with the whole world in ways that I've never seen, and I can feel it from here on steemit. I love the people here. We're all true spirits trying hard for each other.